MPV command line video player

I get this when i try to run mpv in console: ``` D:/Programs/SMPlayer/mpv/mpv/mpv.conf:12: unparsable extra characters: 'add video-aspect +0.04' D:/Programs/SMPlayer/mpv/mpv/mpv.conf:13: unparsable extra characters: 'add video-aspect -0.04' D:/Programs/SMPlayer/mpv/mpv/mpv.conf:14: unparsable extra characters: 'add video-zoom .02' D:/Programs/SMPlayer/mpv/mpv/mpv.conf:15: unparsable extra characters: 'add video-zoom -.02' D:/Programs/SMPlayer/mpv/mpv/mpv.conf:16: unparsable extra characters: 'set video-zoom 0 ; set video-aspect 0' D:/Programs/SMPlayer/mpv/mpv/mpv.conf:20: unparsable extra characters: '+KP8 add video-pan-y -.02' D:/Programs/SMPlayer/mpv/mpv/mpv.conf:21: unparsable extra characters: '+KP6 add video-pan-x .02' D:/Programs/SMPlayer/mpv/mpv/mpv.conf:22: unparsable extra characters: '+KP2 add video-pan-y .02' D:/Programs/SMPlayer/mpv/mpv/mpv.conf:23: unparsable extra characters: '+KP4 add video-pan-x -.02' D:/Programs/SMPlayer/mpv/mpv/mpv.conf:24: unparsable extra characters: '+KP5 set video-pan-x 0 ; set video-pan-y 0' D:/Programs/SMPlayer/mpv/mpv/mpv.conf:44: unparsable extra characters: 'volume=volume=-3.2dB' D:/Programs/SMPlayer/mpv/mpv/mpv.conf:47: unparsable extra characters: 'lowshelf=gain=1.5:f=105:q=0.71' D:/Programs/SMPlayer/mpv/mpv/mpv.conf:50: unparsable extra characters: 'equalizer=gain=-3.5:f=200:q=1.41' D:/Programs/SMPlayer/mpv/mpv/mpv.conf:53: unparsable extra characters: 'highshelf=gain=5.5:f=2300:q=0.71' D:/Programs/SMPlayer/mpv/mpv/mpv.conf:56: unparsable extra characters: 'equalizer=gain=-1.0:f=2400:q=3.0' D:/Programs/SMPlayer/mpv/mpv/mpv.conf:59: unparsable extra characters: 'equalizer=gain=-2.4dB:f=3800:q=6.0' D:/Programs/SMPlayer/mpv/mpv/mpv.conf:62: unparsable extra characters: 'equalizer=gain=-8.0:f=5150:q=5.5' D:/Programs/SMPlayer/mpv/mpv/mpv.conf: too many errors, stopping. [file] Cannot open file 'audio-device=help': No such file or directory Failed to open audio-device=help. ```


cross-posted from: > []( > > Through the menus, the user can : > > - Select directly a station from the **Favorites** list (which is configurable). > > - Select a **random station** out of this list of Favorite stations. > > - Select a **tag** to pick a station from. > > - Select to pick a station from **All Stations**. > > - Select a **random station** out of this list of **#tag** stations. > > - **❌ Quit pyradion**. > > --- > #### Recording > > **Recording a radio stream** in **pyradion** can be done easily, just by hitting **r** or **R**. > > ![record.png]( > > The user will be notified through the *status line* of the recording taking place, and of the **output file name**. > > **Editing the `pyradion.config` file, the user will be able to define output audio file directory.** > > If the title is available by the stream, the file will take its name by it. > > If title is `Not Available`, the file will take a date/time for name. > > #### Output File Format > > In order for recording to work for **mpv**, *output file format* must be the same with *stream format*. > > Therefore stream format is recognised, and passed to the output file (e.g. *mp3, ogg, aac*). > > --- > > This project shares more or less the same logic with a previous project in `Bash`: > > []( > > although with this Python script some more features are available. > > > > ___ > > >


Edit: I don't know why but specifying the filename of the script-opts file made it work even though the basenames are the same. Change: From: -- Define a table with default options local o = { memory_usage_percentage = 80, reserved_memory_gb = 6 } -- Read the options from the script-opts file options.read_options(o) -- Print the read options for debugging purposes"memory_usage_percentage: " .. o.memory_usage_percentage)"reserved_memory_gb: " .. o.reserved_memory_gb) To: -- Define a table with default options local opts = { memory_usage_percentage = 80, reserved_memory_gb = 6 } -- Read the options from the script-opts file (require 'mp.options').read_options(opts, "demuxer-max-bytes") -- Print the read options for debugging purposes"memory_usage_percentage: " .. opts.memory_usage_percentage)"reserved_memory_gb: " .. opts.reserved_memory_gb) Original post: I am making a lua script to adjust buffer size dynamically based on available ram. The script is working with the hardcoded values: memory_usage_percentage = 80, reserved_memory_gb = 6 but it is not reading the new values from my script-opts file. Do you see why? cat /home/cmysmiaczxotoy/.config/mpv/script-opts/demuxer-max-bytes.conf memory_usage_percentage=70 reserved_memory_gb=8 cat /home/cmysmiaczxotoy/.config/mpv/scripts/demuxer-max-bytes.lua (Now edited with fix) -- Require the necessary modules local mp = require 'mp' local msg = require 'mp.msg' -- Define a table with default options local opts = { memory_usage_percentage = 80, reserved_memory_gb = 6 } -- Read the options from the script-opts file (require 'mp.options').read_options(opts, "demuxer-max-bytes") -- Print the read options for debugging purposes"memory_usage_percentage: " .. opts.memory_usage_percentage)"reserved_memory_gb: " .. opts.reserved_memory_gb) local function is_windows() return package.config:sub(1,1) == '\\' end local function set_memory_properties(free_mem_kib, total_mem_kib) -- Calculate the percentage of the total memory in KiB local allowed_mem_kib = total_mem_kib * (opts.memory_usage_percentage / 100) -- Convert reserved memory from GB to KiB local reserved_mem_kib = opts.reserved_memory_gb * 1024 * 1024 -- Calculate the amount of memory to use, leaving the reserved memory free local mem_to_use_kib = allowed_mem_kib - (total_mem_kib - free_mem_kib - reserved_mem_kib) -- Apply various checks and calculations to mem_to_use_kib if mem_to_use_kib > free_mem_kib - reserved_mem_kib then mem_to_use_kib = free_mem_kib - reserved_mem_kib end if mem_to_use_kib < 0 then mem_to_use_kib = free_mem_kib - reserved_mem_kib end if mem_to_use_kib < 0 then mem_to_use_kib = 1024 end -- Convert to bytes and round to nearest integer local mem_to_use_bytes = math.floor(mem_to_use_kib * 1024) -- Set demuxer-max-bytes to the calculated value mp.set_property("demuxer-max-bytes", tostring(mem_to_use_bytes))"Set demuxer-max-bytes to: " .. mem_to_use_bytes .. " bytes") -- Set cache-related properties mp.set_property("cache", "yes") mp.set_property("cache-pause", "yes") mp.set_property("force-seekable", "yes") mp.set_property("demuxer-readahead-secs", "30") end -- Function to gather memory info on Windows local function get_memory_info_windows() local ps_script = 'Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem | ' .. 'ForEach-Object { $_.FreePhysicalMemory, $_.TotalVisibleMemorySize }' local handle = io.popen('powershell -NoProfile -Command "' .. ps_script .. '"', 'r') local free_mem_kib = handle:read("*l") local total_mem_kib = handle:read("*l") handle:close() return tonumber(free_mem_kib), tonumber(total_mem_kib) end -- Function to gather memory info on Linux local function get_memory_info_linux() local total_mem_kib = 0 local free_mem_kib = 0 local meminfo ="/proc/meminfo", "r") if meminfo then for line in meminfo:lines() do local key, value = line:match("(%w+):%s+(%d+)") if key == "MemAvailable" then free_mem_kib = tonumber(value) elseif key == "MemTotal" then total_mem_kib = tonumber(value) end end meminfo:close() end return free_mem_kib, total_mem_kib end -- This hook runs at the start of file loading mp.register_event("start-file", function() local free_mem_kib, total_mem_kib if is_windows() then free_mem_kib, total_mem_kib = get_memory_info_windows() else free_mem_kib, total_mem_kib = get_memory_info_linux() end if total_mem_kib > 0 then set_memory_properties(free_mem_kib, total_mem_kib) else mp.msg.error("Could not determine total memory.") end end)


cross-posted from: cross-posted from: **radion** is an internet radio CLI client, written in Bash. []( Radion can be costumized as far as the station selecting program is concerned. The user can choose between: - **read** ![read]( - **fzf** ![fzf]( - **rofi** ![rofi]( - **dmenu** ![dmenu]( --- **Update**: Introduced new feature: costumizing prompt text for fzf dmenu and rofi. --- **Update**: **Recording functionality added**, with the use of another (you guessed it) bash script ![icy]( Also options in `read` as Preferred selector are also case insensitive. Any feedback is appreciated!


cross-posted from: > This script will get MPV watch history from files watch_later dir and display them in reverse order of watch. The list is numbered and a prompt for a number will play the desired file in MPV > > Need line "write-filename-in-watch-later-config=yes" in mpv.conf > Deps rg (ripgrep) > > ``` > #!/usr/bin/env bash > # Return mpv watch history oldest to newest. > # Need line "write-filename-in-watch-later-config=yes" in mpv.conf > # Deps rg > > watch_later_dir="$HOME/.config/mpv/watch_later/" > > SAVEIFS=$IFS > IFS=$'\n' > > if [ ! -d "$watch_later_dir" ]; then > echo "Specified dir doesn't exist: $watch_later_dir" > echo "Set var watch_later_dir to your watch later dir" > echo "also, mpv.conf should have line \"write-filename-in-watch-later-config=yes\"" > exit 1 > fi > > watch_later_files="$(find "$watch_later_dir" -type f -printf "%T@ %p\n" | sort | sed 's/^\([0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\) //')" > > file_count=$(find "$watch_later_dir" -type f | wc -l) > > if [ "$file_count" -eq 0 ]; then > echo "no files found in \"$watch_later_dir\"" > exit 1 > fi > > watch_later_files=($watch_later_files) > > filepaths_not_echoed="$(for (( i=0; i<${#watch_later_files[@]}; i++ )) > do > cat "${watch_later_files[$i]}" | rg -o --color=never '(/|http).*' > done)" > > filepaths_not_echoed=($filepaths_not_echoed) > > # Reverse the order of array > length=${#filepaths_not_echoed[@]} > for ((i=0; i<length/2; i++)); do > temp="${filepaths_not_echoed[i]}" > filepaths_not_echoed[i]="${filepaths_not_echoed[length-i-1]}" > filepaths_not_echoed[length-i-1]="$temp" > done > > filepaths="$(for (( i=0; i<${#watch_later_files[@]}; i++ )) > do > echo -n "$(( $i - $file_count +1 )) " | sed 's/^-//' > cat "${watch_later_files[$i]}" | rg -o --color=never '/.*' > done)" > > #echo "$filepaths" | perl -pe 's/^(\d+ ).*\//$1/g' | rg \ > echo "$filepaths" | sed -E 's/^([0-9]+ ).*\//\1/g' | rg \ > --colors 'match:none' \ > --colors 'match:fg:0,200,0' \ > --colors 'match:bg:0,0,0' \ > --colors 'match:style:bold' \ > "[^0-9 ].*" > > IFS=$SAVEIFS > > read -p "Enter number to play " selection > > echo "${filepaths_not_echoed[$selection]}" > > setsid >/dev/null 2>&1 </dev/null \ > mpv "${filepaths_not_echoed[$selection]}" 2>&1 >/dev/null & > ``` >