
I've never shared this before and spooky season has me thinking about it really hard...

Sometime between 7th and 9th grade, I saw something that I cannot explain and has freaked me the fuck out ever since. I really didn't expect anyone to believe me then, and I really don't expect anyone to now but I need to get it off my chest to maybe get it off my mind.

I had woken up around 3 in the morning thirsty as hell, so I groggily got up, grabbed my cup off my night stand and went downstairs to get some water. I barely had my eyes open until I was standing in front of the fridge and only opened them to make sure the ice was set to cubed as my mom would always leave it on crushed. I immediately noticed a dull, amber light illuminating the kitchen from the window in front of the sink.

The nearest street lamp on the street behind my house was a few houses down and didn't really reach the kitchen from the angle it was relative to it, so I turned around to see where this light was coming from and as soon as I saw it I reflexively backed into the fridge and slipped falling onto my ass. I just sat there stunned and scared shitless because what I saw was nothing of this world I've seen or read about.

I managed to get the courage to slowly crouch and peer over the island counter I was currently behind to get a better look. In my backyard were two things seemingly looking for something. They had large, lumpy heads (or at least it was a prominent part of the top of the body) that were translucent and emitting the amber light. Stuff was floating around in the head but I couldn't make out more than black silhouettes against the light.

They had no eyes that I could discern, but they had mouths with puffy, puckered, reddish lips that a long, pointed blue or black (hard to tell with the orangish light) tongue would occasionally flick out and lick the air; like a snake "sniffing." I couldn't tell if they had a real body or if from the "neck" of the creature was only tendrils. They had several long appendages that seemed specialized with different "hands," some of which looked like they could have been technological tools as they had somewhat recognizable man-made shapes such as a drill on one and an infrared thermometer on another.

The one further from the window I thought had what looked like a metallic backpack on but before I could really look at any detail I might have gleamed in the amber light, the one closest to the window slapped one of its "arms" against the window with a "hand" of a dozen or more smaller, worm-like fingers all wriggling against the glass, and I'll never forget the sound it made as it probed the window. A light, meaty slapping and streaking sound as they bumped and slithered across it.

That's when I had had enough and slowly crawled on my butt staying as low as I could back out of the kitchen, down the hall and out of sight of the window before standing up and bolting back to my room, locking the door behind me and pushing my dresser in front of the window. I just sat on my bed huddled in the corner of the wall watching the window until I could see the sunlight peeking through behind the dresser before I finally passed out.

When I woke later in the afternoon, before the sun had gone down I went into the backyard to see if anything was out of place and I couldn't find anything weird. Not a mark in the dirt, not any residue on the glass where that thing has rubbed it, nothing. I've searched online for cryptids or even alien encounters that match what I saw and have never come up with anything even remotely close. I don't know what the fuck those things were, and I am not even entirely sure they are a threat but it makes me feel extremely uneasy knowing that they exist.

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