Canterbury, Kent

cross-posted from: > When Europe’s heaviest land mammals were introduced into a woodland on the edge of Canterbury, it was hoped they would flourish and make space for other wildlife. > > But the European bison have been so successful in West Blean and Thornden Woods that more space must be made for them – in the form of Britain’s first ever bison bridges. > > Four bridges costing a total of £1m are being built in to allow introduced bison, which are classified as dangerous wild animals in UK law, to cross the maze of public footpaths in the ancient woods without interacting with people.


cross-posted from: > > The quip by Canterbury funnyman Mark Simmons took the acclaim at this year’s Edinburgh Fringe - which finishes on Bank Holiday Monday. > > > > The performer, who appeared as a panellist on the long-running BBC satire show Mock The Week, saw two of his jokes named in the top 15 of the U&Dave’s Funniest Joke of the Fringe Festival competition > > > >His winning gag was a simple one-liner: “I was going to sail around the globe in the world’s smallest ship but I bottled it.”


cross-posted from: > Residents and visitors to Canterbury have been treated to the unusual sight of baby beavers swimming in the River Stour. > > The babies, called kits, are thought to be the first to be born in a wild urban setting in England for centuries. > > The semi-aquatic rodents are known as a keystone species because of the enormous impact they have on the wildlife around them. > > Sandra King, chief executive officer of the Beaver Trust, said: "It's so exciting to see them here."