SpotifyShuffler - Shuffle your Spotify Playlist
  • wildeaboutoskar wildeaboutoskar 9mo ago 100%

    Not very well imo. I have 24 hours worth of music in my playlist and I get the same few songs each time I shuffle it

  • chat
    Chat 9mo ago
    how's your week going, Beehaw
  • wildeaboutoskar wildeaboutoskar 9mo ago 100%

    It's been a busy week so far. Trying to tidy my flat before an inspection next week as well as get some reporting done before a deadline tomorrow (it won't be done in time but their expectations aren't particularly reasonable so doing what I can). Got to do a Hackathon today based around a potential new system which was exciting! It's so much better than what we have at the moment.

    Going to Amsterdam on Friday for the weekend, really looking forward to it

  • What are your festive traditions?
  • wildeaboutoskar wildeaboutoskar 11mo ago 100%

    That sounds fantastic! I love the idea of progressively decorating, sounds much less daunting

    I've really enjoyed getting to know more about Krampus over the last few years

  • What are your festive traditions?
  • wildeaboutoskar wildeaboutoskar 11mo ago 100%

    Are you in a Nordic country? Sounds nice!

    I'm atheist too but spend most of December in cold churches. I like the ritual of it even if I don't actually believe

  • gaming
    Gaming 11mo ago
    LOL? lol
  • wildeaboutoskar wildeaboutoskar 11mo ago 100%

    Good post, agree with this. I enjoyed playing it a few years ago, don't let the bastards get you down.

    Ashe and Lux ftw.

  • chat
    Chat 11mo ago
    how's your week going, Beehaw
  • wildeaboutoskar wildeaboutoskar 11mo ago 100%

    That sounds beautiful

  • What do you do (either in your country/culture or as a tradition with your family/friends) to celebrate or mark this time of year?

    Tipping culture - what do you tip?
  • wildeaboutoskar wildeaboutoskar 11mo ago 100%

    I live in the UK so tipping thankfully isn't a thing here as we have minimum wage. I will tip if I'm at a restaurant with a group of people but otherwise I won't tip at all. Hospitality workers deserve to be paid more but it's not up to the customers to supplement a dodgy business. I am in a union and will always vote for parties who advocate for employment rights though.

    Tipping is very much a cultural thing and I think it's not wise to treat it like it's the same everywhere. In the US it sounds like it's a necessary evil and if I were to visit I would comply, but it's not the same as in other countries.

  • Anyone recommend any good discord servers for chat/gaming? Looking for something relatively active and not too toxic, figured Beehaw is a good place to ask

    Chat 11mo ago
    how's your week going, Beehaw
  • wildeaboutoskar wildeaboutoskar 11mo ago 100%

    Stupid question, but what is a full moon gathering? Like what do you do?

  • chat
    Chat 11mo ago
    how's your week going, Beehaw
  • wildeaboutoskar wildeaboutoskar 11mo ago 100%

    Hope you feel better soon 🙂

  • chat
    Chat 11mo ago
    how's your week going, Beehaw
  • wildeaboutoskar wildeaboutoskar 11mo ago 100%

    Wow that's definitely an overreaction! If your sister was concerned wouldn't she just open it first, rather than letting the kids see it/do it? Or message people first to check if anyone sent it?

    No good deed goes unpunished I guess! Glad it mostly worked out ok

  • chat
    Chat 11mo ago
    how's your week going, Beehaw
  • wildeaboutoskar wildeaboutoskar 11mo ago 100%

    You have a great way with words!

  • chat
    Chat 11mo ago
    how's your week going, Beehaw
  • wildeaboutoskar wildeaboutoskar 11mo ago 100%

    Sorry to hear you're going through a tough time. It's impressive that you're managing to keep up with things like the gym and guitar though in spite of that.

    Glad to hear you're able to escape through reading. Heard so many good things about Ursula Le Guin but not got around to reading anything yet.

  • chat
    Chat 11mo ago
    how's your week going, Beehaw
  • wildeaboutoskar wildeaboutoskar 11mo ago 100%

    Hope you feel better soon @alyaza!

    Been off here for a bit as things got busy with work and choirs, but now things are starting to relax a bit ahead of Christmas which is good.

    My niece was born at the end of November, was nice to meet her even if I'm not a baby fan (they're so warm though! Had no idea). Looking forward to her being out of nappies/able to talk so I can bond with her a bit.

    Had the first Christmas concert of the season last week which went well, always in awe of the orchestra we play with, they're so talented that I forget I'm supposed to be singing. Have two carol concerts week after next which will be fun.

    Seeing some comedy this weekend and next week which I'm looking forward to.

  • chat
    Chat 12mo ago
    how's your week going, Beehaw
  • wildeaboutoskar wildeaboutoskar 12mo ago 100%

    Whatever you've had I hope you're sharing!

    Glad things are going well 🙂

  • chat
    Chat 12mo ago
    how's your week going, Beehaw
  • wildeaboutoskar wildeaboutoskar 12mo ago 100%

    I felt so sorry for all the kids yesterday, trick or treating can't be fun when it's tipping down

  • chat
    Chat 12mo ago
    how's your week going, Beehaw
  • wildeaboutoskar wildeaboutoskar 12mo ago 100%

    Busy week for me so far and I am knackered. Been out and about with work which is nice but it's so tiring being sociable on a Monday, usually I work from home in my pyjamas. Finally got an answer regarding my salary, it's not going down in April after all. I think appealing to my director did it, for a manager she is pretty great.

    Performing in a concert on the weekend as well as doing a choral workshop so I will be amazed if I can speak on Sunday. Going to a work conference up north(ish) next week which will be fun. Staying in a relatively posh hotel overnight and cannot wait.

  • chat
    Chat 12mo ago
    how's your week going, Beehaw
  • wildeaboutoskar wildeaboutoskar 12mo ago 100%

    It's been a long week. Quarterly reporting time so I haven't really stopped. It's been good though, very productive. I went to a show last night which was great fun, just what I needed.

    Also finally found a form of fibre craft that I can do- loom knitting. Makes such a difference to not have to rely on hand eye coordination, turns out mine is worse than I thought! So looks like the baby hat will be ready for my niece after all.

  • Israeli air strike hits Gaza hospital sheltering thousands of war-displaced
  • wildeaboutoskar wildeaboutoskar 1y ago 93%

    I don't understand a lot about this conflict but surely there can be no justification for this. Those poor people

  • What single item improved the quality of your life over you got it? (Buyed it/got as present/made it)
  • wildeaboutoskar wildeaboutoskar 1y ago 100%

    Sertraline. It's helped hugely with depression and anxiety, though I think Covid helped with the latter as well. I struggle to feel anything much these days but it's much better than feeling low and anxious.

  • Are there any decent open source alternatives or should I be looking to go down the building route? I am a coding newbie so would be a bit daunting!


    Keeping the weekly post warm until @alyaza comes back 🙂 What's everyone been up to? Any plans for the weekend?


    It's summer holiday time in the northern hemisphere which made me think of this. What kind of holiday/vacation do you like going on? What do you like doing? Beach, adventure, city break, etc.? What's the last holiday you went on that you really enjoyed?


    Not marking this as NSFW because it's about health, but mods please let me know if you think it should be and I will change it. Health screenings are so important so I don't want to put anyone off them, but has anyone else found them more difficult as you've gotten older? Just had my cervical screening and it hurt like hell this time. Last couple of times have been fine. Not sure if it was the nurse or if I'm just more sensitive today or if it's a normal thing to find it more painful. I figure if it is the latter then it's good to be aware.


    What books/podcasts/videos do you recommend on philosophy? Can be of any style (introductory or more comprehensive), just would be good to build up a repository on here and see who else is interested in philosophy more generally. I find The Prince by Machiavelli fascinating, can definitely see how some leaders take his ideas to heart.


    Skincare is one of those things I always feel like I should be better at (and that I'm failing as a girl because of it somehow). I'm lucky as my skin is fine really (I drink a lot of water) so I've never really done anything. Selfcare is something I struggle with generally so never found it worth the effort. I'm thinking as I enter my thirties though I should. Just had a sheetmask and enjoyed it but I have no idea where to start generally in terms of it. What's your skincare routine? Is it worth the effort/cost?


    What do you read when you're struggling to read what you usually read? Or to put it another way, what's your junk food/comfort read?


    Where does the best cocktails in your opinion?
