
Invidious link: [\_lAg](


Private foundation is an institution with a very special status. They are tax exempt private organizations yet they are still allowed to invest into for profit companies. Foundations can hold corporate stocks and bonds and generate revenue this way. There is only one major condition they have to fulfill to keep their tax exempt status - and that is to donate 5% of foundation's total assets on annual basis. So when you hear a billionaire donating their wealth to charity and it's going through a foundation, up to 95% of it can go into profitable investments. In practice, all foundations' assets in the US amount to more than $1 trillion. Yet, they donated only $90.88 billion in 2021.


"Çatalhöyük: a 9000 year old town" Relatore: Ian Hodder (Professor of Anthropology, Stanford University) Project Director of Çatalhöyük Research Project ([]( Abstract This talk describes the fascinating and important early town of Çatalhöyük in central Turkey. The site is important because of its large size and elaborate symbolism, including wall art and burials beneath the floors of houses. The speaker has been excavating at the site for 25 years using the latest scientific techniques. A very large team has been piecing together the detailed evidence of the site in order to understand how the society was organized, how it lasted so long, and what its rich symbolism means. Martedì 24 luglio 2018, ore 20.30 Scuola Superiore di Catania Anfiteatro - Villa San Saverio


It's time to discard some common misconceptions and rethink our perspective on human history, so that we can truly reckon with the scope of our political pos...


MindMetricsHub Hello, everyone hope you all are having a nice day, i and a couple of my colleagues have made a discord server called MindMetricshub, we are a community that hope to foster knowledge sharing and discussion centered around human cognition, 2 of our members are currently norming some cognitive tests and one of them is hoping to create an assessment of g that's based primarily on games. We also offer about 7 different cognitive psychometric instruments namely: Wechsler Adult intelligence scale fourth edition (WAIS-IV) Stanford Binet Fifth Edition (SB-V) Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence (WASI-2) Reynolds Adaptive Intelligence Test (RAIT) Kaufmanns Brief Intelligence Test - Second Edition Revised Ravens 2 and PPVT-5 (from Pearson Q-global) all these can be administered for a fraction of what they originally cost (this is our attempt to raise some revenue lol)If you are interested please join our server link below ( when you initially join there would be limited access to features in the server please be patient we will grant you access within a short time) []( [\#brainfood](


Sister channel to History of the Universe channel [](


Snake's tongue has two sensitive tips, called tines, which help the snake smell in stereo.