So Israel military is attacking the UN peacekeepers now (update: read comment)
  • siriusmart siriusmart 6d ago 100%

    That would maybe make sense.

    Yeah I think the claim might be true, but still there are probably ways to not hit a UN base of fixed location while carrying out an offensive.

    This detail wasn't here this morning, the article is gradually edited as more info surfaced. See the url for the original title.

  • science_memes
    Science Memes siriusmart 3w ago 99%
    memes 2mo ago
    Let's Uninstall Chrome but...
  • siriusmart siriusmart 2mo ago 100%

    proprietary, btw

  • all nostalgia aside, arras.io is so much better

    [2024/08/07] Hypocycloid
  • siriusmart siriusmart 2mo ago 100%

    Hint: ::: spoiler spoiler Try out the following tasks before going for the big one

    1. Draw a circle of radius a.
    2. Animate a point on circle a, let that be your rotational speed.
    3. Animate a circle rolling horizontally (along the x axis) at your rotational speed.
    4. Animate a point on that horizontally rolling circle.

    You should now have an idea on how to draw a hypocycloid. :::

  • Draw a hypocycloid using a graphical calculator (such as Desmos or Geogebra). Your hypocycloid should include - Inner circle of radius `a - Outer circle of radius `b - As time `t` increases the point on the inner circle should trace out the pattern, you can animate the graph using `t`. Below is the link to a Desmos graph: https://www.desmos.com/calculator/vzgog7xqrz

    [2024/08/04] Extended Euclid's Algorithm
  • siriusmart siriusmart 3mo ago 100%

    Hint ::: spoiler spoiler If you are studying the algorithm, you are doing it wrong :::

    Solution: https://gmtex.siri.sh/fs/1/School/Extra/Maths/Qotd solutions/2024-08-04_extended-euclid.html ::: spoiler spoiler :::

  • - Given `n` and `m` are coprime, show that there exist integer `n'` such that `nn' mod m=1`. - The *extended Euclid's algorithm* is given below without proof, which may be useful in your proof. (I'm too lazy to type out the algorithm again, so look at the image yourself)

    [2024/08/01] Multiple of modulus
  • siriusmart siriusmart 3mo ago 100%

    Hint: ::: spoiler spoiler Let x mod y = a :::

    Solution: https://gmtex.siri.sh/fs/1/School/Extra/Maths/Qotd solutions/2024-08-01_multiple-of-modulus.html ::: spoiler spoiler :::

  • - Prove that `z(x mod y) = (zx) mod (zy)` Be rigorous (trust me bro im gonna daily post trust me bro) EDIT: assume all variables are integers

    memes siriusmart 3mo ago 98%
    [2024/06/30] Decimal expansion for real numbers
  • siriusmart siriusmart 4mo ago 100%

    Hint: ::: spoiler spoiler The size of a set is the number of possible values that an element can take. :::

    ::: spoiler spoiler solution: https://gmtex.siri.sh/fs/1/School/Extra/Maths/Qotd solutions/2024-06-30_sizes-of-real-sets.html :::

  • I recently started reading TAOCP, in other words you can expect daily posts from me again, because I'll just take some of the cooler questions from there and repost them here.

    memes siriusmart 4mo ago 98%
    "im so tired"
    I've learnt (read text in post)
  • siriusmart siriusmart 5mo ago 25%

    because I have never heard of this argument before, ever. most media's stance on politics is "their party bad our party good", but the "all the parties are pretty hypocritical" argument has never been explored properly, because its depressing and nobody likes it.

  • I'm a Londoner, I used to have this friend (who is *not* a Londoner) we had a huge disagreement on topic unspecified. But after I've watched this video I think I see his viewpoint, which is true. I just don't see it at all because there's such a enormous disconnect between London and the rest of the country. I would recommend you to watch the video as well, some arguments made in the video are slightly misleading, but the general picture is clear and true. https://youtu.be/b5aJ-57_YsQ

    [2024/06/02] Horizontal asymptote of the other kind
  • siriusmart siriusmart 5mo ago 100%

    yup thats the intended solution, im not really familiar with taylor series yet, but maybe for a person who knows taylor series would be able to see it right away

  • [2024/06/02] Horizontal asymptote of the other kind
  • siriusmart siriusmart 5mo ago 100%

    Hint ::: spoiler spoiler The solution I have in mind is related to the Taylor series :::

    Hint 2 ::: spoiler spoiler It converges to -ln(2), but why :::

    Solution: ::: spoiler spoiler https://gmtex.siri.sh/fs/1/School/Extra/Maths/Qotd solutions/2024-06-02-alternating_harmonic.html :::

  • S=sum of (-1)^n/n from 1 to infty For why I named the post as so, here's why ::: spoiler spoiler ![](https://lemm.ee/api/v3/image_proxy?url=https%3A%2F%2Flemmy.world%2Fpictrs%2Fimage%2Fef511a32-5099-4ec0-a223-47b3b810c684.png) :::

    only as in free beer
  • siriusmart siriusmart 5mo ago 100%

    i main zathura, but okular is a good one as well

  • [2024/05/25] Angle between two vectors
  • siriusmart siriusmart 5mo ago 100%

    Here's a rly cool solution from stackexchange, which blows my average geometric solution out of the water

    ::: spoiler spoiler :::

  • Infinite product follow-up
  • siriusmart siriusmart 5mo ago 100%

    I've shown that ln(n/n-1) is always larger than 1/n, so Σln(n/n-1) for all natural number n will be larger than the series 1+1/2+1/3+...

    but I don't know how to make sure the sum of all ln(p/p-1) only when p is prime is larger than the provided series

    the question is strongly suggesting its divergent, i just dont know how to show it

  • when google bought datasets from reddit
  • siriusmart siriusmart 5mo ago 97%

    i pulled the image from a meme channel, so i dont know if its real or not, but at the same time, this below does look like a legit response

  • memes
    memes 5mo ago
    How the dinosaurs really died
  • siriusmart siriusmart 5mo ago 100%

    the background it likely ai generated anyways

    (i took the meme off some discord channel, so i dont know how its made)

  • [2024/05/18] Not a telescoping series
  • siriusmart siriusmart 5mo ago 100%

    Hint: ::: spoiler spoiler It is not a telescoping series :::

    Solution: ::: spoiler spoiler https://gmtex.siri.sh/fs/1/School/Extra/Maths/Qotd solutions/2024-05-18_not-a-telescoping-series.html :::

  • [2024/05/15] Differentiability implies continuity
  • siriusmart siriusmart 5mo ago 100%

    i thought the "default" counter example is y=|x| lol

  • Bounding a function
  • siriusmart siriusmart 5mo ago 100%

    i got the answers, but i dont really know why

    ::: spoiler spoiler https://gmtex.siri.sh/fs/1/School/Extra/Maths/Challenges solutions/bound-f.html :::

  • [Unsolved] [2024/05/17] 1 dimensional gravity
  • siriusmart siriusmart 5mo ago 100%

    Solution (starter question): ::: spoiler spoiler :::

    Please refer to the main post, if you don't like looking at the image. https://gmtex.siri.sh/fs/1/School/Extra/Maths/Unsolved/1d-gravity.html

    For the main question, you are encouraged to share your progress ::: spoiler spoiler

    You might be able to solve this with differential equations, or by solving the iterative functions, I dont know :::

  • [2024/05/16] Infinite multiplication series
  • siriusmart siriusmart 5mo ago 100%

    i added the solution to the post, i didnt see the multiplication before someone mentioned it, but yeah if we put it to the power of e it will telescope again, which is clearly the main character of this sub at this point (jk)
