
I have about 7k in precious metals, and 2k in fire arms (and ammo) I do not have main character syndrome so I recognize my life as a trans woman is in extreme danger. How do I GTFO of the US? I'm having the most intense panic attack I've ever had and just want advice to escape extreme facism


[Saw this thread](, and it really hit a chord with me, as these similar fears tend to constantly weigh on me (for various reasons- being trans, ethnic Chinese, commie, etc). I think we all (leftists, but also just most minorities) know, shit is bad and will get worse, it's just a question of how bad it will get. People mention it offhand without usually going further into the details, and similarly in other spaces - non-leftist ones as well, for instance Asian diasporic and LGBT spaces in my experience, these fears come up, but ultimately we keep the bulk of our concerns to ourselves. What are our expectations here, for the west? Not just for the US, but the Anglosphere and Europe?


There's been a lot of memes going around, but I genuinely have a question. If PSL were on the ballot, I would obviously vote for them. However, they're write-in only in my state. Would writing in PSL have the same effect, or could the vote more easily be invalid or ignored. In other words, is it better to vote for Greens if PSL is write-in only? EDIT: THANKS FOR INPUT! I've decided to write in Hilary Clinton, have a wonderful day! But really probably writing in PSL. Elections don't matter too much though, so I'm ever in an area where PSL is active, I'll make sure to join (which has been the plan for a while). Thanks again!


Prosmises made promises kept mere hours after the inception I see non English language posts hitting front page it's beautiful stuff I speak un poco line cook Spanish and I for one welcome our polyglotinous overlords, beinvinidos, atras, cuchillo In the grand tradition of working with ESL coworkers in a kitchen setting, please offer me useful phrases in your language (mainly just dirty curse phrases) I can use in my daily life


I don't know what the general historical consensus is. I heard he was killed by some disaffected trot but idk


Can anyone good with computers help me out please? I have a used gaming laptop (maingear vector model number MG-VCTR001-1660TI) I try charging it and it won't turn on no matter how long i charge it for, I think it's the battery because before this it had an issue where it'd seem charged then immediately die after logging on. I'm trying to see if I can replace the battery instead of getting a new laptop entirely but when I try looking up the laptops info with "replacement battery", only links to the laptop itself show up and no batteries. Am I looking up the wrong info? Can it even be replaced? If it can, can I use any battery that's compatible and how would I know if it is?


What are some articles/essays/videos that explain the Vietnam war through the lens of US-imperialism?


And I'm talking about natural causes. Like him just keeling over from being the big moist macburger lover he is


I'm an amazing shot but I don't suffer from main character syndrome, so I'd be the stoned to the bone quartermaster who cleans all guns just for fun.


I always wondered why people never believed when the proof is right here


So, I have friends that, in this capitalist world, they are forced to often be very busy and have little time to socialize with me. Although sometimes, I wonder if it's because they secretly hate me. But yet, at the same time, when they do message back, they always apologize to me for not messaging back, and they never have anything bad to say about me. Often, I fear that, every time someone says they don't hate me, they are actually lying. I for one, can't see why they are so fond of me, and I can't think of any positive things to say about myself. I am boring. I am going into accounting, and I have Autism. My special interest is in Fairy Tale Retellings and making them better than that of Disney. My friends never seem to have a bad thing to say about me, and yet, they are so busy that, if they do have a lover, or other friends, I am often seeming to be on the backburner, or at least that's what it feels like. So thus, I am forced to go often weeks without talking to another human being, where I am too shy to make any kind of conversation with anyone. I often spend my days talking to myself, having theoretical conversations with myself and my several imaginary friends. To pretend that someone would be fond of me, unless my online friends actually are fond of myself. Either way, the gist of is... is that I seem to be suffering from the void of capitalism, it's uncaring, heartless nature, and that it seems to be consuming the free time of my online friends. So what do you think? Could they secretly hate me, or is my mind starting to finally crack from being lonely, friendless and loveless my entire life (I am 24 and had no friends until last year)?


IDK thought that'd be a cool concept, like some guy is trying to change the past, but he can't get to the exact date he needs to, and so has to overshoot to ensure he doesn't pass it and has to deal with whatever time he shows up in.


We just did an interview with a guy at my oxford house (sober living), and while he did get accepted, we asked him to wait outside. and everyone starting making fun of him for being autistic and talking about how 'weird' he was. Even my own brother. the house president was like "its been said hes an autistic" Me and one other dude were like, lets give him a chance man. He did get accepted, but man i hate that shit Why are people like this?


Can you give me a link or a summary to a comprehensive analysis of Chinese economy starting from 90-ies to modern day? I'm doing an assignment for my economy class and would like to not use wikipedia for this one.


Mods take this down if it's too close to JAQing off territory. Are they meant to be used like any other set of pronouns? What's the possessive form? ![trans-heart]( "emoji trans-heart") ![hexbear-non-binary]( "emoji hexbear-non-binary")


Theres enough racist people that hes a candidate Thats it, lets stop putting our heads in the sand with 'economic anxiety'


With the rapidly worsening of the material conditions of the general population in the 'west', will we see a rerun of the early 20th century? I feel we are approaching the point where the bourgeoisie are so desperate to cling on that the 'democratic' institutions of today might be in danger.


Can you believe my neighbor was just throwing it away?!


Bearded Trump looks like a ship's captain.


I don't watch cable news and I don't pay attention to Jeff Teidrich or whoever so I don't know where this bullshit is coming from. At least one person responding is nominally anti-genocide, so I don't think that's the reason. Another came back with something about the funding bill for FEMA as if it's a gotcha. What's their logic?


A local university has gone full austerity mode in the last two years, firing staff, forcing their work onto others, reducing department budgets, all the while hiring more executives and middle managers. This has pissed off pretty much all of its faculty, from adjuncts to department heads. Now Texas may be a right to work state, but these profs are in a unique position where a lot of them has tenure and the university will have a difficult time firing them, which is why they’ve opted to making conditions worse so that the profs will quit themselves. The remaining faculty wants to do something besides sending anonymous complaints that get ignored, but they’re floundering. Is there a union/adjacent org that they can turn to for guidance?


for every post you upvote, how many do you save/favorite? (i am ![niko-yawn]( "emoji niko-yawn"))


I never know what to study before exams that are so broad a subject. I know the answer is going to be "study all of it" but I like to be efficient.


I'm pretty uneducated on the topic, so I'd like some wisdom from the many who are more well read on it.


For example, I've been reading in depth about reverse engineering lately and improving my web h4ck1ng skills by playing CTFs. And every night before bed, I read philosophy to stay sane. I'm currently reading "Negative Dialectics" by Theodor W. Adorno. What about you? ![ancom-heart]( "emoji ancom-heart")


Not seeing a lot of news about them anymore and was curious if anyone knew


For me, it's social dancing, specifically West Coast Swing. Because while there is just social dancing, and some who only do it, there's a bit of a culture of competition, and it has its own governing body for determining where you place in competitions, and when it does sound like a cult when described.


The animals themselves, not the people using it. A cow is the name for female cattle, male chicks get killed early, and the horseback empires were run mainly from atop of mares.


Hello all. I won a bursary to write and produce a very small budget 5-10 minute film. I pitched an idea to them, but I've realised that I'm not sure how viable the scope of my idea was - it was overambitious from me. The people who gave me the bursary are fine with me doing anything sort of relevant to my pitch, but that would be overcomplicating things to get all of you in on the details. I was so excited to do it, but now I'm slightly anxious about what I'm going to do. Anyone got some good short-short films to share? I'm open to anything, but the vibe is 'serious/activist' I suppose. I do like comedy though. I'm much more comfortable writing comedy, really. Or something arthousey.


Half the comments on that site are from new accounts. Day old accounts that seem like admin alts. What happened to that place?


People keep mentioning it but i don't know what it is