Commodore Plus/4

Prince of Persia was released for the Plus/4 a couple of weeks ago!


A list of Mastertronic games for the C16/+4 with sales figures.


> The Great Giana Sisters is a beloved classic on C64: a platformer heavily inspired by the "Italian plumber" series (that shall not be named). The game has incredible staying power: over 100 cracks of it exist (with new ones being released even this year), there's a PETSCII version, multiple level editors, a 30th-anniversary edition with lots of extras, tributes, the list goes on. Its soundtrack by Chris Hülsbeck is one of the most popular video game soundtracks of all time. > But wait a minute, why should we, lowly Plus/4 users care about all this C64 hoopla? Simple: thanks to TCFS, the game is now available on our platform as well! > Enemies to dodge, power-ups to collect, boss fights to overcome, hidden warps to find, and 30+ levels to complete: it's all waiting for you!


> The wait is over! TCFS pulls off the impossible once again, the highly anticipated conversion of the classic arcade game Turbo Outrun makes its debut on the Commodore Plus/4! > Turbo Outrun, originally developed and published by Sega in 1989, has captivated players with its fast-paced gameplay and thrilling races. For the first time, Commodore Plus/4 owners will have the opportunity to rev their engines and leave the other cars on the road in the dust. Watch out for those pesky cops though! Can you drive fast enough to make sure your girlfriend Norma doesn't leave you? > It's no hyperbole that Turbo Outrun is the best racing simulator on our system: great gameplay, awesome graphics with a great sound track. All this can be yours for the price of... absolutely free! What are you waiting for, go download it now! Also check out the companion demo: Turbo Outrun Music Box.


> Pi1541 is a real-time, cycle exact, Commodore 1541 disk drive emulator that can run on a Raspberry Pi 3B, 3B+ or 3A+. > Since V1.21 there are versions that run on an overclocked Raspberry Pi 0. Others have even had success running the PI0 version on an overclocked original Pi1. > Commodore 1581 emulation supported since V1.13 and V1.22 for the Pi Zero! > The software is free and I have endeavored to make the hardware as simple and inexpensive as possible. > Pi1541 provides you with an SD card solution for using D64, D81, G64, NIB and NBZ Commodore disk images on real Commodore 8 bit computers such as;- > Commodore 64 > Commodore 128 > Commodore Vic20 > Commodore 16 > Commodore Plus4 I got a ready made board a while back and it works brilliantly on the Plus/4.


From Plus/4 World: > The TED Vibes musicdisk got a sequel. > > For TED Vibes 2, 15 musicians from 9 countries joined to create music for the TED chip. Some of them are veteran musicians from the SID and AY scene. > > The result was an exciting and stylistically very diverse collection of music. The brilliant graphics were created by Pal / Offence, a well-known pixel artist from c64 and Amiga scene.


A Mastodon bot which posts TED Music from the HVTC on Plus 4 World.


This is a crosspost, but the original author has somehow missed the wonderful C16 version! ![]( It only had five screens, rather than being a larger open world. I spent ages playing this and didn't realise either of these things until recently. cross-posted from: > Commando (released as Senjō no Ōkami in Japan, Wolf of the Battlefield) is a 1985 Capcom arcade shooter. Word to the wise: Commando isn't based on the Schwarzenegger movie of the same name - that's some false knowledge I've carried round with me for close to forty years... oh, how I've embarrassed myself at dinner parties... > > ![The arcade version of Commando]( > > Commando is a vertically scrolling run-and-gun shooter where you play "Super Joe", a one-man army pitted against the endless ravenous hordes of whatever country was the mid-80s enemy du jour at the time. You have a gun with unlimited ammo, and a finite supply of grenades with which to dispatch your foes. While the gun can fire in any direction, the grenades only launch upwards, which creates a need for careful positioning in order to use them effectively. > > The game is split into levels, and each level ends with a heavily fortified building that spews out a huge number of enemies that must be defeated before you progress. > > It's a cool game, one of the first of its kind. It's also fast and frantic, and doesn't really reward slow and methodical play. You've almost got to treat it as an auto-scroller, never slowing down, just moving forward and spraying your gun wherever you can. If you don't, you risk being overwhelmed by the constantly respawning bad guys. > > It was a genre defining title, spawning many imitators (such as Ikari Warriors, the home Rambo games, and countless others; as well as a 198 sequel, Mercs). It was also extremely tough, especially the unforgiving end-of-level sequences. A real coin muncher. > > In terms of ports, it got more conversions than a corrupt third-world regime has cannon fodder mercenaries. And I've looked at them all... war is hell, man. > > So, lock and load, we've got a lot to get through... > > ![The Amstrad version of Commando]( > > We begin this epic journey with a familiar friend: the Amstrad. But it's not up here because it's terrible, far from it. It's actually a pretty decent conversion, albeit not as good as the Spectrum or C64. Like the Spectrum, it suffers a bit from its one-button joystick, meaning that grenades are fired by holding down the button, which leaves you a little vulnerable for a moment. I think I prefer the C64's approach of using the space bar for this. > > The graphics are bold and clear, if a little monotonous; the game is hard, but fair; and the sound is... okay. Overall, it's fine. Not the best, not the worst. > > ![The Spectrum version of Commando]( > > The Spectrum port of Commando is good, seriously. It just looks bloody awful. Not sure why they chose yellow as the background colour, but they did and you end up feeling like you're wading in custard. It's not the only port to feel like this. > > If you can ignore the stinky visuals, there's a great game underneath. It is fast, similar in pace to the arcade and has a similar frantic feeling. It throws hordes of enemies at you, just like the arcade... no idea how the Spectrum keeps up! Bullets are very visible, making it feel fair, even the sound is okay. > > Overall, a great effort! > > ![The C64 version of Commando]( > > I think C64 owners would claim Commando as their very own, and with good reason. It's very much a C64 staple. > > It's the theme music, you see? A Rob Hubbard classic, famously knocked up in 12 hours. And it's great! But beyond the awesome SID soundtrack, the game is amazing as well. Smooth, fluid, fair, fast, it just feels right. On the 8-bit micros, at least, it is the closest by far to the arcade. > > You could, perhaps, argue that it is a little bit... brown. But hey, so was the original. And it worked for literally every Xbox 360 game, so I'm prepared to let it slide. > > Well worth a look, even today! > > ![The BBC Micro version of Commando]( > > We leave the well-trod paths of 8-bit machines and enter the hinterlands... > > The BBC Micro, for those not raised in the UK in the 80s, was a machine that was only ever owned by the children of geography teachers. It was never meant to be a games machine, it was meant to be for learning or a tool for recreating the Doomsday book (don't ask). > > Nevertheless, it turned in a commendable effort on its Commando homework, a solid B-. > > Yet another victim of the yellow backdrop curse, this effort is garish and bright. It is also pretty slow, with jerky movement. That limitation kind of changes how you play the game. It becomes more intentional, less frantic. You can take your time a little, plot out the best place to stand and fight. In that respect, it's quite enjoyable. > > So a reasonable effort, if a little... yellow. > > ![The MSX version of Commando]( > > Sadly, the same can't be said about the MSX version, which isn't so much a war hero, as a war crime. > > It looks passable in still form, with colourful graphics that are reminiscent of the arcade. It has that old MSX thing of a multi-colour main sprite and monochrome enemies, but looks mostly fine. Sadly, it all comes apart when it moves... the main sprite jerks from character block to character block, the screen moves similarly badly. It's like viewing Commando through a flashing strobe light. The music is discordant and jarring, and plays in half-hearted 20 second bursts before giving up. Really off-putting. > > It's a shame, because it has all the elements of the arcade in one form or another. They're just put together in such a way that makes playing it feel like having a seizure. > > ![The Amiga version of Commando]( > > Enough with the garish 8-bit ports, let's take a look at what the 16-bit powerhouses can do... > > The Amiga turns in a solid effort. Pretty boring really, leaving me very little to comment on. It's Commando... slick, smooth graphics, solid controls, a nice rendition of the arcade music. It's enjoyable to play, but doesn't really push any limits... > > If you want solid, authentic competency, this is the port for you. But where's the fun in that? > > ![The Atari ST version of Commando]( > > Similar to the Amiga version, the Atari ST phones in another competent port. In fact, I actually prefer this version to the Amiga version. It feels looser, smoother, a bit faster maybe? Regardless, there's not much in it, with both versions having near identical graphics. The ST music is a bit chippier, but it still sounds authentic. > > Another great port! > > ![The Intellivision version of Commando]( > > Regular readers of these posts will know that what I value more than lazily applied raw power, is *moxie*. And this port has moxie in spades. It's an Intellivision, for goodness sake! From 1979! It has 1K of RAM! This machine has no business running a game like Commando... and yet... > > Okay, it doesn't look much like the original, with the chunky colourful sprites being whittled back to one colour stick men. But it moves kinda like Commando and it sounds kinda like Commando and it plays kinda like Commando. All of it powered by sheer moxie alone! > > It's not the best port here by a long way, but it is perhaps the most impressive. Importantly, it's also very playable, enjoyable even! It has *moxie*, see? > > ![The Atari 2600 version of Commando]( > > Now, there's moxie and there's wishful thinking, and the Atari 2600 (hailing from 1977) was more of the latter and less of the former. If the Intellivision port embodies the spirit of Commando, the Atari 2600 embodies the spirit of a two sentence description of Commando. It is super basic, super stripped back, and it doesn't really work, sadly. > > The graphics are limited, with yet more liberal use of yellow; the movement is perfunctory; the bullets frequently go missing and can't be avoided, and it's annoying to play rather than quirky. > > There are good 2600 games, games that are enjoyable even today, but this isn't one of them. Well, what do you expect? The console is basically just resistors! > > ![The Atari 7800 version of Commando]( > > Luckily for Atari console fans, the Atari 7800 version is actually quite good. It's a proper grown-up console version, comparable to the NES port, and very playable. It has all the bits and pieces from the arcade, and adds pick-ups to give you a more powerful gun, or a knife to enable hand to hand killing (run into enemies). > > It looks great and moves smoothly and, if you're playing the original cartridge, it uses an extra POKEY chip to give enhanced sound (one of only two 7800 games to do so). > > ![The NES version of Commando]( > > The NES version of Commando is probably the best of the bunch, possessing that slick console feel that leads to such great coin-op conversions. > > Superficially, it's a solid recreation of the arcade. It looks great, it sounds as good as can be expected, it is smooth, fast and frantic. It sometimes pushes the limits of the NES too far though, with the abundance of on-screen sprites causing some pretty epic sprite flicker. But you barely notice it in the heat of the action. > > Like several other NES conversions (Rygar, Strider), this one adds a number of little extras to prolong interest. It has powerups that can be collected for points or to make your weapons more powerful. Also, hidden around the levels and revealed by a well-placed grenade throw, are ladders. If you climb these ladders down, you're taken to a hidden bunker, containing either hostages, enemies or pick-ups. It doesn't add a great deal to the game, other than the need to locate these ladders, and you could even argue that it detracts from the frantic pace. But it's an interesting example of how developers tried to add a little bit extra to coin-op conversions back then. > > So there you have it, Commando. If you want to experience it today, try the C64 or NES versions for realsies, or the Intellivision version for interest.


cross-posted from: > I feel as if I've been hanging out at the arse-end of the 80s a lot recently, comparing ports on computers that had no business running them. I've long suspected that if you want to see 8-bit micros at their best, you're better served hanging around in 1986 rather than 1989. Things were so much more achievable back then... > > So, with a robust tailwind of realistic expectations at our backs, lets take a look at Tehkan's 1984 arcade hit, Bomb Jack. > > ![The arcade version of Bomb Jack]( > > Bomb Jack is one of those much-loved arcade classics that everyone knows but which never quite reached the same revered status as earlier hits like Donkey Kong or Pacman. It came at that inflection point in the arcades where single-screen, high score games were being replaced by more complex, sprawling coin-munchers. A kind of last-hurrah for wonderful simplicity. > > And Bomb jack truly has simplicity. It is played over five backdrops, where you play "Jack", a caped superhero, who is tasked with defusing a number of bombs that are sprinkled around the level. As you begin to collect them, a single bomb's fuse will ignite. Collect this, and you get a 200 point bonus and cause another bomb to light. Getting the highest score becomes a matter of strategically collecting the fizzing bombs and avoiding the unlit bombs. Or you could just collect bombs regardless and forgo the extra points. > > Standing in your way is an array of bad guys, from killer robots to um... birds. But you're not entirely defenseless, as you can pick up a "P" power-up that renders all enemies vulnerable and stationary, kind of like the power pill in Pacman. > > Ultimately, Bomb Jack is a game about movement. Jack can jump high into the air and, with a tap of the fire button, float slowly back down to earth, enabling you to collect the higher up bombs. This requires a bit of skill to master, and you'll need to use the float mechanic to avoid the screen's enemies. > > To emphasise this vertical motion, Bomb Jack's cabinet comes with a 3:4, "tate" mode monitor. > > Overall, it's a fun, bright score-chaser game, well worth a quick look. But how did it look on the home versions? > > ![The C64 version of Bomb Jack]( > > Oof. Slipping sheepishly into the hated first slot is the C64 version, easily the worst of the bunch. There's no reason why it should be, it just feels full of unforced errors. Like how chunky everything is. The Bomb Jack sprite and the enemies are just too big. It's difficult to move, difficult to soar, difficult to sneak in for swooping bomb collection moves. It's also muddy and grim, with some backgrounds being inexplicably the same colour as the bombs. > > Uniquely, among the original home ports, this version has a clunky rendition of Jean-Michel Jarre's Magnetic Fields playing in the background. But not even the Synth Pop King can save it from its grizzly fate. > > ![The C16 version of Bomb Jack]( > > Listen, as an old ZX Spectrum advocate, I appreciate moxy. And the C16 version of Bomb Jack more than makes up for its technical shortcomings with a generous dollop of moxy and chutzpah. It's ambitious in a way that 16k machines shouldn't be, and for that, it merits a flamboyant doff of the cap. > > But for all that it plays a surprisingly okay game of Bomb Jack, it's not amazing. For a start, it cuts down the number of backdrops to one or two, with subsequent levels being rearrangements of the platforms over the same background image. It's also very grey and dark, and it suffers the same chunky-monkey shortcomings as its big brother, the C64. > > Still, B+ for effort. > > ![The Amiga version of Bomb Jack]( > > A bad day for the Commodore brothers... > > While the C16 achieved a lot with precious little, the Amiga does sod all with a great deal. It feels like one of those early Amiga ports where the devs weren't quite up to speed with the powerhouse they were coding for, but it was actually released in 1988, two years after the 8-bit ports. For a game released in the middle of the Amiga's life, it plays remarkably badly. > > Movement is slow, laboured, stuttering. The graphics are bland. The three-bar theme music is infuriating... overall, a bad, bad port. > > ![The Atari ST version of Bomb Jack]( > > Sidling up alongside the Amiga version, wearing a self-satisfied smirk on its face, is the Atari ST version. Normally the sickly cousin of its 16-bit rival, the Atari ST somehow manages to win this inconsequential encounter. Its port looks virtually identical to the Amiga version, but it moves so much better. It is fast, fluid and plays largely the same as the arcade. Even the AY sound is inexplicably better. > > Word to the wise: By default, the ST version has "Mouse" as its initial control scheme. Yeah, I don't get it either. If you don't spot this, you may almost write it off without realising it's actually pretty good! > > ![The Amstrad version of Bomb Jack]( > > What's this? An Amstrad port sneaking ahead of the pack? Yep, it doesn't happen often, but the Amstrad version of Bomb Jack is actually pretty solid. It's appears to be based on the Spectrum version, but with a characteristically Amstrad-esque colour scheme (garish). > > It plays well, fast and fluid and with plenty of space to enjoy the soaring movement. Overall, not bad! > > ![The Gameboy version of Bomb Jack]( > > There's something uniquely reassuring about a console port, especially when viewed alongside home micro ports. They tend to have an extra level of polish, a feeling that the devs haven't just spent all their time working out how to get the thing to run, but also how it feels when it does run. > > The Gameboy port is a lot like that. It's Bomb Jack, sure enough, shrunk down, monochromed into that love-it-or-hate-it Gameboy green... but it feels so much better than the other ports. Movement is fluid, at a solid framerate. It feels more balanced. It has continues! Overall, it feels like a more modern experience. > > Then again, this version was released in 1992, a full 6 years after most of the 8-bit ports, and a lot of "user experience" water had passed under the bridge in that time. > > So for all that it is a great port, I'm going to have to mark it down slightly. Sure, it's a fun version of Bomb Jack, but why wouldn't it be? It was released in the same year as Streets of Rage 2! > > ![The Spectrum version of Bomb Jack]( > > Blimey! Taking the top spot, surprisingly, is the ZX Spectrum version... no, wait, hear me out... > > I know I come across as a bit of a Speccy apologist and, I admit, I served my time in the Platform Wars of the 80s. I've made baseless arguments about the Spectrum's capabilities that fly in the face of sense and logic at times. But, this time, I feel such hyperbole is warranted. > > See, Bomb Jack feels ideally suited to the Spectrum. It doesn't require any fancy scrolling, it is bright, it demands a reasonably high res screen and a fairly nimble CPU to move things around quickly. And those are things the Spectrum can do. > > Sure, our rubber-keyed pal opts for "any colour as long as it is black" for the sprites and platforms, but it kind of works. It lets the backdrops be outrageously colourful, just like the arcade. And it plays well too, moving just like the original, or so it seems to me. It feels right in a way that the Amiga and C64 ports don't. Even the humble 48k sound isn't terrible... bleeps and bloops and warbling jumps. > > I don't say this often, but if you're going to play a port of Bomb Jack, you should definitely check out the Spectrum version...


cross-posted from: > Stunt Car Racer For The Plus/4-


In the early 80s I saw my first C-64 at my cousins place. We gamed a lot and I so wanted one of those. I begged my parents like every month, while some of my friends were given C-64s in the meantime, telling me they will share with me all of their (not so rightfully copied) games. They finally gave in and gifted me smth at my next birthday. I unpacked it and ... shit, this wasn't a beloved C-64, it was a C-16. WTF parents? (I was a young brat and didn't really grasped the concept of being grateful at all.) They thought a Commodore is a Commodore, right? So, with no games (I bought some good titles later on) I thought about what to do with this computer. Hello Syntax Error hmmm What's my name? Syntax Error Stupid computer... there has to be a way the computer learns my name... Started to take baby steps in Basic. 10 Print "your name is Downcount" run This really made me some kind of happy. Second "program" asked me "What's your name" just to print the result in an endless loop. I began to be obsessed with this "great" Basic and started to write little and bigger programs as a hobby which many many years later led to being actually being paid for writing lines. So: Thank you parents, sorry, I was such a brat and thank you C-16 for being such nice low entry device for learning about soft- and hardware.


cross-posted from: > Play online here


The biggest resource for the C16 and Plus/4