
American women don't know what real oppression is

Alright, listen up. It's time for a reality check. Some American women like to throw around the term "oppression" as if they truly understand its weight. Here's a newsflash: many of you don’t.You see, real oppression isn’t not getting a text back, dealing with manspreading on the subway, or having to pay for your own drinks.

Real oppression is not having the basic right to education, as many girls face in parts of the world. Real oppression is being legally barred from driving or traveling without a male guardian. Real oppression is facing genital mutilation or being stoned for having the audacity to speak out against your rapist.

In America, you have the freedom to work, vote, speak your mind, and live your life on your terms. You can walk away from abusive relationships, report sexual harassment, and demand equal pay (and damn right, you should). But let's not pretend that being catcalled is on par with being forced into marriage at age 12 or not being able to show your face in public.This isn’t about diminishing the challenges you face.

Every fight for equality is valid, and yes, America has its issues. But, when you scream "oppression" because you didn’t get the promotion you wanted, you’re trivializing the term. Take a step back, gain some global perspective, and then channel your energy into real change, not just hashtags and outrage.

Stay mad, stay passionate, but stay educated. Understand the difference between inconvenience and real, bone-crushing oppression. The world’s a big place, and your struggles are valid—but they’re not the whole damn story.

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