Is a filter for muting Lemmy 'power users' possible?
  • southsamurai southsamurai 2h ago 83%

    Afaik, there's no apps that do that. You're likely just going to have to block individual accounts

    Being real though, I often have more than 20 comments a day. It really isn't that difficult to rack up if you're bored and have the time. I'm not much of a poster, but 10 a day isn't too far outside of feasibility for a person that's into memery. So you'd end up filtering out people that would likely be good to have access to over time, even if it's rare. If you do figure out a way to do it, might want to bump your threshold up a little.

  • Is Halloween a big thing for you? How are you preparing for that night?
  • southsamurai southsamurai 2h ago 100%

    Man, it used to be!

    It would vary year to year exactly what was going on, but there was something.

    In my twenties, I would mostly work my side job, as a bouncer. Since the place I mostly worked at was a drag club, it was always a party. Everyone would go all out. The queens would obviously go the extra mile ( and I do mean extra lol), but everyone could dress up, customers and staff, except for one person on the door and one inside. The rest would have security jackets to throw on in a pinch.

    One year I dressed up as Jason from the Friday the 13th series, and did leatherface another year. Was going to do Krueger, but that year the boss wanted me on the door in mufti (which isn't a costume). Decided I didn't want to do Freddy the next time it came up.

    But, sometimes it would be a party. I used to hang with a pretty wide range of people, so there were all kinds of groups the night of, or close to Halloween. My favorite ones were with pagans and wiccans. Those folk tend to go all out on Samhain lol. Feasting and fires and rituals and music and dancing. Just a damn good time.

    A few years in there, I got into doing street performance. I did fire stuff. You know, breathing fire, spinning burning stuff, setting myself on fire and doing flashy stuff. Those parties were lit in multiple ways lol. There was usually some performance going on, but that crowd tended to get rather crazy. I'm talking people dancing on roofs, mini orgies, fireworks; you know, the usual :)

    As I got into my thirties, I didn't exactly settle down entirely, but I was in a long term relationship, and we tended to hang out with more sedate crowds. Our friends were getting into their thirties or forties, had kids, etc, so the parties weren't as raucous. It was more about chilling, having some good music and food while handing out candy to kids that were out and about.

    But the trick or treat thing died. Nobody really does it any more (which kinda pisses me off that something so fun is just gone). Now, me and my wife tend to just hole up and watch horror movies.

    This year, we aren't even bothering to leave the light on. It's going to be just a movie night for sure.

    I keep threatening to break out my old gear and do a back yard fire show, but my wife is scared I'll burn my beard off again lol.

    You know, I tend to forget how much shit I packed into my twenties and thirties until something like this comes up. I was disabled by the time I was in my mid thirties, if not as bad as it got a little later. But fuck me, did I make some memories before that :)

  • Peter Dinklage Remembers How Charles Dance Used to Console Him ‘Between Every Take’ on ‘Game of Thrones’
  • southsamurai southsamurai 9h ago 100%

    I didn't discover the show until earlier this year, but it's one of the few YouTube things I actually eagerly watch when there's a new one :)

    The Dinklage interview was awesome. He's a top ten actor for me, one of those that if he's in it, I want to watch it. Has been since the Station Agent. Sean and company killing it again made me really happy.

  • Peter Dinklage Remembers How Charles Dance Used to Console Him ‘Between Every Take’ on ‘Game of Thrones’
  • southsamurai southsamurai 12h ago 100%

    Judas priest! Hot ones is now meta for other outlets. Kinda fucking crazy lol

  • Healthy exploration
  • southsamurai southsamurai 12h ago 100%

    Dammit, now I have to try this

  • cat
    cats 14h ago
    Realizing that my cat spent months teaching me he likes head massages.
  • southsamurai southsamurai 12h ago 100%

    Daddy cat has a nice submissive ;)

  • Is it safe to simply delete a huge app or file?
  • southsamurai southsamurai 16h ago 100%

    If it's deletable, it's fine. On iOS and Android, you have to jump through serious hoops to be able to delete something that would make the OS break, and if you're asking this, you haven't jumped through those hoops.

    The hardware won't be damaged by removing software or files. Worst case scenario, any faulty hardware might give up the ghost while deleting things, but if the device is that far gone, it would happen no matter what you were doing. It's kinda like driving a car with a bad belt; idling at a stoplight isn't going to be any more likely to make the belt snap than idling at home.

    You deleting a file is no harder on the device than making a phone call or using an app. Same with uninstalling something. If something like the RAM is going to die, it doesn't matter what you're using the memory for, it'll go when it goes.

  • Anon misses his German Sheppy
  • southsamurai southsamurai 1d ago 100%

    I feel that so much. I'm sorry man, I'm sorry you're going through it.

  • Anon misses his German Sheppy
  • southsamurai southsamurai 1d ago 98%

    Dammit to hell.

    Again, this shit hits hard.

    My dog has been gone for two years, and I'm still running into people asking about her.

    She was the best fucking dog. Yeah, I know everyone knows their dog is the best dog, and the dog I had before her was also the best dog. But those two girls? Jesus fucking christ, they were good. Smart, loving, gentle, always wanting to be with their people, and just so fucking much beyter than I ever deserved.

    The girl I joust lost saved my life. Kept me from eating a bullet when things wrre real bad after I got disabled. I'd be holding my gun, thinking hard about where to go so I wouldn't leave a mess. She's be right fucking there, just loving me. I'd put the gun away and decide to make it for a while.

    Gods I fucking miss my girls. I'm fucking sitting here in the bathroom crying so I don't wake anyone and it just fucking hurts so much.

    People. You have a dog? You cherish every fucking moment. Every single second you can. They don't live as long as us. You're going to lose them, so you make fucking sure they go out knowing they're loved. Be kind. Be gentle.

    I'd give my fucking soul to have them back, even for a fucking day.

    Fuck me.

  • Do you refrain from participating to a community if it's hosted on ?
  • southsamurai southsamurai 2d ago 66%

    Nah, IDGAF about it one way or another. You run into more jerks there than average, but that's about it, so as long as block lists function, it's all good

  • If I was selling a bag of flour and sugar to a CI who thought it was meth or coke can I get in trouble? How or why when I am selling a legal substance?
  • southsamurai southsamurai 2d ago 100%


    Lemmy has me whipping up the country food again. Just had a conversation about collards n beans with corn fritters. Had to make them.

    Now I gotta make fucking johnnycakes

    Which, that may seem like I'm complaining, but I ain't :)

  • Where'd everybody go?
  • southsamurai southsamurai 2d ago 100%

    Just not getting the interesting questions as often afaict.

  • Tumble Dried Fetus
  • southsamurai southsamurai 2d ago 100%

    No, that's not right. Tumble dried fetus was the name of the band the lead singer of Dying Fetus was in before.

  • Majority of Russians would oppose returning land even if Putin decides To return it as part of peace deal.
  • southsamurai southsamurai 3d ago 66%

    I mean, who cares what they think? Putin doesn't, and neither should anyone else.

  • asklemmy
    Asklemmy 3d ago
    If you have a favorite one, what is your favorite "grindhouse" movie?
  • southsamurai southsamurai 3d ago 90%

    That's a hard one because there's infinite debate about exactly what movies are and aren't grindhouse.

    Like, some listings include stuff like night of the living dead and phantasm alongside stuff like faster pussycat, kill, kill.

    But, going by my own preferences in that regard, it's a twofer. Blacula and Scream Blacula Scream. The perfect collision of B movie production, blaxploitation, and amazingly over the top acting. Everyone in both movies are playing for the rafters, and doing it serious. Plus, they're both entertaining as hell. As stories, they hold up to a bunch of people getting high in a villa while it rains and writing books.

    The best movie line of all time comes from one or the other (and I need to rewatch because I can't recall which), "come on, you silly lamp queen", which quickly became what me and my best friend would say any time we were in public and one of us fell behind. It still is, and we're fifty lol.

  • What is your favourite medical word
  • southsamurai southsamurai 3d ago 100%

    Boys have a penis, girls have a vagina.

    The word vagina comes from Latin and means "sheath".

    The vagina is the internal section of the female reproductive tract. The external parts in humans are called vagina colloquially, but medically it is only the internal "tube" of mucous tissue. The external parts are called many things, but consist of labia (which is also latin, and means lips) and the clitoris.

    There are two sets of labia, the labia majora (the typically bigger and more fleshy outer lips) and the labia minora (the thinner and often more sensitive inner lips). These lips can come in many shapes and sizes, as well as colors ranging from the pinks and peachy colors, into blues and purples, and very rarely green tinged blues. The size and configuration of the labia are not changed by sex, no matter how vigorous or frequent.

    The clitoris is not just an external organ. It is similar to the penis, and is made of spongy tissue that holds blood when aroused. The little section that is visible when the clitoral hood is moved back and may protrude during arousal is only the tip of the iceberg. Like the penis, the clitoris extends deeper into the body. The clitoris forks into two segments called crura. Where the crura split is what is stimulated when touching what is called the g-spot from inside the vagina (there is some debate about that in medical science, but it seems to be the consensus).

    The vagina is a self lubricating, self cleaning organ. It is highly elastic, and is capable of powerful contractions during orgasm.

    During arousal the tissues of the vagina become inflamed and more sensitive, and secrete extra mucous to aid in coitus.

    Coitus can lead to pregnancy (and a lot of sweaty fun), which hopefully leads to birth. During birth, the vagina is able to stretch to relatively immense degrees. This can lead to tearing of the posterior vaginal wall and may be severe enough to reach or even damage the anus.

    However, that damage heals well for most women, and does very little permanent change to the vagina unless something goes wrong, or the tear is usually severe. There is something called an episiotomy, where a doctor will cut the tissues to prevent tearing so that any damage is more controlled. There is evidence that not only is it not necessary in most cases, but that tears made naturally may heal better, with less change to the woman's sensitivity and overall sexual health.

    There is no distinct change to the vagina from sex itself. You cannot "bust up" a pussy with a penis.

    The vagina may have a ring of tissue at the entrance called a hymen. The hymen is sometimes called the cherry or maidenhead. While it is possible to tear the tissue if the hymen during sex, it isn't guaranteed to happen, and is thus not proof of virginity. Nor is the opposite true; the hymen can be torn by any number of things from as minor as sitting down too hard, up to something like vigorous horse riding, or falling on a bicycle bar. The hymen can even survive childbirth!

    The hymen is not always a small and thin ring of tissue. It may not even be detectable, or present at all. But it can be partial, where it doesn't completely encircle the vagina. It can also be more than a ring, even to the degree of completely blocking the vaginal opening. When the hymen is like that, it is called "imperforate", which just means "no holes"; the term also applies to hymen that cover the entrance, but do have smaller holes that would not be big enough to allow for penetration with objects (including, but not limited to sexual activity) and may interfere with menstruation. When this is the case, a doctor can snip the tissue cleanly and without pain.

    During sex, the hymen should not cause pain. If sex hurts, it is not normal. The hymen is not heavily enervated, and thus has little or no sensation at all. When it tears, most women are not even aware. The myth that the first time sex has to hurt is utter bullshit. It comes from not being relaxed, and/or not being well lubricated for most cases.

    There are conditions where sexual activity may cause pain no matter how slow you go, and are typically treatable. Those treatments may or may not entirely alleviate the issue, but they're better than nothing.

    That's a wall of text, so I'll stop here with one final fact. No matter what people want to think, you can not visually determine whether or not a woman has had sex in the past. There is no test that a doctor can do to determine "virginity". Anyone claiming otherwise is a moron and can be freely ignored.

  • Why doesn't autistic identity follow the same format as LGBT identity?
  • southsamurai southsamurai 3d ago 100%

    Yeah, you run into so many regional variants as things spread, and varying levels of acceptance of trans issues that it's hard to pin down. It isn't like there's a single authoritative organization that decides what gets included when, so it's mostly terrifying happening as ideas spread organically.

    I wanna say the first time I ran across it as a 4 letter initialism was in the Advocate somewhere in the early oughts, but that's memory, and we all know how unreliable human memory is over time. I'm confident that around 2k, LGB was still being used in my general area for rallies. But shit, I'm pretty far out in the boonies; even the closest city isn't exactly cutting edge in terms of social movement.

    It's so difficult to track the history of such things partially because there weren't a lot of written accounts and documentation back then. It isn't even that long ago, but it just wasn't something organized enough to generate paperwork. It isn't like trans people were really seen as a separate group by everyone. Look at how long it took the role of trans people in the Stonewall protests to be recognized as trans people in general knowledge. I had actually met some of the people involved, and they never mentioned trans people, just drag queens and gay men.

    I'm just now discovering information about things I heard of when they happened because nobody cared. It's a bit crazy to think about how big a change has happened since the 70s in terms of humanity discovering how truly varied we are. It's living history, and I don't think we'll realize how important this era has been because we'll be gone before it settles out and becomes something to look back at with a more objective perspective.

  • Is there any scientific basis on "taste creep?" Example: you've eaten lots of good food and now average food that you used to enjoy grosses you out.
  • southsamurai southsamurai 3d ago 100%

    Not that I've run across on my own, and not with a quick search just now, no.

    But all that means is that nobody has published anything on the matter with relevant keywords.

    There are articles out there about how taste works, what can change perception in one's sense of taste, and related subjects.

    Now, I'm not interested enough to do a deep dive, so take this as you will

    But what you'd be looking at is more psychological than physiological. It's perception rather than objective, and it would most likely be related to the various systems of satiety and reward via dopamine and other neurotransmitters.

    What we perceive as "good" is mostly subjective, experiential. There's the basics of acid, salt, sugars, fat, and protein all being something we perceive as food in the first place, and that means we receive signals from our senses telling us that those things are "good to eat", meaning safe enough and fulfilling basic needs.

    But, we don't all weight the various tastes the same, and we definitely don't all like the same sources and preparations of them. Protein is protein, but you don't see many gym rats chugging a cricket smoothie. There are such products, and people do use them, but it isn't common.

    That's where the subjective comes in. Plenty of people enjoy cricket. It's nutty, savory in an umami sense, and can provide nice texture. But it's also possible to utterly reject it as food, even to the point of vomiting, based only on the perception of insects being "bad" in some way. In other words, you'll run across blind tastings where people enjoy crickets when prepared well, but outright vomit after discovering what it was.

    Taste creep is the same thing. As you discover new ways of having the same basic ingredients, your brain takes that information and compares it to previous foods. The ones that trigger the most "good" chemicals get remembered as being "better".

    But going from enjoying one version of something to another, more recently tasted, version is not entirely chemical in the same way. You see, our conscious minds and subconscious also influence things. There's tests done where someone (damn near anyone) tasting two identical glasses of wine will perceive the one they're told is more expensive, or older, or other perceived signals of "quality" as the better wine, despite coming from the same container.

    So you can't really point to taste creep as being purely chemical. There's a social and psychological component to it, imo. I know for a fact that the way food is described influences perception of it. You do some cooking competitions, and just the way you name your cake can make a difference. I've had many a person try my collards and beans just by prettying up how they're told what it is, despite them saying they don't like either. They then ask what that was and tend to be surprised.

    And I'm not talking about fucking with people for fun, it's that I have an open table policy about dinner. Well, used to. Anybody I liked well enough to let into my house could come for dinner, no problem. But I got some people calling ahead like some kind of asshat asking what I read making, so I started describing my simple, but easy to fix in large amounts, dishes fancy just for the hell of it. They'd here I was making braised field brassica with stewed legumes with a light corn fritter, and assume I was making some kind of French dish. But hungry is as hungry does, so they ate what I had lol.

    All of which is a long way of saying that taste creep is part chemistry, our brain and body finding a specific preparation as better nutrition and calories; and part us psyching ourselves out

  • Why doesn't autistic identity follow the same format as LGBT identity?
  • southsamurai southsamurai 3d ago 100%

    Why doesn't it?

    Because autistic people haven't set up the same kind of community for the same reasons, with the same history.

    You gotta understand that LGBTQ+ isn't even that old as a term. I'm 50, and I was damn near an adult before LGB was an initialism that you'd see often. Tbh, you only really saw it at pride functions, rights functions, and very rarely in LGB media. The T being added in is what? Maybe fifteen years old? It's hard to remember when trans issues became unified on a large scale with gay issues (using gay as a catchall term here, not an exclusion; back in the day it was very often lumped under that term for whatever reason), but I know it wasn't fully integrated in the early 2ks, since I was still able bodied and interacting regularly with rights activists. It was getting there, but the T wasn't added across the board yet.

    The Q and other additions are even more recent.

    Autism as something other than an illness that needs management is pretty similarly new to the public consciousness. So autistic people didn't have the same kind of community of exclusion the way LGBTQ+ people did. They were patients, not minorities.

    That may seem like sophistry, but if you look at aspergers, there was a community, it just wasn't one of exclusion in the same way. That community had a lot more similarities to little people (dwarfs) than gay people in terms of how each group interacted with Neuro or physical typicality. There's definitely a lot of prejudice, and condescension and bullshit involved with being autistic or a little person, but it's not the same as being actively hated and even killed for being born as you are.

    So LGB people came from a place where community was safety in a way that someone with autism doesn't experience. Trans people do too. As do queer and "other" groups distinguished by sexual orientation or gender.

    Safety in numbers was literal safety.

    The political and social side of banding together was essential to that safety. Every "letter" added means more people working for equality and fairness. Every "letter" means more voters, more money, more influence.

    Autism, on the other hand, hasn't needed that yet. So far, all the various aspects of autism can be addressed as a group despite the various aspects of its expression the sensory sensitivity group and the focus related group are part of the same spectrum, that can be easily navigated by social and political efforts as a single group by default.

    Lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals aren't the same spectrum. The lived experience of each group (and for bi men and women separately) isn't inherently linked to the others. Sexual orientation may be a spectrum, but it has different social and political ramifications for each version (and the versions that came into aw areness later). Pointing at a lesbian and a gay man and saying "those are the same thing" makes a lot less sense on a social level.

    This isn't to say the lived experience of autistic men and women is the same, it most definitely isn't. But both of those groups can benefit from the same efforts in a way that lesbians and gay men couldn't until they banded together more.

    Now, should there be delineation between the different presentations of autism the way your post suggests? Not for me to say. I'm not involved in enough autism groups to have knowledge of whether or not the greater community would benefit from it. And, being an outsider, there's limits to how much I can pick up from observation compared to someone that's living with autism. There may be a very pressing need to split the categories of autism so that social and political efforts can be improved.

    But that's a separate issue from why it hasn't already developed such a system.

  • What is your favourite medical word
  • southsamurai southsamurai 3d ago 100%

    Vagina is nice


    Gods, they are so fucking metal, the video shaved my beard.


    More hard rock than metal, and this is the least "hard" track, but Myles is killing it as always. Anyway, new album!


    And it's fucking *tight*


    70s Scorpions > 80s Scorpions; fight me


    Somehow, I missed these guys. A whole year I could have been enjoying the fuck out of this. I feel robbed


    Well, it happened. We have a bird with bumblefoot. So I've been looking at what needs to be done. All the home treatment options are within my skill set from doing human wound care as a nurse's assistant. But *should* I do it is still a question. All the online stuff seems to be biased purely in favor of that, and while it seems to be true, I can't help but want to make sure it isn't malarkey. So, any of you folks have any input? For it, against it, or specific preferences as to which methods to use? Again, I've handled similar situations with humans, including the removal of deep "kernels" or roots from cysts and abcesses, so I know I can do the job right, I'm just wanting to make sure I *should* do it myself rather than have the hen dealing with the added stress of travel and the vet visit.


    One of two instrumental tracks they have, the other being [Stompin Nachos]( This is their first album of studio recorded music, and I'm digging the hell out of it. I picked the instrumentals just because we don't tend to see a lot of that here on lemmy.


    In any language, this shit is brutal


    Because everyone should hear this at least once


    Somehow, I had never seen the video for the song. It is, however, unforgettable.


    Metal as fuck, and quite good manners


    Thrash in your face!


    I think my face is melting now


    Pretty fucking dope


    This is why I hate not being able to do shows any more. I miss this kind of energy and sheer immersive brutality.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Connect A Song southsamurai 5mo ago 90%
    N.W.A, Fuck the Police

    Because burning the prison down is only part of the story

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Connect A Song southsamurai 5mo ago 100%
    Boozoo Chavis, Going to the Country

    He's going to the country of Louisiana to get a mojo hand, a voodoo magic working.
