

- By the Government’s Own Definition, It’s Censoring - Government Officials Treated Internet Monopolies Like Their Subordinates - Judges Likened Government Behavior to Mobsters - Censorship Is Election Interference - Democrats Want Free Speech for Themselves While Banning It for Their Enemies - Today’s Internet Is Still Massively Rigged


During the summer of 2020, at the same time thousands of BLM protestors were taking to the streets of Washington, D.C. and covering public spaces with paint and chalk, two pro-life activists were arrested for chalking the words “Black Pre-Born Lives Matter”on a public sidewalk. The Frederick Douglass Foundation and Students for Life of America, who organized the pro-life protest and filed the lawsuit over the arrests, “plausibly alleged” that the statute’s enforcement was viewpoint discrimination, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia found.


He faces absurd charges of spying, when he never spied. His crime was to embarrass the US government by selectively releasing information that Washington had tried and failed to keep secret. I do not think this is a crime, here or there. Claims are made against him, by supporters of the extradition, which I do not think are true. He took considerable care not to release material which would endanger or compromise individuals, and if he were an American citizen he would certainly be protected by the First Amendment to the US Constitution, which safeguards journalists – as Mr Assange is – from the anger of the state.


Maybe I’ll put the book in Chinese and ask the Chinese regime to post it, in which case Zuckerberg would dare not block it.


Subjected to 13 hours of police interrogation, authorities dug into her past, charging her with three counts of “agitation against a minority group” for the tweet, in addition to a 2004 church pamphlet and 2019 radio appearance. Without free speech, there can be no freedom, and the enormous implications of this case for fundamental freedoms have triggered international outrage. Finland, regularly ranked as the “happiest” country on Earth, is known as a stable bastion of European democracy. If this can happen there, then we must all beware.


There are three main components of the machinery of loneliness: - identity politics, - political correctness, and - mob agitation. Identity politics strips us of our individuality, and divides us into camps sorted by various identities of “oppressor” or “victim.” Political correctness controls our speech by inducing us to self-censor under threat of ostracism. Mobs take different forms, but they serve to enforce all of the above while cultivating conformity, compliance, and social distrust. The machinery is further fueled in other ways to threaten people with isolation if they don’t conform. These include propaganda, censorship, the criminalization of comedy, and snitch culture. New technologies play a role too. If we can’t speak openly to one another, we cannot organically develop bonds of trust. And if we can’t develop trusting relationships—whether as family, as children of God, or as friends and cheerful neighbors—then we’ve gone a long way towards a Stockholm Syndrome-like dependence upon our government captors.


The Biden Administration is deeply upset that they are losing one of the key tools they have to impose a false consensus. They already functionally control most of the MSM and social media is one of the few places that alternative viewpoints can be propagated. With the 2024 election right around the corner, the government is concerned that not everybody will be forced to hail Joe Biden as a loving father and savior of American democracy. One of the keys to the strength of the case against the government is that there is a treasure trove of actual communications in a paper trail, making clear that there weren’t abstract discussions about what is true or false, what should be amplified or not, or anything high level like that. Rather the government demanded specific claims, specific accounts, and even specific true statements be de-amplified or outright banned in order to further their narrative. Democratic governance runs on debate, and that was exactly what the government did not want. The lack of ambiguity is powerful, proving that the government’s claim that they had a public interest in ensuring that citizens were given only the best information during a crisis was false. While even that government interest seems weak sauce compared to the First Amendment, it is also demonstrably not what the government was interested in. They simply wanted a particular narrative put forward as a consensus position, and lashed out at any dissent. Threatening a company if they didn’t shut somebody up is hardly the act of a purely public-spirited civil servant.


“Freedom of religion or belief – and the freedom to express that belief – is a fundamental human right,” “Nobody should fear criminal charges for expressing a peaceful opinion on social media.”


"These emails leave no doubt that Katie Hobbs abused her position of power in government. She violated the First Amendment rights of people across Arizona in order to suppress valid criticism and prop up her 2022 gubernatorial campaign." He added, "It’s imperative that further investigations be initiated to shine a light on just how far Hobbs’s unconstitutional censorship campaign went — and whether it continues today."


“She said ‘I think she’s a lesbian like nanna Julie,'” Snow recounts, noting that the female officer had short blonde hair. “I just felt a jolt on my back… the officer had launcher herself in my home at me and Amanda. She was grabbing her.” “She was crying and saying sorry to the police woman. That’s when I grabbed my phone and started recording.” In terrifying footage twice-removed by TikTok, Amanda is heard screaming and crying as multiple West Yorkshire Police officers surround the cupboard she had backed herself into for safety. “You’re going to remove her for what? Because she said the word lesbian? Her nana is a lesbian, she’s married to a woman. She’s not homophobic!”


They’re essentially holding a gun to our head and saying, “Nice little website you’ve got there. It’d be a shame if anything happened to it.” They’re leaving us with two choices: stop writing about these important topics, or keep on writing about them and lose money. They think squeezing us financially is how they’ll finally silence us. The Left doesn’t have good arguments on these topics, so they’re using the immense power they hold over the digital ad industry to shut us up.


The study is a roadmap on “how to censor people using secret methods so that they wouldn't know they're being censored, so that it wouldn't generate an outrage cycle, and so that it'd be more palatable for the tech platforms who wouldn't get blowback because people wouldn't know they're being censored,”


It has been revealed that a special agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation made "false statements" in his testimony regarding the agency's involvement in the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story. Elvis Chan claimed during an October 2022 deposition that the FBI had not communicated with Facebook aside from a meeting that took place the day the story broke. New evidence has shown that Chan himself held a follow-up meeting the next day. Chan, a repeat Democratic Party donor, then claimed that he was unaware of any further communications between "anyone at Facebook and anyone at the FBI related to the Hunter Biden laptop story." As Jordan explained, this was "completely false," drawing attention to internal documents obtained by the Committee proving that Chan held a secret "follow-up" call with Facebook on October 15.


This morning several of the images and videos were blocked saying the images and videos potentially contained sensitive content. Seemed to be coming from Twitter Here is an example of one of the videos. https://twitter.com/sneednorwood/status/1687583114657189888?s=20 Can you tell me why that is sensitive content?


The sole purpose of the organization is to harass internet advertisers from posting ads on conservative websites in order to silence conservative voices and put them out of business.


Critics of the authority’s behavior here – like Brazil-based investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald – see this as a way to completely silence the online personality known as the country’s version of Joe Rogan. And do this without any due process, as well.


Comes with an assurance that the tool remains shielded against censorship and retains its core focus on user privacy.


Holsey-Hyman is being investigated by the State Bureau of Investigation following a developer’s allegation that she attempted to solicit a bribe in exchange for her vote on a rezoning proposal. She has also been accused of improperly attempting to enlist city staff to work on her reelection campaign. Freeman made news in March when her defense of Holsey-Hyman during a contentious city council meeting led to a profane shouting match that reportedly turned physical. On Wikipedia, the allegations and shouting match are summarized without any apparent factual error and with links to news articles as references. But Rehberg wrote in the letter that Holsey-Hyman “contends that the allegations are fabricated” and thus seeks to obtain the identity of user Willthacheerleader18, who created Holsey-Hyman’s page and wrote much of its content. Holsey-Hyman also requested the identity of user Mako001, who “insisted on preserving a link to Durham City Councilwoman Jillian Johnson” on her page after another user removed it.


Sex Matters purports to contribute meaningful dialogue in the public sphere. Its mission lies in fostering discussions around biological sex differences and challenges the prevalent gender ideology.


“If you were unfairly treated by your employer due to posting or liking something on this platform, we will fund your legal bill. No limit. Please let us know,” Musk wrote in a post made Saturday night. Musk further pledged that such legal battles would be carried out on a significant scale and will target not only the companies but their boards of directors as well. “And we won’t just sue, it will be extremely loud and we will go after the boards of directors of the companies too,” Musk wrote


"I've known that I've been throttled on social media. A lot of weird things happen to me ... I knew that something was going on, because people weren't seeing me as they had before. So I figured there was some kind of shenanigans happening."


“This complaint concerns the freedom of speech and the extraordinary steps the United States government has taken under the leadership of Joe Biden to silence people it does not want Americans to hear,”


"We know from the Facebook Files that the Center for Countering Digital Hate was working with the White House to censor speech," said a senior GOP congressional aide. "But how far did it go? Republicans want to find out, and of course subpoenas are on the table if we don’t get answers."


What we are witnessing is the modern-day equivalent of book burning which involves doing away with dangerous ideas—legitimate or not—and the people who espouse them.Seventy years after Ray Bradbury’s novel Fahrenheit 451 depicted a fictional world in which books are burned in order to suppress dissenting ideas, while televised entertainment is used to anesthetize the populace and render them easily pacified, distracted and controlled, we find ourselves navigating an eerily similar reality. Welcome to the age of technocensorship.


"Amici States, too, routinely engage with social-media companies on content moderation, including to exchange recommendations on best practices and to report specific content that violates the platforms' own terms and services," the brief reads.


The left wants to make it illegal to disagree with them, it’s really that simple. Doesn’t that sound an awful lot like… authoritarianism and fascism?


cross-posted from: https://exploding-heads.com/post/565719 > If you don’t agree with the regime, they try to disbar you and they try to imprison you. > > What does that sound like? Sounds like Communist China to me. Not the United States of America. > > This is a violation of his right of free speech. You even have a right to lie under the First Amendment. Now, he (Trump) didn’t. The strange thing here is the people lying are the people bringing this and this count they have here, conspiracy against rights. They should be indicted for conspiracy against rights for bringing this indictment…… I would seriously consider indicting them for 18 USC. Section 241. For indicting a man for exercising his right of free speech, that’s a conspiracy against rights. These people are dangerous. > > There’s no way this wasn’t rushed, because it’s also poorly written and has a lot of mistakes in it. > > Yesterday, Biden got his head kicked in completely. The false exculpatory statements that were revealed yesterday, 24 of which most lawyers would understand this, completely convict him. > > Under the law, a false exculpatory statement is as powerful as a confession that comes right out of evidence, textbooks. What Archer did is prove that for ten years, Biden has been lying completely. > > All of that can be used against him as evidence of guilt. It’s very, very powerful. It’s much more damaging than, I think even a lot of the Congressmen realized.


Weak spineless politicians. The correct answer is free Julian Assange and any other Australian journalists subject to political persecution by USA with 48 hours or: - impose a 25% tax on any goods/services purchased from USA which runs a huge trade surplus with USA. - all Americans working at Pine Gap spy facility will be deported and all access to Pine Gap information will be cut off. Then every 48 hours Assange remains imprisoned, announce another round of punative damages. > While Wong says the Australian government wants the case against Assange to be brought to an end, it has not impacted ties between the US-Australia. After signing the AUKUS military pact that will eventually allow Canberra to acquire nuclear-powered submarines, the US and Australia continue to increase military cooperation. > After two days of talks in Australia, the two sides announced the US would expand its military presence in the country by sending more submarines, adding regular rotations of US Army watercraft, and collaborating on joint missile production. The US expansion in Australia is part of its military buildup to prepare for a future war with China. Australia has loyally fought every war at America's side since WWII. That cannot continue if America persecutes Australian journalists.


The Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) and its backers have been actively working to assert false and misleading claims encouraging advertisers to pause investment on the platform. X is a free public service funded largely by advertisers. Through the CCDH's scare campaign and its ongoing pressure on brands to prevent the public’s access to free expression, the CCDH is actively working to prevent public dialogue. We have identified several ways in which the CCDH is actively working to prevent free expression. That includes: - Targeting people on all platforms who speak about issues the CCDH doesn’t agree with. - Attempting to coerce the deplatforming of users whose views do not conform to the CCDH's ideological agenda. - Targeting free-speech organizations by focusing on their revenue stream to remove free services for people. - Attempting to illegally gain unauthorized access to social media platform data and to misuse that data.


The news media has for some time been working in concert with civil society organizations, government, and tech platforms, as part of the censorship apparatus.


We have collectively watched as doxxing has destroyed lives, how one social media misstep can cost jobs, careers, and relationships. The anons don't deserve that, none of us do, but we all have the right to speak out, to say our piece, whether we stand on our own names, on avatars, or do so pseudonymously. Defenders of free speech must also defend the anons, it's the American thing to do.


Thus far, no individual or agency has yet been punished for constitutional violations related to social media censorship of the American people, and establishment journalists have spent the better part of the last six months attempting to dismiss the Twitter Files and any government partnerships with Big Tech as nothing more than "conspiracy theory."


“The WH has previously indicated that it thinks humor should be removed if it is premised on the vaccine having side effects, so we expect it would similarly want to see humor about vaccine hesitancy removed,”


The White House demanded to know why Facebook had not censored a clip from Tucker Carlson’s show on Fox News. In response, Facebook was “ready to tell the White House that it had demoted a video posted by Tucker Carlson by 50% in response to the White House’s demands, even though the post didn’t violate any policies.” Jordan also revealed that the U.S. Surgeon General also intervened to ask why Facebook had not censored the so-called “disinformation dozen” — a group of accounts questioning official COVID-19 policy.


cross-posted from: https://exploding-heads.com/post/402154 > cross-posted from: https://exploding-heads.com/post/402145 > > > Prolonged lockdowns, deadly hospital protocols, censorship of doctors, fraudulent “studies” and dangerous defamation of safe, effective medications, and an unprecedented, worldwide experimental injection campaign... > > > > The cost has been catastrophic. > > > > Now, allegations and evidence will be presented to the public. Due process will be upheld; and so will the law. Retribution will be demanded—and justice must be served. > > > > It is time for The Reckoning > > > >