Ren'Py Berin 3mo ago 100%

Posting Guide/How to Ask For Help

To preface this, do not be afraid to ask questions! This guide is meant to help reduce frustration for potential helpers, and make your post easily searchable for developers who might run into the same problem in the future.

Please adhere to the following guidelines when posting a question or asking for help:

Follow the "Read, Search, Ask" Principle

  • If you run into an error, don't panic and patiently read the error message first
  • Search the web, the documentation, or this community to ascertain if this problem has been discussed before
  • If neither of these methods could help, ask your question!

How to Ask for Help

Here are a few pointers on how to format and what to include in your post.

Use a helpful Title for your Post

Please do not just write variations of "Help!!" in your title. Instead, summarize your problem in one sentence. Also, lease use the appropriate post tag [Question].

Bad examples

  • "Can someone help me please?"
  • "HELP Animation Loop"
  • "Dumb question lol"
  • "Quick question"
  • "Translation question"

Good examples

  • "[Question] How to check which translation language is currently used?"
  • "[Question] Making a looping animation for a sprite"
  • "[Question] FilesNotFoundError when trying to open .rpy-File"

Explain your problem

Try to explain what you are trying to do and in what way your code behaves differently from what you expect.

List what you have tried to solve the problem

List what you have tried so far, and ideally include a code snippet.

Explain what you need help with concisely

Formulate a precise question or request for your problem.

Provide Examples and/or Screenshots

In general, add screenshots, code snippets, or in case of errors, the error message you are getting.

For code snippets, please use the code formatting feature of the Lemmy post editor so it's easier to read, like this:

define s = Character('Sylvie', color="#c8ffc8")
define m = Character('Me', color="#c8c8ff")

label start:
    s "Hi there! How was class?"
    m "Good..."
    "I can't bring myself to admit that it all went in one ear and out the other."
    s "Are you going home now? Wanna walk back with me?"
    m "Sure!"

Close the thread

If your question has been answered to your satisfaction, post a reply to let the participants in the discussion and future readers know, and show appreciation for your helpers by thanking them! Change the post tag to [Question Solved].

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