Boosting that CV
  • wiase wiase 2mo ago 100%

    Why is the OP's handle blurred out in the screenshot.

  • memes
    Memes 2mo ago
    Is this for real? (Please see text)
  • wiase wiase 2mo ago 100%

    It denotes all genders not only male and female by using the asterisk as a wildcard for everything that could be in between the ends of the spectrum from male (Kassierer) to female (Kassiererin).

  • memes
    Memes 2mo ago
    Ik ik but control yourselfs
  • wiase wiase 2mo ago 100%

    Please use their full name Dickie MacDickface.

  • What’s the worst piece of technology you’ve ever owned?
  • wiase wiase 4mo ago 100%

    Not sure if it counts as technology but it was a Ford Focus.

  • Should I join "free speech" alternatives?
  • wiase wiase 6mo ago 100%

    I think it is generally a bad idea to support sites that promote hatred and fascist ideas by providing them traffic and content.

  • Image share Web vs PWA
  • wiase wiase 7mo ago 100%

    That's odd. Both options open the share menu for me and then paste the image right into the app I've chosen to share with (say WhatsApp)... so, yeah, seems to be a Firefox thing indeed.

  • Image share Web vs PWA
  • wiase wiase 7mo ago 100%

    You can also use the 3-dots-menu by the post to get that option.

  • Image share Web vs PWA
  • wiase wiase 7mo ago 100%

  • Image share Web vs PWA
  • wiase wiase 7mo ago 100%

    I'm using the PWA on android (with Vivaldi browser) and I just long-press the image and get the share image option... so, I don't know why it doesn't work for you.

  • Firefish has been abandoned.
  • wiase wiase 10mo ago 100%

    I'd like to add from a user's point of view. was advertised as the flagship instance and in the beginning everything was fine and nice on there but then they started to implement new stuff and this broke something leading to the flagship instance being down or unusable for most of the time. Days turned into weeks with the server not running or at least not without problems (only talking about timelines, not to mention other features like antennae or lists which wouldn't work at all) without any communication from the admins and no replies to direct inquiries. I eventually moved to another instance running a stable firefish version. But our admin also complains about being ignored by the dev team, so they decided we will be moving to Sharkey. And we all know that Kainoa is young, started uni last year and a new job - that's all fine and understandable but maybe not compatible with running such a big project. Which again is fine but also means that -for now- the project is not being worked on while in a broken state. I think this is valuable information for users and admins and it was good to hear this from someone in the core team.

  • Weird or unique hobbies.
  • wiase wiase 10mo ago 100%

    After spending a bit more than a decade in academic research, I am now a regulatory toxicologist in biocides assessment at a national authority. Sounds boring but comes with much work in international committees which is fun (and oftentimes restores my faith in humanity) and we do some research and teaching, too. Plus, it is a nice job in terms of doing something for society, making the world a safer place... 🙂

  • Weird or unique hobbies.
  • wiase wiase 10mo ago 100%

    I'd love to but would need a lot more training to do so. Which I fear I won't get due to time and financial constraints - you know, being the bread winner of the family, full time job, a child... But on the other hand, I do love my current job and it earns me the money to buy all the expensive text books, so I won't complain. :D

  • Weird or unique hobbies.
  • wiase wiase 10mo ago 100%

    Was into mini painting for a while when my partner and his friends still used to play BattleTech. I did play a bit myself but painting was much more exciting. :D I'd love to get back to it - always looking enviously at the Warhammer displays in our games store.

  • Weird or unique hobbies.
  • wiase wiase 10mo ago 100%

    My weird hobby is reading textbooks on forensic medicine and other forensic sciences. Like how to perform an autopsy, how to identify the cause of death, how to take and interpret fingerprints from different surfaces and such. I am a trained toxicologist but unfortunately only had basic training in forensic toxicology as part of my curriculum (and not working in that field now). 🙂


    > Was kann schon schiefgehen, wenn der reichste Mensch der Welt die bedeutendste Meinungs- und Kommunikationsplattform übernimmt? Selbstverständlich wurden alle Befürchtungen bestätigt...

    [Podcast-Episode - 06.12.23] Paris Hiltons Kochgeschirr (mit Holger Klein)
  • wiase wiase 11mo ago 100%

    Unter den eigenen Post direkt "Erster" drunterzukommentieren ist natürlich die ganz hohe Schule :D

  • Spoutible - NOCH eine TwiX-Alternative - will bald Crossposting zu Masto anbieten
  • wiase wiase 11mo ago 100%

    Es hieß wohl nur crossposting. Und halt auch nur Masto.

  • Hey... I've updated Voyager to the newest version (1.18.0 on android) but now I have masses of posts in my Home tab from communities I don't subscribe to. How is that even possible? Does anyone else have this problem? Is there a fix? EDIT: Okay, thx everyone! Then this might again be a problem with


    Advertising revenue continues to plummet at the deadbird site, demonstrating that more and more companies understand the damage they do to themselves by supporting Musk's toxic enterprise.


    Pavel Durov kündigt an, daß Telegram ab November ein crypto wallet als Mini-App integrieren wird. Juchu?


    "»Ihre (Pekings) Politik ist es, Taiwan mit China zu vereinen. Aus ihrer Sicht ist es vielleicht wie Hawaii oder etwas Ähnliches, wie ein integraler Teil Chinas, der willkürlich nicht zu China gehört, vor allem weil (…) die US-Pazifikflotte jede Art von Wiedervereinigungsbemühungen mit Gewalt verhindert hat«, sagte er in einem auf YouTube veröffentlichten Video des AI-Forums."


    Aus einem Elon-Tweet kann man schließen, daß er jetzt behauptet, Starlink war vor der Krim nie aktiv und man habe ihn zwar gebeten, es zu aktivieren, das habe er aber aus Sicherheitsbedenken abgelehnt. Aha. Aha.


    "Mindestens 5.000 Content Moderatoren in Deutschland säubern derzeit für kaum mehr als den Mindestlohn die Sozialen Medien von brutalen Bildern und Videos [CW!], damit wir diese Bilder nicht zu sehen bekommen und uns sicher durchs Netz bewegen können. [...] Seit November 2018 arbeitet [Cengiz Haksöz] in Essen für Telus International, ebenfalls ein Subunternehmen von Meta und neben Majorel einer der größten Arbeitgeber in der Branche hierzulande. Bis heute seien sein "Kopf, Körper und Herz" 4.000 Stunden Material, das Gewalt zeige, ausgesetzt gewesen. "Das schrecklichste, gewalttätigste Material, das Sie sich vorstellen können", sagt Cengiz. [...] [Z]usammen mit 300 weiteren Content Moderatoren in Deutschland [habe er entschieden], sich von Facebook nicht mehr einschüchtern zu lassen. Das Klima der Angst, geschaffen durch stark einschränkende Geheimhaltungsvereinbarungen und prekäre Verträge, wollen sie nicht länger hinnehmen. Sie haben ein Manifest verfasst, in dem sie sicherere Arbeit fordern, unter anderem psychologische Betreuung." Hätte wirklich gedacht, daß das in Deutschland in der Form nicht erlaubt ist.


    "According to an August 29 news release by Human Rights Watch, a civil rights non-governmental organization based in New York City, 54-year-old retired Saudi teacher Muhammad al-Ghamdi was sentenced to death this year by a Saudi court on a series of charges related to his online political activism. [...] Al-Ghamdi's trial judgment claims he used his accounts on the Musk-owned platform X, formerly Twitter, as well as the Google-owned YouTube to commit his alleged crimes. [...] Musk's silence is particularly jarring given his self-professed commitment to free speech, which he often expresses in critiques of the U.S. government and institutions as complicit in an Orwellian plot to restrict free speech. [...] Some online have alleged his reluctance to wade into al-Ghamdi's case could stem from his close and long-standing financial connections to the Saudi royal family."


    Taylor Lorenz, die schon oft im Haken dran Podcast erwähnt wurde, Kolumnistin bei der WaPo (und nicht nur) hat "Extremely Online" geschrieben - ein Buch über das Internet und soziale Medien. Wie ein Blurb sagt: "An expansive look at how social platforms have radically altered literally every aspect of our lives." Das klingt doch sehr spannend.


    Bissl unangenehm, daß das überhaupt eine Nachricht wert ist, aber naja. Er hat sein erkennungsdienstliches Foto (so heißt das wohl auf Deutsch, fast so griffig wie mugshot) gepostet. Das war es auch schon. Das ist die Nachricht. Guten Tag!


    Der Pixelfed-Entwickler baut gerade an einer Fediverse-messaging App, die dann auch Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung können soll. Man darf ganz gespannt sein.


    Twitter ohne Blockfunktion ist sicher ein ganz großer Spaß.


    New: Elon Musk’s X is throttling traffic to news websites and competitors he dislikes. Five-second delays on links to New York Times, Reuters, Facebook, Instagram, Threads, Bluesky and Substack. Most other sites we tested have zero delay
