
My wife thinks I hate animals. Whenever the kids ask for more pets my wife instinctively goes, "Your father won't like it." And I make a big show about being annoyed. Ive been lying for my entire relationship. It started when I was dating my wife, and she made a big deal about how her dog hates strangers. So during the initial visit, I hid treats in my pockets. The dog saw me as a magical snack fairy. My wife was amazed and I scored some points with her. Over time, the dog loved me more. Then we got two kittens. She had to leave while I worked at home, and the kittens saw me as their owner. By the third year, all the animals snuggled with me while my wife would sit alone on the empty side of the sofa. And she'd feel jealousy and sadness. So Ive started to make a fuss about the pets. Id move them off of me. I'd ignore them. I shoo them away if they were too close. Over the years, they went towards my wife (and then kids) for affection. And as we got more pets, it kept happening. Two dogs and five cats over fifteen years. They'd all start with giving only me affection until I train them to latch on to another. It doesnt bother me to be the bad guy, if my family can be the good guys. And I still give them affection/pets when nobody is around. Tl;Dr: animals love me but that makes members of my family jealous, so I have to lie and pretend I hate them.


At first I just wanted to make my life less haunted by Stove Jobs and Bill Gatos Does this have something to do with not having any very close friends in college yet? Edit: or did the difficulty of making GNU + Linux work for me make a difference?


It's fairly straightforward. I'm in my 20s and I feel no desire to spend any time with her. She's always been a deceptive and conniving person, and literally tore apart our family and her marriage because of it. Why would I WANT to spend time with you? And her latest thing the past few years now is to always steer the conversations when I DO go see her to "men dressing like women to go rape women in the bathroom". Or "the [slur]'s just make it so hard to support the gays". She says these things, and all of her grandchildren push back. Hard. We treat everyone the way we would like to be treated, simple as that. So stop spreading bigotry and this bull crap when you go play bingo every week. Ugh. Happy fourth of July?