Penguin Pebbles

This fishy likes to flick at the surface of his aquarium tank and roll his eyes mysteriously.


Species: Jack Dempsey cichlid fish *named after the Hungry Jack food chain in Australia (known in the USA as Burger King).


Image: A poodle laying down on a sidewalk while wearing aviator glasses with blue-tinted reflection on the lenses. Found this guy chilling at a local art fest.


Here’s a disabled turkey I like so much that passed away a month ago…my siblings enjoyed her for being sweet and funny.


![]( ~~This tree was fallen over at a nearby shopping center. I think lightning may have knocked it over because~~ the break almost seemed explosive and the inside of the truck looked burnt. Any ideas? According to [](, it seems like the tree was suffering from rot. See his comment below for elaboration.


First post here, coincidentally I stumbled on this image and I quite liked it because it is precisely what I do to my kids and myself. Also, just got in here, so hello everyone.


Image: 8 king-sized birthday cake KitKats King size birthday cake for $1.50 each. I bought the entire stock.


My dog was growling at the backyard. I went to go check, and the hawk was back there smacking something in the grass with its foot. I didn't see what they were getting at, but they hung around for a little while scoping out the rest of the backyard. I originally thought it was a Cooper's hawk, but now I'm unsure. This was in Florida. Please let me know if anyone can identify it.


I'm sorry because I love the idea of this community and I want to contribute more to it bit things have been super hard lately. I did get a new hamster a while back though and I'm so glad he's settled in well :)


This is deadnettle that I used to cook with along with onion grass and wild garlic in college! ![]( I also found a chestnut tree in the woods at college and it was so fun roasting them :) ![]( ![]( This is early in its life cycle but young garlic mustard (terribly invasive where I live) is also decent as seasoning. ![]( ![]( Another young plant that's only really good to eat when young is fiddlehead ferns! Specifically ostrich ferns are the best to eat around here and I blanch them, then sautee like asparagus! ![]( One of my favorite foods that I've foraged is a kind of jelly mushroom! I'll post pics of it growing and then after my partner and I prepared them. ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( This one doesn't look like a plant but it is! Ghostpipe doesn't have chlorophyll because it's parasitic and actually feeds off the roots of other plants. They're fragile enough that touching them is often enough for them to die. I do know some people use them medicinally in tinctures but I don't know anything proving or disproving that. ![]( ![]( I have a lot more but these are my faves and this post is already so long lol


Foraging makes me happy and wineberry season is my favorite. I'm gonna put some more images in the body! ![Soaking the berries]( ![Adding lime zest, juice, and sugar before simmering it into a jam]( ![Lots of jam!](


Image: Photo of an official yellow diamond traffic sign that reads "CHILD WITH AUTISM"


Image: photo of a double rainbow after a storm