Autism BackOnMyBS • 11mo ago • 97%

I appreciate that this community is flourishing

I just noticed this while responding to someone via Matrix that I met through this community. I have been making online friends with y'all. Before this, I had to be really considerate over how much I say, or about what, or the know, the whole autistic social experience, always waiting for that moment when someone is upset with you and you have no idea why.

However, with the autistic online friends I've been making, I can share my experiences, input, and knowledge so easily...and they welcome it! They ask questions, don't blame, assume helpful intentions, disagree with their own interesting perspectives, and are extraordinarily respectful. It's like there's an unspoken level of understanding that we just somehow get each other really well.

We share a lot of common experiences, difficulties, and questions, while also support and helpful advice. This has been quite a new experience for me, and I'm finding it quite helpful at establishing a personal sense of community, inclusion, and hope. It also lets me know what to look for in people that I meet in person. I'm really happy about it 🙂 and I hope others are having similar experiences/benefits.

Bonus!!: We made the Lemmy World Weekly Most Requested Community Spotlight last week, so I know it's not just me.

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