
FINALLY got these belt lines completed. ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( I'm tired. Don't really have much in the way of comments today. ![]( Meanwhile, my wife made a bit more progress on the Ironworks factory.


Now, THAT, I'm much more happy with. ![]( Got the walkway/tubeway re-aligned. ![]( ![]( ![]( I MIGHT have gone overboard with the yellow, but ultimately, I'm leaving it. I did end up de-saturating the color of the lights in the stairwell. ![]( Figured an open roof would be nice. Still need to go back and check it out at night, though. I might drop the corner lights in favor of barrier lighting around the edge. ![]( Pretty solid view. ![]( Odd visual bug I encountered, at one point. The little outlines were suddenly here on a bunch of the blueprints I'd already placed, after I walked away for a while, and came back. Persisted as I went right back inside the building. ![]( Standard shot from my lookout tower. Alright, let's get this online! ![]( Oh. ![]( Oh no. My power plant's already running on Mk3. I thought I hadn't actually upgraded that yet. ![]( For now, I just went and downclocked all my permanent factories. Next session, I'm gonna have to start figuring out a second power plant.


My friend and I were playing for sort of our first time at 1.0. (We played a bit a few months ago, but stopped around computers when we heard 1.0 would be soon.) We were having fun, but as we got later in the game, it felt like things got really overwhelming and slowed down a lot. Especially once we got to T7/8. We ended up spending like a week just to mostly get nuclear power running. (We still aren't handling the waste completely.) We tried using blueprints a bit, but they were kind of clunky and it felt like there was only so much we could do with them. At this point we're on pause with the game. Does anyone have any suggestions for making things go smoother late game or is this just how the game is after a certain point? It feels bad stopping so close to the end, but the way things were going it felt like we might have ended up spending more time on the last few tiers than everything before that.


So, inspired by []( with, I figured it's time to try building a skyscraper. I've actually never built one before. This'll be replacing my starter copper sheet here, as well as a separate factory for Wire and Cable. I'm going to be using this Copper node, though, so this has to come down first. ![]( Since I'm just gonna be repeating the same floor 8 times, it's definitely beneficial to blueprint the whole thing. Plan is, with this, each floor will actually be composed of two blueprints, since I'm prototyping for a 32m x 40m footprint. ![]( I laid out the footprint for the main walkway/tubeway to figure out the position of the building, but when plopping down the door, I realized it looks really bad with the door off-center. So, I'll need to redo the walkway layout later, to shift it over. ![]( Figured I'd just fully enclose the miner in a basement, and build the whole tower on top of it. I'll put in some lighting and more detailing later. ![]( Looks pretty great so far, yeah? ![]( Actually, no. I hate it. Utterly. Looking back at the inspiration, I realize there's only ONE fully-glass wall, so you don't get the whole "see through the entire building thing" up close. Next time, I'll see if putting in walls on the sides and rear solves this issue. Also, you might be able to slightly notice, I forgot a piece of glass on the side walls, anyway. Fingers crossed.


Let's try a little experiment, How about a Lemmy satisfactory multiplayer server? - Server Connection: - ServerName: LemmyAndFriends - Password: lemmy Up to 10 concurrent players, based in California. I'll leave it up for 10 days until Oct 25th. Let's see how it goes This is hosted by a game hosting provider, so its not my personal network or computers. The game is freshly started in the Dune Desert.


Octo Smelter blueprint:


My wife finalized the concrete factory today, with only the slightest bit of feedback from me. ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( Not much to say, it's a pretty slick build. ![]( Then she made a start on iron works: Plate, Rod, and Screws. ![]( Happy little accident of the miners poking up into the logistics floor, which we were able to just highlight and work around. ![]( Me, I just spent my whole time plugging along on these belt lines. Good progress, just slow. I realized I actually was missing a blueprint, for a 4-meter incline segment, so I had to go develop that. Then I spent a bunch of time having to custom-build around the several junction points, but those *should* be the last hard part of this, and they're done.


Introducing a vertical circular bus - A giant O of belts and lifters fully connected allowing for input / output anywhere along the bus. Pros : - Modular, you can build anywhere on the vertical bus stack - Limits spaghetti by providing a clear and easy to access API for all players. - Very fast to reach all parts of the factory since everything is very concentrated into a cube of productivity. Cons : - Satisfactory netcode doesn't like SUPER dense areas, so it could become problematic for multiplayer. - There is no priority mergers yet in Satisfactory, so if you want to prioritize a input to the bus you downgrade the belts/lifters feeding INTO the priority input, that way the belt will back up and the priority input will provide the bulk of the material. Details/Photo Galleries: - Vertical Bus Details - Demonstration of the Vertical Bus in a base: - Prototyping details


Iron Rod factory I'm gonna call done. ![]( First time I had the idea for inter-building belting that "hangs" from a walkway, instead of just sitting under or inside it. Not sure if I really like this implementation, but I'll iterate on it. ![]( I ended up going maybe a little sparse on the footings/supports for the building, but I was afraid of just doing it the same as I've done on like 3 other buildings. Instead, the whole underside of the building ramps down an inward, and the flat part in the center is the only spot where footings sit. I think it looks acceptable. ![]( ![]( Built an entirely separate building for exports, this time around. ![]( Really happy with the facade of the backside of the building, but I'm honestly not happy at all with the exits. But I'm too tired to come up with anything better. Maybe I'll revisit some other time. ![]( And finally, that's some more legacy cleanup I can do. ![](


I was asked yesterday about what it took to make this circular platform, and it was a NIGHTMARE at the time, so I thought I'd do a post about just that, in detail. The standard technique for circles is pretty simple. ![]( Just start with a cross, mapping out the radius/diameter you want. ![]( Staring at the center of the center foundation, and holding CTRL, you can scroll to rotate the foundation in 5 degree increments. ![]( Place another under it, to match the height of the rest... ![]( ...then, you can zoop out another T, overlaid on the first. Repeat until circle is complete. The easy circles to make are 88m (11 foundations) for 10 degree increments, and 168m (21 foundations) for 5 degree increments. That is, with those dimensions, the corners come out very close to perfect, close enough that you don't notice unless you're looking for imperfections. ![]( However, these circle sizes didn't work, for this build. The Space Elevator has a footprint of 54m x 54m, so I went with a circle diameter of 64 meters (8 foundations) to make sure that there's at least a half-foundation of walking space around the whole thing. That's what we have here, 28 meters on all sides of center, which equates to 3 foundations, nudged away from center by a half-foundation. The gap to be filled in at the end. ![]( Problem with this circle size is that the overlapping is VERY noticable. The idea for dealing with this is essentially to replace each of the full foundations with a pair of half-foundations, overlapping just enough to get the corners to perfectly touch, at each segment. To get corners to align perfectly, you have to identify the exact point where you want the corner to be. In this case, that's actually impossible to do perfectly (as far as I know), as the spot where we want the corners to be is the cross-point of the overlapping edges. It's possible to identify this point freehanded, using pillars and barriers, but since this is a circle, we can actually make it simpler. We can just say "I don't care where the corner are, as long as they all line up on the circle." So, it's MUCH easier to just identify the center point of each foundation edge. ![]( Because I'm paranoid, I built out an extra extra "placeholder" piece for each edge, so if I screw up, a corner, I still have the desired point identified. ![]( Now, we can build a perfectly-overlapped edge between two of the desired corner points, by first identifying them... ![]( ...then pulling a Freeform beam between them, then snapping pillars to each end. ![]( With the pillars, we have a snapping point for foundations that has both the location of the corner, and the desired angle of the edge. ![]( A quick nudge, and that one's done. ![]( Repeated for the opposite side of that edge, then repeated for the next edge over. ![]( We have in-fact achieved a perfectly joined corner. ![]( I am NOT building out an entire circle of this again. In fact, in the original build, I had to do TWO of these circles, because the lower level that the Space Elevator platform sits on was built this exact same way, but with an extra 2 foundations in diameter. ![]( Looks pretty freakin' good in concrete, even up close. Although, it looks much less good if you color the concrete, since in any color other than pure white, the edge lines show up darker again, just like with FICSIT foundations. Of course, it looks basically flawless with asphalt. ![]( Advantage of perfect corners means we can have perfect cornering of barriers or railings or whatever else you want to line it with. No walls, though, unfortunately, since we still can't overcome the limit of not having half-width walls. ![]( The "wall" covering I used in the real build was just four pillars, snapped neatly to the edges of the half-foundations, and painted with Carbon Steel. I've painted them different colors here, to illustrate the point. ![]( Finally, we can fill in the center. In the original build, I believe I also deleted the inner-most ring of circular foundations, and just made the center grid bigger to overlap. The Space Elevator sits on top of it, so it's not really noticeable anyway, but the perfectionist in me is always worried about using more build pieces than necessary, since there's eventually an upper limit.


Back with my wife today, and this is actually her WIP build for a new Concrete factory, replacing our starter nonsense. ![]( ![]( Just managed to get the switch flipped on, and confirmed 100% efficiency. She'll get it all cosmetically finished next time. ![]( Meanwhile, I was out re-finishing the belt systems for our Steel campus, now that we have Steel and Quartz production running, and can build all the associated cosmetics. These lines have all been here for a few weeks, just for functionality. ![]( I didn't get very far, since I spent most of the time blueprinting the structure to build around the belt lines, and then having to re-build the belt lines themselves to not use any 1m inclines. I couldn't get a blueprint to work for a 1m incline segment, on account of there not being any 1m incline catwalks. But I'm all set now to get this finished pretty quickly next time.


I was scouting a high place to set up a radar when I noticed this great view! Couldn't quite get everything in (there's another factory off to the left, and my main/initial layout is directly under me, as evidenced by the space elevator) but I liked how my little empire looks, pockets of industry in a wild world. I like also the evolution of my factory building as I unlocked parts and started to care more. From naked buildings on platforms at the far right (and below) to a roofless but walled factory in the distance, and then my most recent building in the mid-right distance. The only one so far with walls, floors, AND a frickin' ROOF! It's even got lights and windows! Yeah, we get a little fancy sometimes, haha. How's your factory/empire looking?


A little HQ area I made for myself in my solo game, like 2 weeks ago. ![]( First time I've actually been compelled to use actual lights, instead of just signage. Probably the last. ![]( Total accident that I ended up with like 6 berry plants RIGHT at the entrance to the place. ![]( BOY have I been loving the Carbon Steel cosmetic in this save.


Hosting in-laws this weekend, so we're in backlog territory. This was the first build my wife and I did together, about a week into 1.0. Although we only got around to finishing it out last week, after getting steel and signs and such running. Actually, she finished out the buildings, but I'd still like to put some finishing touches here on the Water Extractors. ![]( ![]( This resource trunk line was mostly my concept, with a few suggestions from my wife... ![]( ...while the buildings were almost entirely my wife, with me just doing the belt and pipe routing. ![]( ![]( ![]( She likes purple. ![]( This is the entrance I need to build out. I'd like to do something that highlights the tree and the berry plant, in some fashion. ![]( Goddamnit, I love these. I need an excuse to use this design again.


Got a great start on a new Iron Rod factory today. Mostly because I leaned heavily on blueprinting and repeating the bulk of the work ![]( Going with a dedicated logistics/maintenance floor again, because it helped me fit into a 32mx32m blueprint footprint. ![]( I don't care if these illuminated barriers are unoriginal at this point, they're freakin' gorgeous. ![]( ![]( Nice thing is that with this design, there's a lot more load balancing going on, as opposed to manifolding. Each of the 4 wings has 2 smelters, which get even amounts of resources, and feeds 2 constructors, evenly. ![]( Implemented this little idea for an exhaust vent, above each smelter. ![](


I'm going to regret staying up this late, but I got the factory done that I started yesterday. ![]( I love the look of the frame pillars, but this was TEDIOUS as all hell to build. Mainly because these pillars aren't actually hollow, you can't target inside of them. ![]( I mentioned yesterday that I did something interesting with the Iron Ingot line, where I'm alternating between inputs and outputs, and you can kinda see it here, running underneath the catwalk. The smelters here feed into the line, then some lifts pull off of it and feed into the constructors on the upper level, then *another* set of smelters feed into the belt, and so on. ![]( Same thing, but a view from the outside, on the ground floor. Also featuring the iron ore feed, and the plate/screw outputs hanging above it. Also also, the pillars supporting the detached upper level. ![]( Depot and sinking logistics, and also some nice hanging lighting. ![]( ![]( I like the little white stripe along the bottom. ![]( ![]( And with that done, I can finally clean up most of this nonsense. ![](


Today was D&D main story night for my wife, so I'm back to my solo save, starting a new long-term factory for Iron Plates and Screws. ![]( I had the thought to try out a setup with multiple floors, where you can look down on the first floor, from the second, and that morphed into this stacked setup. Really liking it, so far. ![]( This also turned into a manifold strategy I haven't done before, with a manifold that is mixed between providers and consumers. I.E. the Iron Ingot line alternates between smelters adding to it, and constructors pulling off. The numbers work out, but we'll see if it ends up working the way I think it should.


Greetings Pioneers! I got my local dedicated server stats added to Home Assistant and wanted to share if anyone else is interested. First off the API documentation can be found at “steamapps/common/Satisfactory/CommunityResources/” or [here thanks to redditor /u/suudo]( I generated an API token by opening the game client, clicking Server Manager > Console and entering the command `server.GenerateAPIToken` and added the following code block below to my configuration.yaml file. NOTE: I assume this goes without saying, but just wanted to note that you need to input your own server IP at YOUR_DEDICATED_SERVER_IP and input your own API token at YOUR_TOKEN in my example below. If there’s more you want to see please consult the documentation I’ve linked above. NOTE: I specified a unique_id for each sensor so they are customizable in the UI - this can be literally anything as long as it’s unique. ``` rest: - scan_interval: 60 method: POST resource: "https://YOUR_DEDICATED_SERVER_IP:7777/api/v1" verify_ssl: false headers: Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN Content-Type: "application/json" payload: '{ "function": "QueryServerState" }' sensor: - name: "Satisfactory Connected Players" value_template: "{{ | int }}" unique_id: 63628608-0139-40f0-b163-d2534d17ca78 unit_of_measurement: "Players" - name: "Satisfactory Tech Tier" value_template: "{{ | int }}" unique_id: 63628608-0139-40f0-b163-d2534d17ca79 - name: "Satisfactory Average Tick Rate" value_template: "{{ | float | round(1) }}" unique_id: 63628608-0139-40f0-b163-d2534d17ca7a unit_of_measurement: "Ticks/s" - name: "Satisfactory Active Session Name" value_template: "{{ }}" unique_id: 63628608-0139-40f0-b163-d2534d17ca7b - name: "Satisfactory Total Game Duration" value_template: "{{ ( | int) // 3600 }}" unique_id: 63628608-0139-40f0-b163-d2534d17ca7c device_class: "duration" unit_of_measurement: "hours" ```


I try to build a tower for fuel generators. I could get 4 generators at the bottom running. The fuel is inserted from the top and splitted 2 times to support the 4 generators. But now I would add another 4 generators on top of the existing 4. But what ever I try, I don't get the fuel pump high enough. According to the height of a generator, the next floor is 4 walls above the current floor. If im right, this is 16 meters and pump mk II should pump 20 meters. But it doesn't work. Has someone a idea?


Didn't get a whole lot of time today, but I think I can call this one done. I'll probably come back 2 weeks from now to get the trucks running, and find something to redo, but I'm ready to move on, for now. ![]( ![]( ![]( *sigh* We're never getting a fix for this, are we?


I ended up spending way more time than I wanted jerking around with the blueprint system, so I still didn't finish the whole Quartz factory. But the only thing left is the depot and shipping wings. The main building, the mine, and the resource transport are all finished. ![]( Blueprinting this trunk line in particular was what took up all the time. ![]( Happy with the result, though. ![]( Buggy lighting in caves is buggy. ![]( Did you know there's actually no height limit on lifts, if they're placed between two floor holes? ![]( Had to come up with something a little weird to close the gap on this ladder. This also took a LOT of time to get the positioning just right. Also really happy with it. ![]( With the color scheme established, for the trunk line, I was able to finish off coloring and lighting inside the building pretty quickly. ![](


Because this community deserves more activity. Today was spent setting up a basic Quartz/Silica factory, from one of the pure nodes in the giant Rocky Desert cave. ![]( ![]( Got it most of the way done. Need to finish running power along the input belt line, finish enclosing the Depot wing, bring the road up to meet the building, setup truck stations, and color and light the whole thing.


Hi Pioneers! Hello again everyone, today we have a decently big patch with a LOT of bug and crash fixes, as well as other changes like updated community translations and more! There are still some issues we’re looking into addressing and investigating, so please continue to let us know your feedback regarding our 1.0 Release, it helps a lot If we happened to introduce any new issues with this patch or if there are other issues we may be forgetting, please let us know over at our QA Site We read your posts every day See you all again soon, We’re super happy to see you all still enjoying our game <3 BUGFIXES Fixed Early Access supporter pack not working for people who own the game on Epic Games Launcher Fixed Slide Jumping accidentally being slower than it did during Update 8 Potential fix for a crash when obtaining the "New fear unlocked" achievement Fixed a rare crash when throwing a Nobelisk in multiplayer and unequipping the Detonator right after Fixed objects inside the poison clouds of Gas Pillars being uninteractable Fixed Blade Runners being visible in only one leg in Multiplayer Fixed a crash when dismantling a hypertube while someone is traveling through it Fixed a crash when joining a multiplayer game that had many offline pioneers in it Fixed Conveyor lifts not outputting items anymore when connected to a Conveyor Wall Fixed Blueprints being slightly offset compared to previous updates Fixed Cables sometimes getting the dismantle highlight stuck on them Fixed being able to Jump or Crouch while interacting with certain menus Fixed Conveyor Wall Mounts being able to snap to invalid buildables Fixed a crash when loading a save while a player was inside a Vehicle Fixed some customizations being skipped in Multiplayer when rapidly applying them Fixed Object Scanner not detecting Hard-Drives in some scenarios until saving and reloading near a crash site Fixed a crash on load in saves with corrupted Drones in them Fixed a soft lock in multiplayer when leaving a session during Objective 4 of the Onboarding tutorial Fixed multiple crashes that could happen when closing the game TECH ART Fixed some visual issues with the Buildgun when deploying the Parachute Corrected the colors of Mk.5 Conveyor Belts Fixed some visual issues when looking upwards and crouching or sliding with some equipment Adjustments to the first time equip animation for the Xeno Basher Visual adjustments to the Blade Runners in first person UI Fixed the not being able to scroll in the Hard Drive list in the MAM after researching many Hard Drives Fixed Hide Static Key Shortcuts and Hide Dynamic Key Shortcuts options under User Interface not working Fixed "Press RMB to respawn" sometimes getting stuck on screen in multiplayer Fixed Network Quality and other settings Fixed shift click not refilling inventory slots if there was not enough space for the entire stack to fit Fixed Radar Towers being visible in the compass despite being turned off in the Map Fixed a bug where some parts of the map would always be engulfed in fog of war and show an incorrect shape Updated the Map Fixed a bug where collapsable lists in the Options Menu would sometimes be expanded when exiting and re-entering menus or using the search function Fixed issue where Train Station names wouldn’t change in multiplayer until closing and reopening their UI Fixed Storage Container in the Blueprint Designer not showing an interact prompt Fixed not being able to write correct values on Valves in Multiplayer AUDIO Fixes to the Alien Power Booster Attenuation on the laser when it's powered Added a Creature Volume Slider for passive creatures; Manta, Space Giraffe and Flightless Birds WORLD Fixed being able to swim outside of the water near some waterfalls DEDICATED SERVER Fixed Advanced Game Settings not being Reset when creating a new game in some scenarios Fixed Dedicated Server failing to bind the Server API shutting down the server LOCALISATION Updated community translated languages with the latest translations The following languages are now fully translated by community Turkish - Türkçe Vietnamese - Tiếng Việt The following languages are now partially translated by community, the percentage number represents how much is translated so far Arabic - اَلْعَرَبِيَّةُ - %58 Bulgarian – български – 57% Czech – Čeština – 51% Hungarian – Magyar – 83% Please note that for languages to be reimported into the game, they need to reach at least 50% completion, If you want to help out check out info on our Discord. Fixed credits for all the LQA Testers KNOWN ISSUES [Installation] 1.0 doesn’t download Please make sure to exit Steam or the EGS launcher fully, or try verifying the game's files, and reattempt downloading the game. [Installation (Steam)] There is an .exe error when launching the game Please restart Steam and verify the game's files. There are languages missing These are the only officially supported languages: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified & Traditional Chinese. A lot of translations for Satisfactory have been community driven, which means that every other language previously available (and potential new ones) needs to be translated by the community, before being added as community translations once more. A lot of people in the community have already shown interest in helping us out with translations and we are ever so grateful to you all and we'll update translations in game as they come in! If you want to help out check out info on our Discord. Please note that you need to have been part of the server for a time to be eligible for this. I Can't Switch supported Languages (workaround available) If you still have any issue switching between officially supported languages, a quick fix for this is to exit the game, rename the %LOCALAPPDATA%\FactoryGame\Saved\Config folder to %LOCALAPPDATA%\FactoryGame\Saved\Old_Config, then launch the game. Plugin Error on launch (workaround available) This is related to mods installed. Mods currently do not work with 1.0 so please make sure to disable or even delete all your mods, until they are updated! [Crash] Shader Cache (workaround available) Users may experience the following Fatal Error when booting up the game: [File:C:\BuildAgent\work\b731a33f2a691e17\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\RHI\Private\PipelineStateCache.cpp] [Line: 365] Shader compilation failures are Fatal. This can be fixed by forcing DirectX 11 (dx11) as the rendering API via the launch command: -dx11 Video of how to set dx11 as a launch option: Text information on how to set launch options:\_arguments White static effect over the game (AMD Radeon 5000 Series GPUs, possibly others) This issue seems to be due to driver issues. Some workarounds on current drivers are: Try disabling upscaling If you really want to use upscaling, try using something other than FSR If you really want to use FSR, try changing the value of the FSR application by single digit increments towards either the lower or higher end of your current settings Force DirectX 11 as the rendering API through the launch command: -dx11 Mouse sensitivity feeling sluggish with V-Sync turned on We’re currently investigating an issue where some players experience very sluggish mouse movement with V-Sync turned on. In the meantime, we recommend playing with V-Sync turned off if the mouse controls feel overly annoying. Players starting at tier 2 on Dedicated Servers Players are currently starting off at tier 2 upon entering the game on Dedicated Servers, skipping past tier 1. We’re currently looking into limiting the skipped parts of the game on Dedicated Servers to the intro sequence only (tier 0), and possibly even enabling players to experience tier 0 on Dedicated Servers as well.

Satisfactory jonno 4w ago 95%
Send help

Just cant stop expanding my spaghetti’s


As a player since Update 3, it's heartwarming to see new 1.0 players enjoying the game and joining us


I chose this area because I thought that I'd have room to automate all the super early game mats and build my space elevator. Now I'm not so sure. Right now I have iron plates, iron rods, screws, wire, cable, and concrete automated with smelters ready to set up copper sheets the next time I play.


My friend and I routinely have conversations about factory design. His ideal factory ships every ore in its raw state to a single building, which can then move the ore to different floors/sections for processing. He goes further than most and separates each product into its own "room", so all steel bars are made in one room then shipped to the steel beam and steel pipe rooms. Importantly the factory should be designed so that you can "infinitely" expand a room if you need more of that resource. I prefer what I call "microfactories", where each component is created in a small, independent factory and the result is shipped to a main repository for builder use and for the space elevator construction. If you need modular frames, for example, you would find a group of ores and build a small factory on it and build every sub-component you can in it. Ideally, it would not rely on any other microfactory's outputs, but sometimes that's easier said than done. Often I will have a small cluster of microfactories all dedicated to shipping their output to a final microfactory for processing. So what do you all use? Note: He claims his design is more analogous to microservices (from software architecture) than mine, and that mine is something apparently called "pirate architecture". I think he's out of his mind on that one.


Ficsit does not waste.


I started in the Northern Forest, and took my time building up some factories to deal with all those pure iron nodes, and I’m just about to finish tier four. Has anyone been blazing a trail through the tiers? I’m curious what tier most folks are on.


Hit "N" on the keyboard to bring it up


Hello! Last week I posted about the dedicated satisfactory server I set up for anyone here on Lemmy to join. Several people expressed interest, and four have visited the server. The server is still empty most of the day so there's absolutely room for more players. DM me or join [the chat]( for details on how to join. Things have been happening. The first 50 smart plates have been delivered to project assembly, and the distribution platform has been constructed in orbit. The first sommersloop and mercer sphere were discovered and reasearched, netting completely normal, not at all weird, or in any way suspicious results. Basic organizing has been completed, automatic production and storage of all basic construction components, and the unlocking of tiers 3 and 4 is complete. Automated coal power and emergency power storage are up and running. ![]( ![]( Delivery of components for phase 2 is likely to commence tonight.


Ozoned is a well known fediverse based streamer, and I recommend his channel!