  • Tachanka Tachanka 4w ago 100%

    are these little guys the new wojaks? they're cute

  • Get that fetus, Kill that fetus!
  • Tachanka Tachanka 4w ago 100%

    geordi-no beautiful soul sent to my womb by God Almighty

    geordi-yes potential future chud/scab

  • title
  • Tachanka Tachanka 4w ago 100%

    che-no playing single player games

    che-si playing single player games and only doing side quests

  • Chechen warlord Kadyrov accuses Elon Musk of ‘remotely disabling’ his Cybertruck
  • Tachanka Tachanka 4w ago 100%

    Chechen warlord

    Look, not a Kadyrov fan by any stretch of the imagination, but look at how this headline is dripping with American exceptionalism. I would love to see US presidents referred to as "warlords" from now on.

  • title
  • Tachanka Tachanka 1mo ago 100%

    had this happen to me around the same time our kid was born. I actually thought I was gonna get fired. My department got destroyed and we all got scattered to new roles. I got put in something I am frankly not qualified for but I wasn't exactly going to complain because unemployment is bleak. Stress is tremendous. Still, "first world problems." At least I'm not in an asbestos mine 12 hours a day or some shit.

  • Unstoppable Force, Immovable Object
  • Tachanka Tachanka 1mo ago 100%

    clown nanomachines, bart

  • news
    news 1mo ago
    Biden wears "Trump 2024" Hat in PA Fire Station
  • Tachanka Tachanka 1mo ago 91%

    I doubt it was "for unity" tbh. Not because Joe wouldn't do that, he totally would; but I think his brain is scrambled eggs at this point, he's not playing that kind of chess anymore; all it would take is 1 Trumper in the audience handing him a hat and he'd put it on without a second thought. That's probably what happened and his handlers spun some juicy unity cope for the media. Joe probably thinks Trump was president 24 years ago during 9/11 and that he's not even running right now. He probably thinks that Presinald Trunt stopped 9/11 by telling the planes they have to go back.

  • The American Dream vs The Chinese Dream
  • Tachanka Tachanka 1mo ago 100%

    if you want to share a video file but the url concerns you, you could always download a copy of the video and share that instead. tankietube allows downloads but if it didn't you could probably use yt-dlp to achieve the same thing. I've seen this video everywhere so it's probably on youtube


  • main
    main 1mo ago
    Folks its turning into one of the strangest presidential elections we've seen in history, thus far.
  • Tachanka Tachanka 1mo ago 100%

    godawful trigger discipline, those kittens are good as toast with him around.

  • Holy fuck
  • Tachanka Tachanka 1mo ago 100%

    they-dont-know They don't know trotsky came up with hitler particles

  • news
    news 1mo ago
    Trump campaign and JD Vance promote false rumors about Haitian immigrants eating pets | CNN Politics
  • Tachanka Tachanka 1mo ago 100%

    BREAKING NEWS: JD Vance has just been devoured by Donald Trump for consistent lack of rizz

  • main
    main 1mo ago
    Tell me your most radical or controversial non-political opinion. Here's mine.
  • Tachanka Tachanka 1mo ago 100%

    non-political opinion

    those don't exist cruelty-handler

  • Kelly: Yahweh or the Highway
  • Tachanka Tachanka 2mo ago 100%

    in a totally platonic way


  • whoever first created autoplaying videos should be impaled
  • Tachanka Tachanka 2mo ago 100%

    double right click

    I only ever needed to single right click; could it be dependent on OS or browser?

  • Average Ukraine Supporter (CW: Racism)
  • Tachanka Tachanka 2mo ago 100%

    the head photoshopped onto Kim Jong Un is taken from a literal nazi propaganda artwork depicting CW SA

    ::: spoiler CW:SA Soviet soldiers sexually assaulting a German child :::

    that I once had spammed at me by a nazi

  • CW: ![brainworms]( "emoji brainworms") ![isntrael]( "emoji isntrael") ![frothingfash]( "emoji frothingfash") ![ukkkraine]( "emoji ukkkraine") Brainbroken by October 7th, Zak Cope has done a 180 on his prior work, which focused on the unequal development of nations under the global capitalist economy, to writing propaganda pieces on how the liberal global US-led economic order must be maintained to ensure "free trade". >Having been committed to the toxic Marxist perspective for more than half my life, it ultimately proved impossible for me not to perceive the consistent and century-old pattern of far-left apologetics for every conceivable atrocity committed by avowed enemies of the West (including war crimes and genocide), these typically starting with denial, moving to excuse, and ending in justification. This was starkly highlighted in the leftist response to the bestial violence unleashed by Hamas terrorists in Israel on October 7, 2023. Laboring under Marxian fantasies for so long, following the shock of recognition in witnessing such moral and intellectual decrepitude its dissolution in my mind was precipitate. He proceeds to argue that, "following free trade principles of comparative advantage can benefit all countries" and that US military supremacy is necessary due to Russia threatening, "the liberal international order upon which free trade is grounded." The link he offers to explain October 7 and why it desensitized him from the left is this one: This is what he cited as a good explanation of October 7 and the reason he left the left(tm) >The structurally equivalent totalitarian ideology with communism on the left today – the contemporary opium of the intellectuals – is antizionism. >A number of times, the Palestinian leadership notoriously refused any peace agreement that would have resulted in a free Palestinian state living alongside Israel, insisting on conditions that could only be conceded at the cost of Israel itself. This was particularly true of their insistence on the absolute right of “return” for Palestinian “refugees” who left, or who were expelled, in 1948. This seems to be good evidence that their political leadership actually focuses on extinguishing the existence of a Jewish state more than on the founding of their own country. This is the most unfortunate for Israel, which has to maintain the partial occupation of the West Bank, with devastating consequences also for its own society. >Religious fundamentalism is only the most recent and extreme outgrowth of this basic moral fundamentalist appeal for “justice”. In fact, “Justice for Palestine!” is the slogan that anchors its derivative ones we are seeing today: “From the river to the sea”, “(Globalize the) Intifada!”, “Apartheid Israel”, etc. This deeply immoral moral fundamentalism has been widely accepted in the West as a “liberation movement” by wide parts of public opinion, while its religious fundamentalism and Nazi-like messianic antisemitism is still not being acknowledged. >In contrast, this thinking automatically absolves even its most inhumane and barbarian enemies who in any other context would be considered as the enemy of humanity as a whole. This is worse than Holocaust denial: this is the outright justification of all potential Holocausts.


    ![kelly]( "emoji kelly") Outlaw and Order

    8 ![hitler-detector]( "emoji hitler-detector")




    the_dunk_tank Tachanka 3mo ago 100%
    JD Nonce

    ![kelly]( "emoji kelly")


    ![stalin-garrison]( "emoji stalin-garrison") objectively the moderate wing of fascism btw it makes me think of how the confederate leadership were pardoned by Andrew Johnson after half a million conscripts died. You can shed endless scalding tears for the scratch on the god emperor's ear, enough to fill a river, and it still won't buy you one bit of sympathy from the hogs. They will want to flay you alive when they get power. So who's this for? The press?


    44 ![live-tucker-reaction]( "emoji live-tucker-reaction") what is happening? The response to this tweet: >Evo Morales is already declared as the presidential candidate of the Movement Towards Socialism (MAS-IPSP) at their party congress in Cochabamba a few months ago. The congress has also voted to expel President Luis Arce. Is this true?


    ![he-admit-it]( "emoji he-admit-it") [Isn't it odd that Lindsey Graham went to Ukraine 2 years into their civil war, which started after a coup which put Poroshenko into power, in order to push the case for war with Russia? And that he was accompanied on that trip by ![klobuchar]( "emoji klobuchar") and ![meghan]( "emoji meghan")'s dad?]( [maybe if we conscript 100,000 more 45 year olds Ukraine can win back Donbass and finally ~~finish removing the undesirables and separatists who live there~~ help the citizens heal](

    0 ![let-them-fight]( "emoji let-them-fight") ![lets-fucking-go]( "emoji lets-fucking-go") ![](
