The Stallman report
  • MHSJenkins MHSJenkins 7d ago 100%

    I knew he had said problematic shit, but this is disturbing.

  • Meteorologists Face Harassment and Death Threats Amid Hurricane Disinformation
  • MHSJenkins MHSJenkins 7d ago 100%

    Among many other domestic terror groups who should be scaring the shit out of us as a nation.

  • Trio of professors win Nobel economics prize for work on post-colonial wealth
  • MHSJenkins MHSJenkins 7d ago 100%

    We really need to avoid this thinking--again, one of Hayak's concern about this particular prize--that any of it comes down to "one person" or one set of research.

  • Trio of professors win Nobel economics prize for work on post-colonial wealth
  • MHSJenkins MHSJenkins 7d ago 100%

    Ah, gotcha. We're talking at cross-purposes a bit I think.

    Thank you for being civil through this; I genuinely appreciate that and it's nice to meet someone else who cares about these issues.

  • Trio of professors win Nobel economics prize for work on post-colonial wealth
  • MHSJenkins MHSJenkins 7d ago 100%

    If you'll recall I did mention that postcolonial economists have been discussing this issue.

  • Trio of professors win Nobel economics prize for work on post-colonial wealth
  • MHSJenkins MHSJenkins 7d ago 100%

    As a quick semi-aside: 20 years isn't that long in academic research, and it's especially not that long when we're talking about colonialism/post-colonialism. It's a tremendous amount of time in the hard sciences I'm told but it's a mistake to apply that lens here.

  • Trio of professors win Nobel economics prize for work on post-colonial wealth
  • MHSJenkins MHSJenkins 7d ago 100%

    My dude, generations historians, economists, and social critics from India and across sub-Saharan Africa have discussed these issues at length. There are libraries full of diverse works on the subject. The erasure of all that is on-brand for the Nobel Prize in Economics (which even Hayek said shouldn't exist in his own acceptance speech) and frankly on-brand for the Western academy as a whole.

  • Trio of professors win Nobel economics prize for work on post-colonial wealth
  • MHSJenkins MHSJenkins 7d ago 83%

    I think the important bit is getting lost in the shuffle over particulars: This research and the conclusion it presents are not original to three Western men from a first-world university. They've been discussed and explored at length by the academies of the post-colonial states who are dealing with the aftereffects of their own colonial experiences. This is a Eurocentric/Western-centric move on the part of, frankly, a bunch of privileged and insulated people.

  • Netanyahu mulls plan to empty northern Gaza of civilians and cut off aid to those left inside
  • MHSJenkins MHSJenkins 7d ago 100%

    I think you've hit it on the head, in that it will be a question of how openly the next administration enables the horrors perpetuated by the Israeli government. What a time to be alive!

  • Trio of professors win Nobel economics prize for work on post-colonial wealth
  • MHSJenkins MHSJenkins 7d ago 100%

    That is not true for the Nobel Prize in Economics, which is not one of the five official Nobel Prizes.

  • Trio of professors win Nobel economics prize for work on post-colonial wealth
  • MHSJenkins MHSJenkins 7d ago 100%

    The Swedish government and the Swedish academy are notoriously myopic/tone deaf when it comes to these issues.

  • Trio of professors win Nobel economics prize for work on post-colonial wealth
  • MHSJenkins MHSJenkins 7d ago 100%

    Sorry about that, I mistook you for someone else. The Royal Academy of Sciences doesn't administer the Nobel Prize for Economics, which isn't one of the five official Nobel Prizes and thus overseen by a complex mix of the Swedish government--including the Academy of Sciences--and the Sveringes Riksbank.

    Oh boy, ethnic prejudice: my own academic researched focused on borders and migration in colonial and post-colonial states and I taught US and World History on both the high school and college level. Race, racism, the Atlantic Slave Trade, and colonialism/post-colonialism pervade all of those subjects and were constants throughout my curriculum.

  • Netanyahu mulls plan to empty northern Gaza of civilians and cut off aid to those left inside
  • MHSJenkins MHSJenkins 7d ago 100%

    I suspect that post election we'll see a renewed push into Gaza and the West Bank. This feels a lot like Reagan and the Iran Hostage Crisis.

  • Netanyahu mulls plan to empty northern Gaza of civilians and cut off aid to those left inside
  • MHSJenkins MHSJenkins 7d ago 100%

    I'd bet money I don't have that "halted" means "delayed until after the US election". But that's the cynic in me . . .

  • Trio of professors win Nobel economics prize for work on post-colonial wealth
  • MHSJenkins MHSJenkins 7d ago 100%

    I will bear all of that in mind. Have a good one. May the Force be with you.


    This could be the hack that ends all hacks--if it actually happened. Does anyone know more?


    It's difficult to substantiate claims like this, but even the possibility is important to discuss. If anyone knows more please share that info if possible!


    You're not hurting the authors/creators by using this--download and access fees for academic publications pay the publisher, not the researcher. If you're looking for an academic citation that's locked behind a paywall, give this a try.


    cross-posted from: > Car dealerships in North America continue to wrestle with major disruptions that started last week with cyberattacks on a software company used widely in the auto retail sales sector. > > CDK Global, a company that provides software for thousands of auto dealers in the U.S. and Canada, was hit by back-to-back cyberattacks Wednesday. That led to an outage that has continued to impact operations. > > For prospective car buyers, that may mean delays at dealerships or vehicle orders written up by hand, with no immediate end in sight. > > On Monday, Group 1 Automotive Inc., a $4 billion automotive retailers, said that it continued to use “alternative processes” to sell cars to its customers.


    My thoughts on the #futureoftheinternet, #digitalfreedom, #freedomofinformation, and #accessibility--with some #FOSS and #anarchy thrown in, of course. I absolutely welcome comments and feedback offered in good will from the informed minds gathered in this particular digital space #Lemmy #Fediverse #keepsmesane


    This is a piece I wrote outlining some (mostly nontechnical) thoughts about the future of tech, the ongoing internet apocalypse, and of course how we can thrive in this digital wasteland. I welcome thoughts and comments of good will from people of good will. As this is a more-than-informed crowd, I figured I'd share it here and let y'all shred it first.


    This is the energy we need going forward into the second half of the year. " Five men were convicted by a federal jury in Las Vegas this week for their part in operating Jetflicks, which officials say was one of the largest illegal streaming services in the U.S. Jetflicks, which charged $9.99 per month for the streaming service, generated millions of dollars in subscription revenue and caused “substantial harm to television program copyright owners,” the Justice Department said Thursday."


    Turns out even the most "advanced" modes of plastics recycling are bullshit, just as 40+years of plastics recycling efforts before them.


    An interesting take on the actual role and development of AI and machine learning, and where this godawful cavalcade may be headed.


    Start building #community and #mutualaid systems now. It's about to get ugly out there. #election2024 #2024election #immigration #immigrants #PresidentialElection2024 #DonaldTrump #JoeBiden


    Y'all might wanna start paying attention to our water systems and how incredibly vulnerable they are. Plan accordingly, as it ain't getting fixed soon!


    Y'all might wanna start paying attention to the #water situation in #Atlanta. Our #infrastructure is crumbling and it won't get upgraded anytime soon. Starting making plans now.


    Just installed it via package manager and I'm trying to get my brain around it. Anyone out there have any experience or tips for running WireShark on Linux Mint? Thanks so much!


    In short we've learned nothing, done nothing, and will be caught flat again. If you're not ready, get ready, because no one is coming to save you.


    The time to prepare for the next pandemic is now. We may not see a massive health risk to humans per se, but disruptions in our food systems, our supply chains, and our ability to gather in groups may be inbound. Just in time for an election!


    Just in time to add more uncertainty to an already fraught #USelections2024 season, a new and more virulent #COVID19 variant. Dollar down says it cross-breeds with #H5N1 and thus brings about the #zombieapocalypse


    Due to a dependence on GPS, large scale farms are now hackable/disruptable.


    Kessler Syndrome would end space travel and satellite communications for generations. It's worth taking a look at this group and its work.
