Exclusive poll: Young Americans swipe left on Trump voters
  • CharlesDarwin CharlesDarwin 3d ago 100%

    Ever since donnie it became something almost impossible to avoid finding out. Most redhats would out themselves pretty quickly. And then Covid happened, and with things like masks and vaccines, the crazies found it nearly impossible to hide themselves...I'm sure there are still a few being quiet, but I think once the fauxbrain really takes hold, they seem to find it impossible to NOT broadcast their assholery.

  • Exclusive poll: Young Americans swipe left on Trump voters
  • CharlesDarwin CharlesDarwin 3d ago 100%

    That's something that often occurred to me when I saw some antima/antiva Karen during Peak Covid - I felt sorry for anyone that was their SO, most especially if they were married to them, assuming they weren't down for that level of crazy.

  • Exclusive poll: Young Americans swipe left on Trump voters
  • CharlesDarwin CharlesDarwin 3d ago 100%

    It's kind of like that stupid red hat the gomers like to wear (when they feel they can - I notice a lot of them don't wear it all the time, though - imagine that. It's almost like they know what that hat really means to normal Americans.)

    When I see someone wearing that, now I know it's someone I can just skip over. It's like wearing a "do not talk to me" shirt.

  • Exclusive poll: Young Americans swipe left on Trump voters
  • CharlesDarwin CharlesDarwin 3d ago 100%

    Related note; I can’t tell you how many women I met, including my wife, who said they would go on a date and the man would start going off about Trump bullshit. Imagine that. On a first date.

    I find that the magabrainz will even start up with that shit on an elevator if they can. If you think of con memes as a brainworm from another planet that is seeking to infect the entire human race, it makes a lot more sense...they seek to spread that shit in nearly every interaction, even with people they have just met. Invasion of the Body Snatchers was supposedly about the red scare, but I find it far more like the way the redcoats behave...

  • Election 2024: I'm not voting to retain any Colorado judges
  • CharlesDarwin CharlesDarwin 3d ago 100%

    Had the “scarlet glow of shamelessness” been implemented on the vice president’s debate on Oct. 1, JD Vance would have been floating in a sea of red every time he mentioned women’s rights, the Affordable Care Act, immigration, January 6, crime, inflation, whether or not Donald Trump won the 2020 election, Springfield, Ohio, et cetera.

    "Yeah, but Walz got some obscure details wrong about China from 35 years ago, so, both sides!"

  • JD Vance thinks monarchists have some good ideas
  • CharlesDarwin CharlesDarwin 3d ago 100%

    I keep saying I think no cons should be allowed to hold any office, and this is pretty much why. Despite all their rhetoric about "patriotism", and "freedom" and "but mah Constitution", they don't really care about any of that. They don't want freedom and they don't respect rule of law - except to have freedom only for themselves and those they deem worthy.

    They are elitist to the core, but then declare ideas related to doing anything about climate change (and thus disrupt assumptions about fossil fuel usage and the Standard American Diet) as "elitist". They twist meanings of words to mean entirely different things from what normal Americans understand those terms to mean.

  • Jerry Seinfeld 'Regrets' Blaming 'Extreme Left' for Killing Comedy
  • CharlesDarwin CharlesDarwin 4d ago 100%

    I personally loved his Getting Coffee series. Honestly, I just like watching him talk about his craft and talking w/ other comedians. I honestly think he could have kept that show going for as long as he felt up to the task and I would have watched.

    I do think things like Twitter and being terminally online and trying to "get" people by recording them and starting a tempest in a teapot is very obnoxious. It's like next-level heckling and I guess I understand why some comedians are kind of done with that. The thing about comedy is that they've always talked about "finding the line" with a given audience. It's supposed to be a bit transgressive and so, yes, some will get offended, but now people seem to go out of their way to be offended by a set they didn't even attend...

  • JD Vance thinks monarchists have some good ideas
  • CharlesDarwin CharlesDarwin 4d ago 100%

    Yeah, no kidding. That is the entire thing for the conservative movement.

  • Trump Breaks Down Onstage | At a campaign event last night, Trump got bored—and weirdness ensued.
  • CharlesDarwin CharlesDarwin 4d ago 100%

    I'm not sure which part of America believed that at any time. I think at least some people watched this dumbass since about the 80s and thought the notion of him even knowing the rules of typical chess was slim to none.

    But yeah, the low-info that thought the game show he was given meant he was a real bidnessman - they might have believed that. And of course, the "liberal media" kept telling everyone he was going to pivot into being "presidential" just about any minute now, so they were spinning something very much the same, and hell, some of them might have even believed their own bullshit, too. I think far too much of the Beltway media is into huffing each others' farts and exclaiming how great they smell.

  • Trump Breaks Down Onstage | At a campaign event last night, Trump got bored—and weirdness ensued.
  • CharlesDarwin CharlesDarwin 5d ago 97%

    I cannot help but wonder if we are in the Matrix, and David Lynch has been given the reins for the direction of what this time-line is....all donnie needs now is to dance with the backwards talking little man and to have the tall man materialize behind him....

  • Trump Breaks Down Onstage | At a campaign event last night, Trump got bored—and weirdness ensued.
  • CharlesDarwin CharlesDarwin 5d ago 97%

    Weirdness - very on-brand for the cons, who are total freaks, and not in a good way of being a freak.

  • Johnson: Additional hurricane aid ‘can wait’ until Congress is back in session
  • CharlesDarwin CharlesDarwin 5d ago 100%

    Well, fittest doesn't necessarily mean the smartest.

  • The vast divide between Republicans and Democrats over fast food
  • CharlesDarwin CharlesDarwin 6d ago 100%

    I wish I could claim it as something I came up with. I probably saw it on lemmy somewhere....

  • A MAGA conspiracist is trying to launch a lurid lie about Tim Walz—and it’s working
  • CharlesDarwin CharlesDarwin 6d ago 100%

    This sounds just like Elon Musk, butthurt that his minisub idea was mocked, called the man who actually rescued those kids a "pedo guy".

    The wingnuts always go calling everyone else a pedo...projection.

  • JD Vance Awfully Quiet After Report on How His Mom Got Health Care
  • CharlesDarwin CharlesDarwin 6d ago 100%

    We’re America, god damnit. American Exceptionalism demands we pave a different path. A rugged path. Like the men of the wild west! We cant use the same idea everyone else has, thats just filthy socio-communism!

    You're kidding, but the arguments I have heard against better healthcare in this country boil down to pretty much this.

  • A MAGA conspiracist is trying to launch a lurid lie about Tim Walz—and it’s working
  • CharlesDarwin CharlesDarwin 6d ago 100%

    These are the same dumbphucks that fell for the birther nonsense and then elected the very King of the birthers, soooo....

  • No country still uses an electoral college − except the US
  • CharlesDarwin CharlesDarwin 6d ago 77%

    USA! USA!

    Look, I really do love my country. As unfashionable as that sometimes seems on the left. But it ain't perfect. There are a lot of things that need worked on. Our healthcare situation is subpar. Our labor protections - bleh. Same for consumer protections. There are lots of things we could do to study other models and try to bring them here (except for the regressives here that hold everything back, that is).

    But one of the very worst is our Electoral College and the way the House is capped. The Senate system should get an overhaul, too. Two Senators from every state, no matter how many people live there? The EC was a slavery era thing and should be abolished, but the Senate thing should get an overhaul as well. I don't know the kinds of populations the 13 colonies had, but I doubt there was anything like the magnitude of California/Texas/Florida/New York/PA/etc vs. Wyoming. Maybe the makeup of states should get reconsidered if we cannot change the number of Senators - maybe split up California into smaller states, maybe combine some of the flyover states that have almost no one in them...
