Linux Gaming

Nice to see this will be finally fixed. You have to make a udev rule to work around this at the moment.


cross-posted from: > Hello Linux folks, i would like to share one little hack which i have found. > > On fedora, `zram-generator` comes installed and configured by default with `lz4` algorithm i believe, and no disk swap, if you have 8gb of ram or more, that is fine, but if you have 4gb or less, `systemd-oomd` either kills you games when they use too much memory, or you face an OOMD and get your system frozen. > > When configuring fedora, normally i would create an in-disk swap, so that my computer wouldn't freeze but face a ***MASSIVE*** slowdown when on way too high memory usage, i also set `zram-generator` to use the `zstd` algorithm so that zram compression rate is higher but slightly slower, like that i can use my low memory more efficiently with a lower risk of OOMD. > > I was watching a bringus studios video once, where he tried to run counter-strike 2 on a ps4 using linux and proton; the game would always use too much memory and that would freeze the system before it got a change to actually launch, the strange ps4 linux was using in-disk swap, and so, increasing `swapiness` to 100 bringus tried to leverage that to make the game run. He was sucessful. In disk swap is very slow, so the performance was crap, but that does not matter... > > So i saw that, and had the idea to combine it with zram-swap to avoid the in-disk swap penalty, also using `zstd` as the algorithm to make the most out of the memory, and it was a massive sucess! Some games which would make my system very unstable or straight up freeze on certain launch attempts started launching and working just fine! and without dumb in-disk swap slowdowns! > > While running modded Victoria 2 i have noticed my system is using about 3.3 to 3.4GB of swap, and about 3.5 gb of ram, so about 100 to 200MB of real uncompressed memory usage, assuming zstd is running at level 1 of compression, and achieving at least 3.0 as compression rate, in thesis, my system has now the equivalent to 10GB of ram, well about it's weight! even more impressing considering how low are the numbers we are working here! > > tldr: setting your `swapiness=100` while using `zstd` as your `zram-generator` compression algorithm, and no in-disk swap will help your system use the most out of your ram with negligible performance penalty > >


Does the community have any thoughts on Bazzite for a desktop gaming machine? My primary use with be mouse and keyboard, but the deck interface looks nice for the 10% of the time I want to use a controller. I also hear that HDR and VRR work better under it then most of the DEs. Anyone out there using Bazzite for a similar use case? I'd also be curious to here about other ways people are using it.


Steam is so easy to enter game launch parameters. Why is Heroic so difficult? I'm having a terrible time playing Bioshock remastered, the wait times for saving, hacking, and purchases at the Gatherers Gardens are anywhere from 2-5 minutes. I found a parameter that should help but I have no idea if I'm entering it in the right location. Where do i enter the parameters in Heroic Game Launcher?


Proton: - import upstream makefile changes - import upstream proton changes - import upstream steam_helper changes - import upstream vkd3d-shader changes - update wine to latest bleeding edge - updated dxvk to latest git - update vkd3d-proton to latest git - update dxvk-nvapi to e4bad70 Protonfixes: - fixed issue with game_titles not being pulled correctly for UMU - game_titles are now looked up as part of included umu-database csv instead of trying to send online website api call - games run with UMU will now have /mnt,/run/media,/media/, and the user's home folder added as drives u:,v:,w:,x: respectively inside the prefix if they are not empty. This is to allow users to install or import games outside of the prefix more conveniently. A typical scenario for this would be if you have your games pre-installed on a different mounted drive, or somewhere else in your home folder outside of the prefix and you want to add them without reinstalling the game, OR if you want to install the game to one of those mounts instead of the C:\ drive inside the wine prefix. With steam, users don't really have to worry about this because steam handles the drive mounts and the install locations, however we found that outside of steam users were trying to use the Z: drive (which is symlinked to root (/)) -- which is of course containerized and read only, and therefore also unable to provide a proper drive size, resulting in users being told they don't have enough space. With the new drives added into the prefix it should fix this, allowing users to access their mount locations or existing game folders for installation or importing via the new drives instead of Z:. - Mod support for various bethesda games has been added (Thanks Root-Core). If a mod executable is found for bethesda games it will launch the mod executable instead of the original: mapping = { '22380': ('FalloutNV.exe', 'nvse_loader.exe'), # Fallout New Vegas '22370': ('FalloutLauncher.exe', 'fose_loader.exe'), # Fallout 3 '377160': ('Fallout4Launcher.exe', 'f4se_loader.exe'), # Fallout 4 '22330': ('OblivionLauncher.exe', 'obse_loader.exe'), # Oblivion '72850': ('SkyrimLauncher.exe', 'skse_loader.exe'), # Skyrim '489830': ('SkyrimSELauncher.exe', 'skse64_loader.exe'), # Skyrim SE '1716740': ('Starfield.exe', 'sfse_loader.exe') # Starfield }.get(game_id, ('', '')) - protonfix added for metal gear solid 2 (thanks FranjeGueje) - protonfix for Kindom Hearts HD Remix added for steam version (already existed for egs version) (thanks Internetbestfriend) - protonfix added for Gothic Playable Teaser (thanks Root-Core) - Star Citizen protonfix updated (no longer requires EAC workaround)


cross-posted from:


Since a few days (maybe weeks, i just don't used it) my remote play from my steam deck to my linux machine (inhouse) isn't working anymore. I just get a loading screen, the sound from my host is playing but the screen stays black or the loading screen is loading to all eternity. Does someone also have this kind of problem? If someone fixed this kind of problem please let me know. Thanks for your help :)


Does anyone know how to set a custom mouse acceleration curve on Sway? `man sway-input` does mention mouse acceleration but unfortunately it's one of those "you won't learn anything new unless you already knew it before" type of manpage. I also found this project which I will probably use in the end but I would also like to hear if anyone of you has any experience with custom acceleration profile, in case there is a better way or whatever. Edit: I will use leetmouse (different branch tho), because libinput's acceleration is not very good for gaming (see comments for sources)


Hi so i have been thinking to my self which type of distros gives fps boost is it gonna be gaming or the lightweight low resource usage I cannot find anything its just all revive your old pc and its seperate Pc specs: mid-high end anything that is classified as "gaming" for example garauda/ cachy(ik this isnt a gaming distro but alr) vs smth like antix or mxlinux thanks for any answers,


This is one is very confusing, which probably speaks to the current UI in Heroic. I just want to say, run this game in gamescope, so I can use HDR. I have the latest version of Heroic, installed via Flatpak as the devs recommend. If I go to configure the game in the UI it has an entire settings page dedicated to Gamescope but nothing that says "enable gamescope". Anyone get this working?


As per the linked FAQ, >What platforms will Sid Meier's Civilization VII be available on? > >Sid Meier's Civilization VII will be available on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Steam (which also supports Mac and Linux) and the Epic Games Store. The Steam store (preorder) listing shows all three platform icons so I’m guessing they’re not just talking about making it work with Proton. No mention yet of Aspyr (who ported Civ 5 & 6) as far as I can see.


cross-posted from: > For those unaware, about umu-launcher > > > This is a unified launcher for Windows games on Linux. It is essentially a copy of the Steam Runtime Tools and Steam Linux Runtime that Valve uses for Proton, with some modifications made so that it can be used outside of Steam.


Hotfix build: Proton: - Updated wine to latest bleeding edge -- fixes regression in video playback from 9-14 - Updated dxvk to latest git -- fixes regression which causes black textures and stuttering on NVIDIA cards. - Updated vkd3d-proton to latest git - import upstream changes for lsteamclient - update xalia to 0.4.4 Protonfixes: - Remove deprecated workaround for Total War Rome 2


A really great and easy to understand article about BTRFS snapshots.


Warning: You might brick your controller! (Do this at your own discretion.) [Sister Reddit post]( # **Preamble** About a month ago, Sony decided to forgo their still-functional Firmware Updater Tool (you get a "can't connect to the server" message and it doesn't let you download the firmware) and replace it with the PlayStation Accessories app. This new app does not run on wine at all from what I can see, so I decided to try and get the previous tool (I'll call it FWUpdater) working again. PlayStation Accessories, on launch, connects to playstation's server ( and checks if it's version is up-to-date, then checks if there is a new firmware for the controllers. As it seems, FWUpdater uses the same URL to check its version as well. As these are completely different programs, and the server reports the latest version for PlayStation Accessories only, FWUpdater gets confused and just displays "can't connect to the server" (correct me if I'm wrong). After some experimentation, I figured out I could just spoof the version reported from the server (with mitmproxy) and get FWUpdater to fetch the necessary firmware. # **Prerequisites (Ensure everything is up-to-date)** * Python * Wine * Browser * Terminal-feet # **Process** ### Step 1: mitmproxy a. Install mitmproxy from your package manager (or grab the latest binaries from []( and open a terminal in the mitmproxy folder.) b. Run `mitmweb`, this should launch a web UI in your browser: ![]( c. Select File in the upper left corner and then Install certificates. This will open up another page: ![]( d. Setup your browser (in the browser setting) to connect to mitmproxy: ![]( e. Reload the previous page and you should see the certificates for various platforms: ![]( f. Download the Linux certificate and install them to your system trust store, following the instructions on the above page for your specific distro (for Arch Linux, you move the certificate into /etc/ca-certificates/trust-source/anchors/). g. Revert the proxy settings in your browser. ### Step 2: FWUpdater a. Download the [FWUpdater]( and extract it. b. Create a new empty file, paste this in and save it as a python script (.py). from mitmproxy import ctx from mitmproxy import http import json def response(flow: http.HTTPFlow) -> None: if flow.request.pretty_url.endswith("/fwupdater/info.json"): data = json.loads(flow.response.get_text()) data["ApplicationLatestVersion"] = "" flow.response.text = json.dumps(data) b. Start mitmproxy in a terminal with the script: `mitmproxy -s "path/to/the/above/"` c. Start FWUpdater with the following command: `HTTP_PROXY="http://localhost:8080/" wine "path/to/FWUpdater.exe"` d. Profit. # **Troubleshooting** ### 1. "FWUpdater doesn't detect controller" a. Run `wine control joy.cpl`, change any one of these settings (unchecking "Disable hidraw" should fix it in most cases), and run FWUpdater again: ![]( Hope this helps (And I hope I didn't miss anything lmao)


For context: I've been using Linux since 2000. Started with Mandrake Linux (Helios?), then I moved to Ubuntu in 2004 and alternated between Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Ubuntu MATE for a time until I settled with Kubuntu for the last few years. Ubuntu has been rock solid for me for the past 20 years and I'm used to the APT package management and Ubuntu/Debian environment overall with all the various services and configs, setups and release cycles, etc. The stability allows me to enjoy my spare time playing games and doing other important tasks instead of troubleshooting my system and figuring out how to make something work. Ubuntu has been awesome in that regard. I've also been dual-booting this whole time with Windows. Gaming on Linux simply wasn't up to snuff up until very recently with Steam working on Wine and Proton for the Steam Deck and Bottles, which makes running Windows games on Linux almost comparable to Windows. Windows 10 was a great OS, except for a few flaws and privacy issues with the introduction of mandatory Microsoft accounts and One Drive integration. But you could work around those things. It was supposed to be the last Windows we would have to install with perpetual rolling releases, but apparently they changed their minds about that. Windows 11 was released and reading about it gives me nightmares. Using it for work also has been an incredibly buggy and frustrating experience. The invasion of privacy, data collection, screen monitoring and AI integration plus the additional advertisement are all reasons for which I will never install this OS on my personal computer. And some of these features have started to leak into Windows 10. So I've made up my mind. I'm wiping Windows from my PC and will be running Linux only. I believe it's become good enough to use as a daily driver for a home gaming desktop and for productivity. But... Which distribution should I choose? The dilemma: There's been a whole slew of new Linux distributions that have come out lately. Some have been early in the Linux gaming aspect such as POP! OS. Others have tried to become a solid replacement for the default immutable Steam OS such as Bazzite. And there are now some pretty awesome sounding gaming-focused distros such as Nobara. And that's on top of the various existing Ubuntu flavors, Fedora's spins, OpenSuse and the many Arch variants that almost seem to pop up monthly. I've been shopping around for a distribution to become my daily driver from now until who knows when. I'm expecting to stick to that distro as long as possible. Here's some of the things that I am looking for: - Not immutable : I find this to be adapted for devices like tablets, IoT devices and handhelds instead of an actual PC. I'll need to be able to change my system configs as I please and an Immutable distro seems like a pain in the butt to deal with that. - Rock solid : This is the most important aspect and is why a lot of the Arch or other bleeding edge distros won't do. (With some exceptions) - Hardware support : The second most important aspect. I think that's pretty much covered by most popular distros, but some have better support than others. Especially for ease of getting the right drivers. (Especially for NVidia GPUs, or gaming controllers and devices.) - Performance : Most popular distros offer ok performance, but some have been enhanced to provide improved performance according to the hardware. This is a very big nice to have, especially for gaming. - Desktop choice : I'm really not a big fan of Gnome 3. It seems nobody really is. Many Gnome based distros come with quality of life extensions out of the box to fix that. Not a big fan of GTK apps' UI ergonomics either. That's why I prefer KDE over Gnome or Cinnamon. Budgie seems like a great alternative as well. Also having a PowerToys-style FancyZones tiling system is a big big plus (KDE has that OOTB) - Applications : The thing I love about Ubuntu is the amount of available applications in their repos. I'm hoping to have the same availability in my next distribution. - Online community/support : Having a great online support community is very important. The more users, the larger the knowledge base and the easier you can find answers to questions to troubleshoot problems. - Online services integration : Optional but a very nice to have would be to have integration with Google apps like GMail, Calendar, Keep and Google Drive to name a few. - Customization : As funny as this sounds, I want to use the desktop in its most vanilla form as possible with as few customisations as possible. Over time I found that having extra customisations like extensions, applets, etc tends to break things because of lack of support over time. It's also more difficult to troubleshoot when very few people are using them. The distributions that ended up meeting my requirements are the following in order of preferences : - Kubuntu : So far its been working great for gaming but I think there could be some performance improvements. It's my first choice because I'm just so comfortable with it already. Zero effort, but with some compromises in performance. - Nobara with KDE Plasma : This looks solid and ticks all the requirements. I think there's some amount of learning to do for using YUM/RPM packages and to understand some of the customisations, but I think this effort will be minimal. I am concerned about long term support however since this is a fairly new distro supported by individuals. - Ubuntu Budgie : I really like this DE, very simple but elegant. But, like Kubuntu, I don't know how it's going to fare performance wise. And I don't know what kind of tools there are to configure gaming controllers, etc. - Ubuntu (I'm willing to deal with Gnome 3 for simplicity's sake) - Fedora KDE Plasma spin : Everybody is raving about Fedora so maybe I'll give it a shot as an Ubuntu replacement. - ~~Manjaro~~ Endeavour OS with KDE desktop :Possibly the only Arch distro I'm willing to install because they focus on stability, however learning about the packaging system and configs/environment feels like a drag. But with the great community and documentation I'm willing to make an effort for this one. What are your thoughts on this? What are your recommendations based on my requirements? EDIT: Thank you very much for everyone's input. I've spent a good part of the day installing distros in a VM to check out some of your suggestions and reading more about my choices. I can't believe I am saying this, but I am reevaluating my choice of using Kubuntu. After some reading I have found out that [Ubuntu and it's flavors will not be supporting flatpaks starting in 23.04]( And there are several known problems with snap, such as serious performance issues. A task that would take 1-5s as a regular .deb installed app, would take up to 10 times that time to complete. Canonical is also working to modify apt to use snaps instead of installed .deb packages. They are aggressively pushing snaps to a point where they'll want to replace the majority of the software with snaps eventually. Yeah there's security features built-in and all, which flatpaks don't necessarily have. And the security is tighter around Canonical's snap repos compared to flathub for example. But I don't know if I'm ready to move to that new way of doing things. And Canonical is going against what the community wants. I don't know. I think I'm more confused now that I was when I started...


Original post: Discussion about the same topic:


Proton: - Update wine to latest bleeding edge - Update dxvk to latest git - Update vkd3d-proton to latest git - Update dxvk-nvapi to latest git - Import upstream proton changes - Update mono to 9.3.0 - Rebase wine-staging Protonfixes: - Added god of war ragnarok SteamDeck=1 workaround (thanks UserNamesAreNotMyThing) - Added Star Citizen libcuda nvidia fix (thanks ProjectSynchro) - Added fix for Plain Site (thanks iodream) - Added fix for Worms: Blast (thanks iodream) - Remove deprecated Sleeping Dogs: DE fix - winetricks now built from source - Elden Ring fix updated (thanks UserNamesAreNotMyThing)


so I recently dualbooted arch and windows. I have noticed the longer I play game the more the fps drops. Deadlock for example, I will be getting 110-120 fps then as the match goes on (usually at the 20-40 min mark) it gradually drops to 50fps (I don't know if it will keep going, that is just the lowest I have been able to see it drop) the outlast trials also gets pretty bad micro stutters. I have tried reinstalling drivers removing two sticks of ram that seem to be faulty, and reinstalling arch completely with archinstall just to see if I flubbed something up around manual install, I tried the nvidia-open drivers (the ones released by nvidia) and the proprietary drivers. Nothing seems to be working. When I launch into windows games stay at pretty consistant framerates. specs: rtx 3070 ryzen 7 3700x 16gb ram 1tb ssd 2tb ssd 1440p 144hz monitor Any help is very much appreciated!! (off topic question but I figured I would ask here as to not create another post. I cannot for the life of me get wayland kde to work properly. It efuses to let me change the resolution and refresh rate. the solution I seem to be finding is that wayland doesnt play nice with nvidia. So I have just been using x11. is this assesment incorrect?)


Hey! I'm going to finish up university soon and as part of that I'm required to do an internship related to C++ development. I'd love to do something in the Linux gaming space and help promote it that way, but I'm not aware of many studios in Europe that are big enough to take interns. So I turn to Lemmy: what are some studios that may be open to Linux development, either through supporting it natively or creating/improving developer tooling on Linux?


Almost every distro I've used so far ends up having problems installing Steam due to mismatching i386 packages. I've heard that they're being removed upstream. Anyone happen to know a timeline?


Title says it all. I've used the most up to date GE for it, and it kind of works, but I get some odd visual bugs. Additionally, any other Proton release ive used disables audio in cutscenes. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Im using Kubuntu, which is Ubuntu but with KDE desktop environment.


> There's a lot of blog posts and news articles being written right now centred around Microsoft's plans for updates to Windows 11, and potential kernel changes, with some thinking this means big things for Linux gaming. > Sorry to say, but I'm here to bring a more realistic take and to help keep all your feet on the ground. quite relevant to [yesterday's discussion](


After listening to [this comment]( in my earlier post, I finally installed Linux in my new machine. I have almost set up everything for my use case save for support for playing Minecraft. While many Linux switchers are keen to having maximum support and optimization for games, I don't look forward to the same. I plan to having Minecraft as my one and only game in this machine and want to have as minimal dependencies set up for playing it as possible. I intend to use the fabric version of MC with mod support on my machine with Iris Xe GPU. I am also comfortable with using a different launcher aside from the default one if it is safe and better to do so. Could someone give me guidance on how I go around installing Minecraft according to my needs?


Got greeted with this message today. I've been playing Apex on linux for more than a year. Not sure if this could be related? Is this just me? I've contested the ban and I'm currently waiting for a response from ea support. UPDATE : Got an email response from EA today. It's basically a generic message saying that my account was associated with "cheating practices" and so they will *not* remove the ban. This is absolutely fucking ridiculous! I've been playing this game since 2020 and have 3K+ hours on record, now this shit happens and there's no recourse ? Fuck this company.


> cross-posted from: I mean games you played / you are going to play. My list looks like this for example: - Summer: [DAVE THE DIVER]( - Autumn: [Against the Storm]( - Winter: [Frostpunk 2]( - Spring: [Terra Nil]( What are yours?


## Solution This is a bug in KDE Plasma [1.1][2]. It appears that it might be fixed in KDE Plasma v6.2 [1.2][3]. ## Original Post I have noticed this behavior with [Element]( and [Signal]( while playing [Deadlock]( The game will have a pretty severe stutter, ie the frame-rate will substantially dip, for half a second or so at the exact moment that a message is received. It seems to happen with every message. Do note that these are only messages that would result in a system notification. All other messages that are silent, ie they have no pop-up notification, do not result in any stutter. - OS: Arch Linux, Kernel: v6.6.49-1-lts - DE: KDE Plasma v6.1.4 - WM: Wayland - CPU: Intel Core i5-4690k - GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6600 ## Updates - I have tried disabling this setting in Deadlock: ![]( - I have tried windowed-borderless - I have noticed that the moment that the stutter occurs, my CPU spikes maybe 20% and my GPU drops to 0%. ::: spoiler References 1. []( "Have you ever experienced stuttering in a game if you receive a message in a desktop messaging app during gameplay?". Lemmy. Published: 2024-09-09T23:12:24Z. Accessed: 2024-09-10T00:03Z. 1. > it’s a bug in KDE Plasma 2. > [the bug] might be fixed [in KDE Plasma] 6.2 2. "Bug 487780: Fullscreen game stutter when Plasma receives notifications.". Robert. Published: 2024-05-30T03:58Z. Accessed: 2024-09-10T00:06Z. 3. Zamundaaa. "Bug 487780: Fullscreen game stutter when Plasma receives notifications.". Published: 2024-08-19T12:01:08Z. Accessed: 2024-09-10T00:13Z. > There are some remaining code paths that can block direct scanout - namely effects that haven't been fixed, or that may need to block direct scanout in some situations. There's a new API in 6.2 that effects can use though,, which blocks direct scanout only when really necessary. It's implemented for all built in effects, and external javascript effects automatically make use of this API too. :::


I am using Fedora Kinoite and quickly installed nvidia drivers, but when I launch an application with DRI_PRIME=1 it tries to use compute graphics. I had accidentally installed the cuda drivers along with the normal ones, but then removed them. I have tried with just the normal drivers, both normal and cuda, as well as only cuda. If anyone could help that would be greatly appreciated.