The Cool Side of the Pillow

Right now it's augmenting reality with fake shit. Like you see the real world and can put non-real things in it. What I'd like to be able to do is be in a fake world and bring real world objects into that. Like, say I'm in VRchat just sitting somewhere hanging out it would be cool if I could bring my drink, my food, my vape, etc into the game so I don't have to fumble around looking for them with my hands. I haven't found anything that does this though... :/


My previous phone's charge port finally went kaput so I had to get something new. The *best* option I had was a Pixel 8 or 8 Pro. I went with the 8 since it looked like the only major difference other than price was the cameras, and I don't take a lot of pictures. 1. It's half the size of my previous phone. I'm a big guy and I like big phones, especially of the phablet variety. This thing feels like it's made for children. 2. Because it's a carrier branded device, I can't actually install the custom OS I wanted to because the option for OEM Unlock is grayed out. Which wouldn't be a surprise had this information been front and center on Graphene or Lineage's supported phone page and not *half way through the instructions for install.* 3. Fucker has ads! 4. Don't know what to do with my 2TB sd card since absolutely nothing available had an SD slot. I'm so sick of these closed down bastards. I wanna be able to build my own like I would a PC 😩


Crying while wearing a headset could damage the headset. At the very least, it would be hard to see if you can't wipe your eyes.


I could have sworn that I had played Dragon's Dogma before because people told me it was like Skyrim and Dark Souls had a baby but I found it to be more like Monster Hunter on the Source engine. I fired up the game since I do actually own it and it was totally not the game I was thinking of. I don't remember a damn thing about this but it really is like Skyrim and Dark Souls had a baby. So now I have been wondering: What fucking game was I mixing this one up with?! It was setup exactly like Monster Hunter where you do things in a little hub city to buy, sell and upgrade shit, check out mission boards and gather a party before using a boat to head to the mission area. The mission areas were super linear paths like Monster Hunter, but without even the facsade of being in a bigger area and you could do things like use ropes to tie down bigger monsters while your DPS attacked the monster. And it was built on the Source engine. I can remember all that but I am drawing a blank on the name since realizing it's not Dragon's Dogma.


Just randomly started thinking about the first time in the original Sims game how I made a gay couple by making 2 polar opposites male sims, sticking them in a house they couldn't leave together and just making them flirt until they woohoo'd. One was a big tough jock and the other a wimpy Poindexter nerdy boy. After they woohoo'd, the jock cheered and the nerd cried.


It's lunch, I'm hungry, got $5, so I open the McDonald's app to see what deals I can do. Realize I have 10,000+ points for free shit cuz it for some reason didn't expire (I eat fast food maybe once a month). Can't do more than 1 reward per order. Can't also add other deals like the $2 QPC or a $1 fry. Notice it says *per order* and not *in a 24 hour period.* So now I have 3 cheeseburgers, 2 small fries, a soda and an ice cream and it took them 7 trips and hella time just to serve me while I chill in the pick up spot. Suckers.


I have this Ender 3 clone printer but one of the little metal thingamabobs that click the stop button on the servo broke, so it won't properly center unless I put something else on the print head to hit the tiny little button that tells it it's all the way to the edge. My sister got a little resin printer recently and I just had the idea of using that to print a replacement for the thing that broke and effectively fix one 3D printer by using another one. 🤣


>be me >hungry af >Start making delicious sausage and rice meal >It takes 40 minutes >Dying whole time >Food is done cooking >Suddenly not hungry FML


Sometime between 7th and 9th grade, I saw something that I cannot explain and has freaked me the fuck out ever since. I really didn't expect anyone to believe me then, and I really don't expect anyone to now but I need to get it off my chest to maybe get it off my mind. I had woken up around 3 in the morning thirsty as hell, so I groggily got up, grabbed my cup off my night stand and went downstairs to get some water. I barely had my eyes open until I was standing in front of the fridge and only opened them to make sure the ice was set to cubed as my mom would always leave it on crushed. I immediately noticed a dull, amber light illuminating the kitchen from the window in front of the sink. The nearest street lamp on the street behind my house was a few houses down and didn't really reach the kitchen from the angle it was relative to it, so I turned around to see where this light was coming from and as soon as I saw it I reflexively backed into the fridge and slipped falling onto my ass. I just sat there stunned and scared shitless because what I saw was nothing of this world I've seen or read about. I managed to get the courage to slowly crouch and peer over the island counter I was currently behind to get a better look. In my backyard were two *things* seemingly looking for something. They had large, lumpy heads (or at least it was a prominent part of the top of the body) that were translucent and emitting the amber light. Stuff was floating around in the head but I couldn't make out more than black silhouettes against the light. They had no eyes that I could discern, but they had mouths with puffy, puckered, reddish lips that a long, pointed blue or black (hard to tell with the orangish light) tongue would occasionally flick out and lick the air; like a snake "sniffing." I couldn't tell if they had a real body or if from the "neck" of the creature was only tendrils. They had several long appendages that seemed specialized with different "hands," some of which looked like they could have been technological tools as they had somewhat recognizable man-made shapes such as a drill on one and an infrared thermometer on another. The one further from the window I thought had what looked like a metallic backpack on but before I could really look at any detail I might have gleamed in the amber light, the one closest to the window slapped one of its "arms" against the window with a "hand" of a dozen or more smaller, worm-like fingers all wriggling against the glass, and I'll never forget the sound it made as it probed the window. A light, meaty slapping and streaking sound as they bumped and slithered across it. That's when I had had enough and slowly crawled on my butt staying as low as I could back out of the kitchen, down the hall and out of sight of the window before standing up and bolting back to my room, locking the door behind me and pushing my dresser in front of the window. I just sat on my bed huddled in the corner of the wall watching the window until I could see the sunlight peeking through behind the dresser before I finally passed out. When I woke later in the afternoon, before the sun had gone down I went into the backyard to see if anything was out of place and I couldn't find anything weird. Not a mark in the dirt, not any residue on the glass where that thing has rubbed it, nothing. I've searched online for cryptids or even alien encounters that match what I saw and have never come up with anything even remotely close. I don't know what the fuck those things were, and I am not even entirely sure they are a threat but it makes me feel extremely uneasy knowing that they exist.


I noticed I am encumbered, and I go to see hy how much and it's fucking 311/140. Mostly because somewhere I picked up 35 fucking Austenitic Manifolds and they weigh so fucking much (4.30 per unit). I need these things badly for upgrades so I refuse to drop them and I haven't even found the chem that would temporarily boost my carry capacity (surely it exists? It can't not exist in a Bethesda game!). I wish I could just teleport it all directly to my ship. Beam my garbage up, Scotty! Save me from getting winded every 5 steps! 😩


From my secondary account so those who may have already blocked me can see because fuck you.


Or other places. Who wouldn't have a crisis if they stumbled upon their own posts in /r/niceguys or /r/LeopardsAtMyFace?


Like... Skinny people have the waist band of their pants almost up to their belly button; I keep the back of mine over my ass, but the front under my gut (cuz I'm fat), so they kinda sit at a 45 degree angle from front to back.


Or how many others block me for mine and thus never have the joy of reading my comments. 😞


Ever since I moved in here, I've hated the landscaping service. They send like 20 dudes who spend all day in one small area of the complex running leaf blowers and just jacking up the plants. The first week the flowers started blooming, the bastards cut all the flowers off. Likely to be sold somewhere as they were cut with shears at the right angle for putting in a vase with water. So we only had flowers making the area look and smell nice for about a day. They have completely removed all of the greenery in the little corridor that leads from the parking lot to the first open grass area inside the complex. None of it was dead, it just needed a light little trim. They just ripped it the fuck out. Half the shrubs that are meant to be squared off little barriers, have huge gaps and holes in them from where they trimmed too much. I only know they are doing a shit job there because I have taken ornamental horticulture classes and was quite good at it. They are the most used landscapers in this entire area and it really shows; everywhere they operate has absolutely awful landscaping.


I still would be stuck right where I am. 😠


Let's talk weather a bit. If we could track every single molecule of the atmosphere, we could very accurately predict the future. At least when it came to the future *of weather.* This is basically meteorology. It's not perfect because they can't track everything though. They have gaps in their data. Well we also work backwards, so we can guestimate the past also. We can observe things a while, then work backwards beyond the point of observation and figure out where something came from. So if we could track every fundamental bit of the entire universe we could, using a bit of math, predict the future and understand the past. Including human behaviour. Free will is, ultimately, an illusion because every action, every thought you have had, are having, or will have is governed by the same laws of the universe that created stars and planets and how those things move and how chemistry works, meaning even it can be predicted.


They've been around so long, and are so ubiquitous to soda, is there really anyone on Earth that doesn't know it exists? 🤔 It's not like they run "convincing" ads against competitors anymore. Like a Coke ad isn't trying to convince me to switch brands, they're just like "Hey! This exists! Come try it!"


I can actually see my whole name now and not just "KOLA."


I just came back from taking my husky out to go potty and there was a girl just hanging out in front of the laundry room. Well, my dog saw her and stopped, fixed on her momentarily, and then starts backing up and whining and trying to go back inside the apartment. She hadn't even gone piss yet! The is the second time this week she's done this... The first time was the other night in a different part of the complex and there was absolutely no one or nothing around. She just started getting freaked out and wanted to get away from... *Something.* I've never seen her act like this. She's usually quite fearless.


Although, I am not sure what the editor has to gain here other than hiding the rude bullshit they clearly originally posted about the OP's age, based on the replies.


I thought it died years ago. What are the good servers these days? Is mIRC still the best client? Has mIRC been continuously updated this whole time? Is it vastly different than what I probably remember? What's up? Gimme a guide as if I was a zoomer who just heard about it. 🤣


*Johnny is online. The bad guy is tracking him.* "Shit, we're losing the connection!" "Narrow the bandwidth!" Narrow the bandwidth? My dude, you need to go faster while on the internet. You want to *widen* that shit. No wonder you don't catch Johnny.


I'm thinking about all the times I got into a group and felt off about the group for a while but couldn't put my finger on why until one or more people in the group come out as massively racist pieces of shit. There are probably so many subtle signs a racist, or victim of racism, would notice that I simply don't because I am neither of those things. A few times, I've even questioned things I thought were odd but the racists lie and tell me it's nothing while non-racists call _me_ racist for asking the question "in bad faith" so I am left ignorant and confused as fuck sometimes. This is relevant because I really want to escape that bullshit and not end up associated with dickheads unwittingly by getting into communities of them that are really good at being subtle with their hate and with moving to a new platform along with so many others, there's bound to be some turds in the punchbowl.


I like to scroll through everything that is currently kicking off on sites like this. I get a huge range of topics to check out and talk about. But every now and then, something from a community entirely separated from my interests pops up and piques my interest a bit and I wanna ask a simple question, like "what's a <<specialized equipment I've never heard of before seeing the post>>?" but I also feel like asking is rude somehow. Like, "What's with this guy? Everybody knows what a throngler is. He must be here in bad faith." I just wanna know shit, dude. 😩


Tried to upload an animated gif through Liftoff to post and ended up with just a broken link. Womp womp. :(