Trektober 2024
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 46m ago 100%

    October 20 Prompt - Space Madness

    I was really enjoying working this one, and I would have liked to do more than just Bones' face, but as I've mentioned before, I am very slow.

  • Trektober 2024
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 1d ago 0%

    October 19 Prompt - Decontamination

    I am the gamemaster for an ongoing Star Trek Adventure's campaign, and for today's prompt I decided to draw my players' ship's counselor, Doctor Irin Ch'Kilress, a character I've wanted to draw for a while. Why did I draw a dumpy Andorian therapist for the Decontamination prompt? Because therapy is like decontamination for your mind! But also because I didn't want to draw some horny ENT decon chamber scene.

  • Emmy Award Winner Tatiana Maslany to Guest Star in Star Trek: Starfleet Academy
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 1d ago 100%

    That's awesome. I've been a big fan since "Orphan Black".

  • Rhys Darby to Guest Star in Upcoming Season of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 1d ago 100%

    He's an actor and comedian from New Zealand. Off the top of my head, he's been in:

    • "Flight of the Concords"
    • "Voltron"
    • "What We Do In the Shadows" the movie, not sure about the series
    • "Our Flag Means Death"

    I'm pretty excited by the idea of him showing up in SNW. His line read of "We're werewolves, not swear wolves," lives in my head. My guess would be him playing a Mudd/Okana type figure.

  • Trektober 2024
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 2d ago 100%

    October 18 Prompt - Captain's Log

    "Log" might be a generous description of the branch I ended up drawing, but by the time I decided I wasn't happy with it, it was too late. Also, the positioning of the Jem'hadar makes it look like Sisko hit him while he was on the ground, and if I had more time to fool around with it, I would have arranged him better.

  • Trektober 2024
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 2d ago 100%

    Honestly, I just eyeballed it while looking at some reference images.

    My go to for comparing ship sizes is the charts the owner of made based on the measurements included with the Eaglemoss models:

  • Trektober 2024
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 3d ago 100%

    October 17 Prompt - Other Trek Crossover

    My favourite Trek comic is The Q Conflict, which featured the crews of TOS, TNG, DS9, and VOY pulled into a squabble between Q and other omnipotent(ish) beings. This was inspired by one of the covers, featuring the *Enterprise, Enterprise D, Defiant, and Voyager. I would love a sequel featuring some other Trek crews, especially the Disco, LDecks, and PIC season 1&2 crews.

  • Trektober 2024
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 4d ago 100%

    October 16 Prompt - Section 31

    Do you think we're going to see William Boimler again in season five? I know not every loose end needs to be wrapped up, but coming to terms with William's "death" was a significant moment for Boimler, so I hope they get an episode to have him confront the fact that his transporter duplicate is actually alive and working for Section 31.

    Anyways, I didn't have enough time to colour this one, but I'd like to at some point.

  • Trektober 2024
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 5d ago 100%

    October 15 Prompt - Red Alert

    For this prompt, I had to pay tribute to the best to ever do it; when Riker says, "Red alert!" you know shit is about to pop off. I've never actually played a Phoenix Wright game, but I do like the objection meme.

  • Trektober 2024
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 1w ago 100%

    October 10 Prompt - Shuttlecraft

    Let's call this one a work in progress. I decided that the prompt would be a good opportunity to make an updated space burrito truck for my user icon. However it's game night, so I was drawing in between turns of Dune: Imperium, and thus only got the bare bones done. I will definitely be revisiting this to finish it up.

    Also, going out of town for Thanksgiving -- or as we here in Canada call it, Canadian Thanksgiving -- and I'll have limited internet access, so I probably will have to post the next handful all at once upon returning to civilization.

  • Trektober 2024
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 2w ago 100%

    October 9 Prompt - Diplomatic Incident

    "It's a finger trap!" When I was a kid, I thought the end of "The Last Outpost", where Riker requests permission to beam a crate of Chinese finger puzzles over to the Ferengi starship was pretty funny. In the hindsight of adulthood, it's pretty silly to think that the Ferengi, even TNG Ferengi, would be so flummoxed by some woven paper cylinders, but it's still fun to think that there's a D'Kora-class marauder out there full of Ferengi out for revenge against the Enterprise over such a simple thing.

  • Trektober 2024
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 2w ago 100%

    October 8 Prompt - Away Mission


    My first attempt to use the animation tools in Clip Studio Paint, and I'm happy with how this one turned out. Especially seeing as I scrapped my original attempt and started over when I was almost done with Pike.

  • Trektober 2024
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 2w ago 100%

    October 7 Prompt - Academy Era

    Did you know that Kirk and Tilly are canonically the same age, and thus probably attended Starfleet Academy at the same time? You do now! I also decided to give them the cadet uniform we see in a couple TOS episodes, including "Shore Leave", and I'm not sure how well that translates.

    Time went a little long on this one so I technically missed the mark on finishing it, which makes the fact that I don't think I like it all that much doubly unfortunate. In my head I had in mind a sort of children's storybook style, but the execution leaves something to be desired. Oh well!

  • Canon Connections: PRO 2x01 - Into the Breach, Part I
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 2w ago 100%

    No, I haven’t taken the time to build a list of all the Canon Connections posts. I appreciate the suggestion.

  • Trektober 2024
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 2w ago 100%

    October 6 Prompt - Mirrorverse

    We know from DS9 that Spock becomes the emperor of the Terran Empire at some point (leading to the downfall of the Empire, because it's too week to defend itself from the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance), but outside of the comics, we don't actually see Emperor Spock at any point, and I haven't read those comics.

    Anyways! I wasn't really feeling this prompt, so I left it until the last minute, and that's why it's just black line-art on white. Or, was I making a colouring book page? You decide!

  • Trektober 2024
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 2w ago 100%

    October 5 Prompt - Time Travel

    This is my favourite one, so far. I was honestly at a bit of a loss as to what to do for the prompt originally, but then I thought about just drawing the Guardian of Forever and calling it a day. That led me to drawing Carl from Disco, and trying to do that in an LDecks style, which in turn led to the headline in The Star Dispatch about Boimler getting snacked upon by a tyrannosaur.

  • Your Own Personal Version of “The Royale”
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 2w ago 100%

    If it it was based on a book I happened to bring along for entertainment, there's a good chance it would a John Scalzi novel, which means it could be "Redshirts", and that would be pretty surreal.

    Or some Ninja Turtles comics.

  • Trektober 2024
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 2w ago 100%

    October 4 Prompt - First Contact

    I'm pretty vocal about the fact that "Star Trek: First Contact" is a movie I don't have much love for. However, I really do like the TNG episode, "First Contact". So here's Riker and the Malcorian nurse played by Bebe Neuwirth. Is the scene with them a bit problematic in hindsight? Yeah, it's not great.

    I got to put a bit more time into this one, and I think it show. My original intent was to do more than just a pair of floating heads, but even though I was able to block out the extra time, and I cannot stress this enough, I am very slow. So this is what I've got! I like it. I like how Lanel, the Malcorian nurse, turned out more than I do Riker. I used one photo reference for both, and in hindsight I should have used a different angle for Riker.

  • • Gwyn records the stardate as 61886.6 in her personal log. • *”It’s been a long road.”* Gwyn references the lyrics of the Federation anthem. • In the temple they find at the coordinates provided by the mysterious guide, the Protogies find statues of the Traveler’s species, if they’re not of the Traveler himself. • The voice of the Traveler can be heard as the Protogies explore the structure. Eric Menyuk reprised the role for this episode. • The vault door the Protogies discover is modelled on the one in Gary Seven’s office, seen in “Assignment: Earth”, as well as the one Tallinn’s apartment in “Fly Me to the Moon”. • It’s Wesley Crusher! From Star Trek! Wesley is portrayed by “The Ready Room” host, Wil Wheaton.     • This is the third time we’ve seen Wesley wearing the orange sweater, which was previously seen in “Where No One Has Gone Before”, and “Lonely Among Us”. • *”As if I needed another reason to dislike time travel.”* In “Future’s End” Janeway claimed, *”Ever since my first day in the job as a Starfleet Captain I swore I'm never let myself get caught in one of these godforsaken paradoxes.”* • *”Edward, I only have three rules when captaining a starship: keep your shirt tucked in, go down with the ship, and never abandon a member of your crew.”* Janeway echoes the rules for captaining she said to Naomi Wildman in “Dark Frontier”. • Rok-Tahk recites Wesley’s resume:     • Member of Nova Squadron - Wesley was shown to be part of squadron of elite cadets in “The First Duty” when they were under review for getting one of their team killed performing a banned flight maneuver     • Genius of the *Enterprise D* - Data might cock his head slightly to one side at this     • Made acting ensign at age 15 - Wesley was made acting ensign in the sixth TNG episode, “Where No One Has Gone Before” • *“When I was a young man on the* Enterprise, *I met an advanced being called the Traveler. He was part of a secret faction of explorers who watch over the cosmos. Very cool. The invited me to become one of them.”* Wesley is referring to the events of “Where No One Has Gone Before” and “Journey’s End” respectively. • Wesley lists a variety of different alternate universes:     • Prime universe - First seen in “Where No Man Has Gone Before”     • Mirror universe - Introduced in “Mirror, Mirror”     • The Narada incursion - i.e. the Kelvin timeline established in 2009’s “Star Trek”     • Fluidic space - Home of Species 8472, seen in “Scorpion, Part II”     • The mycelial network - A subspace pocket first mentioned in “Context is For Kings”       • Wesley tells the Protogies that they’re not supposed to know about the mycelial network, apparently respecting the fact that it was classified by Starfleet command in “Such Sweet Sorrow, Part 2” • *”After the temporal wars, there just aren’t many of us left to repair timelines.”* To the best of our knowledge, as per season three of DIS, the temporal wars ended either in the late 31st, or early 32nd century with the establishment of a ban on time travel. • *“My mom lives here!”* Also his brother would be around three or four years old at this point, as per “No Win Scenario”, though I agree with Wesley that’s less of a concern. • *”How do you know about the Supervisors?*” The Supervisors were revealed to be agents of the Travelers in “Farewell”. • Wesley makes it explicitly clear that he was the mysterious figure who was contacting Murf in “Temporal Mechanics 101” • Wesley transports the Protogies to what appears to be Gary 7’s office as it was seen in “Assignment: Earth”. Presumably in the next episode, we will learn what happened to agents 201 and 347 when Wesley kills them to avoid some messy questions about why he’s there.


    Hey, this is a little bit late, but it occurs to me that it's now October, and that means it's also [Trektober](, the annual Star Trek inspired daily drawing prompt challenge. There are three sets of prompts which can be found at: The first is a set of general Trek inspired prompts. The second is Trek specific. The third set is NSFW. I'll be trying to participate us, and I'll be sharing the results here. I'd like to invite anyone else interested in attempting some or all of the challenge to do so as well. Maybe spoiler tag any of the NSFW entries, though. Happy Trektober!


    • The episode title calls back to the TOS season three episode, “Is There in Truth No Beauty?” which was the first appearance of a Medusan. • We open with Zero’s personal log, where they record the stardate as 61881.4.     • Zero also says it’s been a week since the previous episode, which was stardate 61875.9, though how precise they’re being isn’t explicitly clear. • Zero mentions difficulty in repairing their containment suit, which was damaged in the previous episode. This does raise the question of who created their original containment suit on Tars Lamora, as it seems as though Zero is not involved in the repair process. • Zero mentions the Paxans as one of the species of non-corporeal beings living at the colony that contacts them. When introduced in the TNG episode, “Clues”, the Paxans were so isolationist that they we going to destroy the *USS Enterprise D* to conceal their existence until Captain Picard was able to convince them to merely mindwipe the entire crew, except Data who helped to facilitate the deception. • Upon arriving on Ovidia IV, the Protogies are wearing protective visors of the sort shown in “Is There in Truth No Beauty?” to shield them from the horrifying, madness inducing appearance of any Medusans they might encounter. • *”I’ve always had this [...] yearning to experience life. To touch and feel as you do.”* This yearning has been depicted as far back as the second season premiere, “Into the Breach, Part I”. • This is the first on screen depiction of parisses squares, a sport first mentioned in “11001001”. The ion mallets the game is played with was introduced into continuity in “Real Life”.     • The game is being played with uneven teams, with the Nova Squadron cadets only having three players, and the Protogies having five. Though not explicitly stated, in “11001001” it is implied that teams have four players.     • The holographic Protogies should be careful playing the game. A parisses squares accident is what led to the death of the Doctor’s holographic daughter in “Real Life”.


    • The episode title is a reference to the most enduring piece of historical culture in Trek. Who could forget Picard’s line in “All Good Things…” paraphrasing Dom Toretto, *”I don’t got crew, I got family.”* Chills! • Dal records the stardate as 61875.9 in his captain’s log.     • The Protogies dispute Dal’s status as captain of the *Infinity*; Dal claimed the role of captain aboard the *USS Protostar* in “Starstruck”, though he did temporarily turn over the position to Gwyn in “Supernova, Part 1”. • This is the first mention of a sonic toilet in the franchise. • The first usage of a Borg transwarp conduit was in “Descent” when the *USS Enterprise D* was pulled into one opened by Lore’s rogue Borg ship.     • The conduit seen here appears to be maintained by a piece of hexagonal shaped Borg technology similar to the transwarp hub the *USS Voyager* travelled through in “Endgame”, though this is only on aperture, whereas the hub was a much larger structure connecting many such gates.       • In “Descent” and other appearances of the transwarp conduits, no such technology was present. • *”Borg? Not them again.”* Zero was briefly assimilated in “Let Sleeping Borgs Lie”. • *”I love science so much.”* Rok-tahk is much more outwardly enthusiastic than Spock was in “Perpetual Infinity” when he deadpanned, *”I like science.”* • Zero claims the technology that rerouted the *Infinity* is Kazon. As per “Alliances” most Kazon technology was actually developed by the Trabe, who used the Kazon as slave labour until they were able to stage an uprising. • Rok mentions the Kazon who sold the Protogies to the Diviner, as seen in “Preludes”. • Kazon uniforms vary by sect. The uniforms the two Kazon androids who arrive to take the Protogies into custody are not wearing a uniform previously shown. These uniforms also include a mask, which familiar Kazon uniforms have not had.     • It is revealed that the facility was established by the Oglamar sect, representatives of which were seen in “Maneuvers” an “Alliances”, wearing a different uniform.     • The Kazon androids are wielding phaser rifles similar in profile to the ones seen in VOY with some distinct differences, such as glowing panels on the conical emitter, and housing on the top of the weapons. • Crashed in the ice of the planet, we see:     • A Gorn ship, as seen in the remastered release of “Arena”     • A Tellarite cruiser, similar to the ones introduced in “Babel One”     • The Excelsior-class *USS Cairo* which was the command of Captain Jellico before his temporary transfer to the *Enterprise D* in “Chain of Command, Part I”, and was thought to have been ambushed by the Dominion and lost in the Neutral Zone, as per “In the Pale Moonlight”. Unfortunately, we know Jellico did not go down with the ship when it was lost. • The Kazon artificial intelligence is voiced by Debra Wilson, who’s voiced a number of characters, including Lisa Cusak in “The Sound of Her Voice”, Klingon captain Trij in “Supernova, Part 1”, and Orion pirate Z’oto in “Something Borrowed, Something Green”.


    • Commander Tysess refers to Doctor Noum as a counselor. He was chief medical officer aboard the *USS Dauntless*, but presumably that duty has fallen to the Doctor aboard the *USS Voyager A*. • Tysess claims the cloaking device aboard the *Infinity* violates three Federations treaties. We’re aware of the Treaty of Algeron with the Romulan Star Empire. That treaty was first mentioned in “The Defector”, and it’s established in “The Pegasus” that in explicitly prohibits the Federation from developing cloaking technology. • Rok-Tahk creates a hologram of the bridge of the *USS Protostar*, which was destroyed in the finale of season one. • After Rok fiddles with the Protogies holographic duplicates, they believe they’re the real individuals, leading to shenanigans. Other holograms that have believed themselves to be real people include:     • Cyrus Redblock - “The Big Goodbye”     • Leonard da Vinci - “Concerning Flight”     • The population of Fair Haven - "Spirit Folk" • The Protogies end up getting into physical confrontations with their holographic duplicates -- except Rok-Tahk, who just just does a bunch of science with her hologanger, like a nerd. Trek characters have been fighting their doubles since "The Enemy Within". Fortunately Spock is not around to express to Gwyn that there's a certain allure the aggressive version of Dal. • Maj’el distracts the Doctor by asking him about his willingness to give opera vocal lessons, and he asks if she’s ever heard him sing “Questa o quella”. The Doctor sang that piece in “Renaissance Man” while returning to the *USS Voyager* with Janeway aboard a shuttle.     • Maj’el uses the same tactic to distract the Doctor that Zero did in the previous episode, engaging him in one of his interests.     • Zero asks Maj’el why she would lie on behalf of the Protogies, and she responds *”Vulcans lie all the time,”* which is surprisingly honest.


    • Admiral Janeway states the stardate is 61865.1 in her opening log. • Janeway, the Protogoies, and Maj’el recount the events of the previous two episodes, from their relative perspectives. • Despite Jankom’s reversion to his more abrasive personality traits in the previous episode, he has restyled his hair with the more clean cut side part that characterized his attempts to blend with the cadets at Starfleet Academy. • *”If you ask Jankom, it was a g-g-ghost.”* While waiting to be debriefed by the senior staff, Jankom lit a candle and read a particularly erotic chapter in his grandmother’s journal • *”I haven’t seen a crew this dysfunctional since the* Cerritos*.”* Apparently the Doctor has never been to Starbase 80. • I believe this is the first time it’s been explicitly stated that Murf, and presumably all Mellanoid slime worms, are immune to Zero’s telepathy. • Zero asks the Doctor about his most recent holonovel. The Doctor’s first novel, “Photons Be Free” was featured heavily in the VOY episode, “Author, Author”.     • The Doctor’s new holonovel is entitled, “Love in the Time of Holograms”. • One of the humpback whales in Cetacean Ops is named Gillian, presumably after Doctor Gillian Taylor, the whale biologist the crew of the *HMS Bounty* encountered and absconded to the future with “Star Trek: The Voyage Home”.     • Gillian is voiced by Bonnie Gordon, who also voices the ship’s computer, and several other incidental characters. • While going through the Federation database for spirals that match the one Murf constructed in the mess hall, Gwyn and Dal see a Rubber Tree People Symbol matching one that was on a stone Chakotay had among his belongings while serving on the *USS Voyager*. We first saw the CHAH-mooz-ee in “The Cloud” when he used it as part of a ritual to help Janeway connect with her spirit guide. • This is the first time we’ve been told on screen that the planet Chakotay grew up on is called Trebus, but the name comes from the novel, “Pathways”, written by Jeri Taylor and published in 1998. • *”And if we get caught, we might as well have,* ‘I love the brig’ *signs around our necks.”* We learned in “Temporal Edict”, that Mariner loves the brig. It’s her favourite place. • Among the memorabilia in Janeway’s ready room are:     • A silver spider which was not part of her costume as Arachnia, Queen of the Spider People in “Bride of Chaotica”     • Her Starfleet Academy diploma, featuring the Science Department emblem developed for “Star Trek: The Motion Picture”.     • A late 24th century phaser     • A late 24th century combadge     • Chakotay’s CHAH-mooz-ee stone     • A trophy made from Tuvix’s hair     • A photo of herself and Chakotay.


    Not my original content


    Not my original content


    • The episode title refers to a textbook that several other characters have admonished Dal for not reading this season, beginning in “Into the Breach, Part I”. • Rok-Tahk catches Murf having a discussion with a silhouetted figure in the *USS Voyager A*’s astrometrics lab. Previously we’ve seen Silik speaking with the silhouetted Future Guy, beginning in ENT’s premiere, “Broken Bow”. • Janeway speculates that the temporal shielding aboard the *Infinity* is what’s preventing *Voyager A* from being affected by the changes to the timeline caused by Chakotay and Adreek escaping aboard that *USS Protostar* in the previous episode. Temporal shielding was used to great effect during the *USS Voyager*’s conflict with the Krenim temporal weapon in “Year of Hell, Part II”. • A chyron informs us the stardate 52 years in the future where the Protogies are stuck is, 112152.1. • *”Then we send a hundred ships.”* It was established in “Preludes” that the Vau N’Akat did indeed send 100 ships into the anomaly in pursuit of the *Protostar*. • Zero descends into the Va’Lu’Rah pit carrying Dal and Maj’el in a manner not dissimilar to Spock carrying Kirk and Bones up the turbolift shaft with his hover boots in “Star Trek: The Final Frontier”. • Dal claims to be able to feel that Gwyn is in pain while displaced from time. Dal has latent telepathic abilities from this proto-Organian genetics. • *”I’m a doctor, not an exorcist.”* The Doctor has uttered variations on Bones’ famous, “I’m a doctor, not a bricklayer,” in 13 prior instances. • *”I came across a mission log where lieutenant Worf was able to jump between quantum timelines by generating an inverse warp field, siphoned from a temporal anomaly.”* Maj’el relates the events of “Parallels”. • Characters this season have chided Dal for not reading Temporal Mechanics 101, but, to be fair, the text appears to be a short video lesson, so none of them actually read it either. • Doctor Erin MacDonald was first mentioned in the LDS episode, “First First Contact”, and seen in “Supernova, Part II”. She is based upon, and voiced by, Doctor Erin MacDonald, the science advisor who has worked on every modern Trek series thus far. • Temporal Mechanics 101 has three examples of how to travel through time:     • Slingshot around the sun - “Tomorrow is Yesterday”, “Star Trek: The Voyage Home”, and “Penance”     • Get on the wrong side of a Q - “Tapestry”, “All Good Things…”, “Deathwish”, “Farewell”     • A wormhole - “Eye of the Needle”, “Into the Breach, Part II” • Zero uses a chronitonic hypospray to temporarily prevent Gwyn from shifting between quantum realities. The Doctor did something similar in “Shattered” using a chroniton infused serum to bring Chakotay into temporal alignment after he was hit by a surge of temporal energy from an anomaly. • The Doctor modified a phase discriminator to stabilize Gwyn. In “Timescape”, captain Picard, Data, Geordi, and Troi used phase discriminators to protect themselves from being trapped in a temporal fragment.


    • The episode title is a callback to the TNG episode, “Who Watches The Watchers”. • Maj’el uses a band of cloth to hide her Vulcan ears, a maneuver Spock first performed in “Star Trek: The Voyage Home”. • A chyron informs us the stardate during the present time is 61860.1. • Gwyn challenges Ascencia to Va’Lu’Rah, a *“sovereign ritual”* for the Vau N’Akat, mentioned in the previous episode. Certainly this isn’t going to be some trial by combat.     • Cultures that have ritual combat include:       • Vulcans       • Ligonians       • Klingons       • Gelrakians • *”Those Vau N’Akat put a weapon on our ship that threatens the entire Federation.”* Adreek is referring to the living construct, which the Protogies discovered and dealth with during the previous season, by destroying the *USS Protostar*. • *”It would not be the first instance of a causal time loop in Starfleet history.”* Maj’el confirms that the events of “Past Tense, Part I”, “Past Tense, Part II” and “Star Trek: First Contact” were the results of bootstrap paradoxes. • *”Vulcans do not lie.”* Maj’el lies right in Dal’s face.     • In “The Menagerie, Part I”, Spock tells Pike, *“I have never disobeyed your orders before, Captain,”* which contradicts “The Red Angel” where he refuses an order to stand down.     • In “The Menagerie, Part I”, Spock made a false entry in the *Enterprise’s* log.     • In “The Menagerie, Part 2”, it is revealed that Spock has been aware the entire time that the trial was a Talosian projection and thus has been making false statements in service of that deception.     • In “A Taste of Armageddon”, Spock lies as a distraction, claiming there’s a bug on someone’s shoulder before nerve pinching them.     • In “Errand of Mercy”, Spock tells Kor he’s a merchant.     • In “Amok Time”, Spock lies about his excitement seeing that Kirk survived kal-if-fee, claiming it was simply logical relief that Starfleet did not lose a capable captain.     • In “The Enterprise Incident”, the Romluan commander asks if it is merely a myth that Vulcans cannot lie, to which he responds, *“It is no myth.”*     • In “The Enterprise incident”, Spock claims he was unprepared for Kirk’s attack, and used the *”Vulcan death grip” instinctually. Clearly the attack had been planned, and there is no such thing as a Vulcan death grip.     • In “Yesteryear”, Spock lies about his identity after travelling to the past and visiting his family.     • In “More Tribbles, More Troubles” Spock claims that Vulcans don’t have a sense of humour, which they obviously do.     • In “Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan”, Spock lies about how long it will take to repair the *Enterprise* in case the transmission is being monitored. When Saavik calls him on this, he claims he merely exaggerated.     • In “Spock Amok”, Spock told Chapel that he had a dream where he had to fight his human side, whereas it was obvious that in his dream Spock was the human half fighting his Vulcan side. • The timeline changes with Chakotay and Adreek escape aboard the *Protostar* instead of launching it under autopilot, causing Gwyn to start disappearing from existence. In “Children of Time” the descendants of the crew of the *USS Defiant* and their colony disappear when the alternate future version of Odo chooses to let 200 years worth of people never be born so he can save Kira from dying.


    With tonight’s victory, Winnipeg has officially knocked the Saskatchewan Rattlers out of contention, and now have a spot in the Western Conference play-in game.


    With tonight's victory, Winnipeg has officially knocked the Saskatchewan Rattlers out of contention, and now have a spot in the Western Conference play-in game.


    • *”I swear, you’ve read those first contact protocols more than Picard.”* Gwyn is too polite to reply that she, an alien child who grew up in a Delta Quadrant labour camp, has has no context for who Admiral Jean-Luc Picard is, even if he was captain of Starfleet’s flagship. • Asencia [Jameela Jamil] escaped capture in the previous season’s “Supernova, Part 1” after murdering the Diviner. • Janeway’s admiral’s log records the stardate as 61859.6.     • The most recent stardate prior this episode was 61302.7, given in the fourteenth episode of season one, “Crossroads”. • This is the first time we’re learning that the Diviner’s [John Noble] name was…is? Ilthuran. In season one, he was only ever referred to by his title. • *”We were just a bunch of nobodies on a rock. No hope, no future, until we found that ship.”* Dal is referring to the events of the season one premiere episodes “Lost and Found”. • The crew of the *USS Voyager* and their allies used temporal shielding during conflicts with the Krenim during “Year of Hell” and “Year of Hell, Part II”. • *”Refuse to help my own daughter? Surely I don’t make that bad of a father, do I?”* The Diviner choose to abandon Gwyn on a sentient planet that manifested the nightmares of its inhabitants and then consumed them in “Terror Firma”. • The Vulcan Nova Squadron cadet is named Maj’el, for the late Majel Barrett, who portrayed:     • Number One     • Christine Chapel     • Lwaxana Troi     • The Computer in TOS, TAS, TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT, “Star Trek Generations”, “Star Trek First Contact”, “Star Trek Insurrection”, “Star Trek Nemesis”, and 2009’s “Star Trek”     • Several other characters in TAS, including Amanda Greyson and M’Ress • This is the first on screen mention of a sonic toilet. • Maj’el claims that Vulcan psychic abilities are enhanced in the presence of other telepaths. I believe this is the first time this has been explicitly stated, or even implied on screen. • One of the crew who gets on the turbolift with Maj’el calls for deck 32. In the previous episode, Zero said that the *USS Voyager A* has 29 decks. • *”Warp cores are so beautiful up close. It’s the delta radiation.”* Delta radiation? You mean the thing that melted captain Christopher Pike and consigned him to a tortured existence in a beep chair? Too soon, Zero, too soon.     • Mirror Charles Tucker III was also deformed by long term exposure to delta rays.
