
The Israel Air Force is crafting a recommendation to increase production of bombs, missiles and other ammunition at home, in an attempt to reduce its dependence on other countries, especially the United States, a senior air force officer says. The air force’s stance echoes one by Israel in 1967. After the Six-Day War, French President Charles de Gaulle imposed an arms embargo on Israel, which included tanks, missile boats and Mirage jets. Israel then switched over its dependence on a foreign power to the United States, which provides the air force with all of its fighter planes and some of its bombs, missiles and intelligence equipment – on top of the development of joint weapons systems for all three layers of air defense. The senior air force official told Haaretz that without the Americans’ supply of weapons to the Israel Defense Forces, especially the air force, Israel would have had a hard time sustaining its war for more than a few months.


cross-posted from: > By Common Dreams staff > > September 3, 2024


cross-posted from: > >Britain, Israel and Australia are refusing to release evidence of the killing of an Australian aid worker and six colleagues in Gaza in April. > > >Vital evidence of the killings of seven international aid workers in Gaza in April is being withheld by Britain and Israel who are each refusing to release publicly electronic recordings made that fateful day.


cross-posted from: > >Israeli forces stormed Tulkarem camp early on Thursday, facing heavy resistance from local factions > > >Imad Shraim, Muawiya Ahmad, and Wassim Anbar were the three who were killed in the bombing, according to WAFA. > > >Resistance in the occupied West Bank has surged to new heights in the last two years. Palestinian resistance operations against Israelis have witnessed a sharp rise, and resistance factions across the territory continue to rise in prominence. > > >There has also been a massive spike in army and settler violence against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank since 7 October.


Reddit is a treasure trove of pseudo intellectual arguments that are use to defend Israel actions (mass murder of civilians, mass deporation of civilians, mass starvation of civilians, denial of a palestinian state or of any legal status to the palestinian people, continued decades long seige/embargo) I'm not an academic but I believe one could write a serious volume of literature with the content I have found there, and it could be used to understand in detail how a seemingly liberal and progressive population can come to not just defend, but actively support the actions of an apartheid state. Does anybody know of anyone that is compiling comments and post on reddit for this purpose?


> “Every single signatory to this letter treated children in Gaza who suffered violence that must have been deliberately directed at them. Specifically, every one of us on a daily basis treated pre-teen children who were shot in the head.”


> Several months after Hamas’ 2006 election victory, Haniyeh sent a letter to U.S. President Georg W. Bush, in which he called on the “American government to have direct negotiations with the elected government”, offered a long-term truce with Israel, while accepting a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders and urged an end to the international boycott, claiming that it would “encourage violence and chaos”.'. The U.S. government did not respond and maintained its boycott.