
- The number of peers will now be shown on a Torrent item while it's seeding. - Significant improvements to PRO license checks and reliability. - Made various optimizations to image loading. - Other performance optimizations and improvements all throughout app. - Added IMDb rating to search results during add Movie/Show flows. - Fixed issue where you could get an error changing the monitoring status of some shows in Sonarr. - and more!


**New** You can now filter a Cast/Crew's credits list by All, Movies, and TV Shows and sort the list by title, date, and rating. You can now choose a default sort for Manual Search Results in Sonarr, Radarr, and Readarr within their settings page. You can now sort Sonarr's Show list by network. Egypt is now a supported country in Dashboard's country list. **Improved** Tapping on an episode in Dashboard -> Calendar will now take you to that specific season and highlight the specific episode. Calendar entries now use a dot to represent the service, rather than a vertical line. An error message will now appear when the bottom sheet add dialog in Radarr, Sonarr, Lidarr, and Readarr auto closes due to an error. Re-ordered Support Settings to put Help and Logging Center together in the list. Updated various libraries. **Fixed** Fixed issue where visible tiny borders would show on the corners of movie posters in Dashboard lists. Fixed an issue where choosing default sort in Sonarr as Notifications wouldn't actually work. Stability improvements.


Thank you all for your kind words, support, and donations for celebrating nzb360's 11 year anniversary! They are much appreciated. =) Improved - Updated various libraries. Fixed - Fixed issue where Manual Importing for Sonarr/Radarr would revert back to the previous screen. - Fixed issue where "Downloading Soon" section in Dashboard movies wouldn't respect the disabled setting. - Stability improvements.